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Everything posted by wld427

  1. its actually a series of animations and clouds that generate the explosion. For my missile i just uses a line to init the nuke.sqs script
  2. wld427

    Evolution Edit

    What i am trying to do is add some of the newer add ons into the enemy spawn script. like the BMD, BTR80, and T64. Also i would like to make the ambulance the spawn point. If anybody can help with this please chime in. Thanks Eddie
  3. wld427

    Ex-mil players?

    Current active duty in iraq. We play here on a small router about 15 of us.
  4. wld427

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    would sombody PLEASE change the respawn to the Ambulance. What i am looking for is a plain Vanilla EvoBV2 with the respawn made mobile by the ambulance.
  5. alot of the problems with the VTE stuff is simple refining. The pilot sitting outside the aircraft was a simple fix..... i just moved the proxy in o2. You are not the only one with the rock problem i was never able to sort it out. I loved this stuff so much that i wound up creating individual PBOs for the equipment i wanted to use. I would love to hear for the guys on this MOD if they are still working on it. If not would they mind allowing the community to continue refining everyhting on an individual basis.
  6. Miles i would love to make some missions with your units..... i just need them......then i could make missions.......
  7. wld427


    wow that suggestion makes me think of the RV in the movie "Stripes"..... what a spectacular idea!!
  8. i bet you played with alot fo firecrackers as a kid.....
  9. why do you want to explode the TOW?? we can't do it in real life?...... would be quite effectve if we could but the TOWIIB detects the target below it then detonates on its own
  10. wld427


    the flag pack is simply a pbo full of jpeg images. all tyou need to do is is put your jpeg in your mission file and then go into the editor and place any flag pole. then on the init line put this setFlagTexture "Canada.jpg" on whatever your flag name is
  11. wld427

    Mass problem????

    my point is just behind the nose of the bomb.
  12. So i made a new Mk84 bomb for my airplane.... now why does it elevate slightly when released from the airplane??
  13. wld427


    I want to male a roundel for my aorplane.... bit how do i make the background texture transparent. IE when i make the background transparent in PS and then flatten it to make it a PAA it paints the background white! Is there a way to remove the white with texview?
  14. wld427


    well i wanted to use it in 4 spots on the aircraft as well as make 2 more nations on the same airframe once i learn to make the decal.
  15. wld427


    ughhhh now when i applied the decal to the surface in the game it gives a CTD. here is a screenshot of the error message. I scaled the image down ot fit the wing of my plane. thats all i did to it. http://www.savefile.com/files/1488257
  16. wld427


    ok i guess i just suck i thought i had all that and did it in the order you suggested.... Guess i need to practice some more THANKS a bunch
  17. wld427


    http://www.savefile.com/files/1487873 here i uploaded the psd. if you can fix it can you please explain what i was doing wrong? THANK YOU SO MUCH
  18. wld427


    It keeps sticking the white background layer in when i save the tga. how do i prevent this??
  19. wld427


    I am using PhotoShop....
  20. I am working on one of my test mule aircraft learning to do proxies. {EDIT}
  21. wld427

    Weapon Proxies

    Ok i remember that problem from OFP but after studying the SU34b from the MLODS it seems they have proxies for both missiles and the rocket pods.... either way..... @GNAT what i was saying is that my missile is named "proxyweaponBarak" or "Barak".... As a test to find my issue i copied and pasted the BIS AGM114proxy(without renaming it)....voila my missile is there. and it works..... Scince it is not broken i won't fix it but i perplexes me why this worked.
  22. wld427

    Weapon Proxies

    Well i have the proxies working but....... I want to add two types of custom missiles to my aircraft. no matter what i name the proxy in the O2 it still comes up as my number one missile. I defined the new missile in my config. The other strange thing is no matter what i name the proxy in O2 for the primary missile it still comes out as the #1 rocket.....
  23. wld427

    USAF F-16C Falcon

    EddyD how are those other skins coming?
  24. agreed..... except i think they are more focused on creating content that they themselves can be proud of.....
  25. wld427

    F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

    I just want to be clear to use the GUI as is all i need to do is remove my triggers...... does the ammo truck still need to be named "ammotruck?