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Everything posted by wld427

  1. - Will the new vehicles be using the RHS armor system? sure.... my vehicles are set up the same way. Most use RHS base classes. Will some of the new vehicles feed back into RHS mod for other factions? No.... RHS is of much higher quality and standards than the models the EXT portion of the mod is using. - If not, will you allow retextures? maybe
  2. wld427

    Project RACS

    Flight testing of all new MirageIII SCJ.
  3. wld427

    Project RACS

    Merry Christmas from Project RACS. Your favorite often imitated, never duplicated, shitty, substandard MOD.
  4. wld427

    Project RACS

    2Para Pathfinders.... doing what they do.....
  5. wld427

    Project RACS

    portions of it yes. The IVECO basic trucks will be there and possibly the Pinzgauers.
  6. wld427

    Project RACS

    Right now just RHS. I really cant answer that.... i have been trying to keep up with the changes BIS has made but right now my planes are horribly broken and still need work. Ive been working on the Infantry recently. I hope to get to the armored vehicles soon. There will be a crapload of content... i do this for fun so i could never really tell you what will get done or when. If i have showed a photograph here (except the planes) it is most likely complete.... what else gets worked on or added depends on my mood.
  7. wld427

    Project RACS

    3rd Mountain Division has been called in from the mainland.... just in case...
  8. wld427

    Project RACS

    Ch53E Sea Stallion helicopter CHE53 Slingloading M-102 Field Gun
  9. wld427

    Project RACS

    I am very limited on the amount of time i have to mod lately so here are a few things i have been able to complete. M-101 105mm howitzer M-114 155mm Howitzer M-1 155mm Howitzer/coastal artillery
  10. wld427

    Project RACS

    King of battle always ready.....
  11. wld427

    Project RACS

    Regular foot patrols continue in the lowlands. Always watchful of anything to the north......
  12. had this issue as well. for me it turned out to be PhysX related. Once my planes were updated it seemed to go away. Not sure what the exact issue is. I thought it might have to do with the new wheel brakes. Most likely the models being dragged instead of rolled now.
  13. Anyone know who did the German Army textures for the Ch53?
  14. i see there is a config setting to limit a pylon to a pilot or turret. BUT is there a config entry to limit a weapon to a turret? for example... AH-1 cobra can carry both rocket pods and TOWS on all 4 pylons. Rocket pods should be slaved only to the pilot and TOWs should be slaved to the gunner regardless of which pylon they are on. Is it possible without scripting? is there a config value that covers this?
  15. Sorry to necro a thread but i see there is a config setting to limit a pylon to a pilot or turret. BUT is there a config entry to limit a weapon to a turret? for example... AH-1 cobra can carry both rocket pods and TOWS on all 4 pylons. Rocket pods should be slaved only to the pilot and TOWs should be slaved to the gunner regardless of which pylon they are on. Is it possible without scripting? is there a config value that covers this?
  16. wld427

    Project RACS

    Morning foot patrol between Ortego and Corozol looking for any signs of enemy activity in the sands.....
  17. wld427

    Project RACS

    looking for someone with knowledge to help edit weapons. The meshes are all in game, textures done, need help with zeroing and adjustments/testing the like.
  18. wld427

    Project RACS

    No. I originally toyed with the idea of another Takistani extension, but witht he way A3 turned out and the large mods(CUP, RHS, VTN etc) not being very compatible with each other, it just didn't make sense. Today's news..... morning foot patrol around the Parasio Airfield in new Arid Sahrani DPM. Also lugging it about in the new rifleman version of the Sahrani Military Industries licensed copy of the CIRAS vest and LWH.
  19. No thank you. The closest thing maybe will be a D-44 but i dont see much more than that for large guns.... Also. If anyone is interested in helping out i could use a lot of help on the PhysX for the plane wheels and flight profiles. The planes are all set up properly and working but fine tune adjusting the values is tedious and time consuming. So if anyone is interested in getting the opportunity to help out and play early withe the addons, and understands the PhysX. PM me.
  20. precisely why your request will simply fall on deaf ears.
  21. well then maybe if you tried doing this stuff yourself you would learn to appreciate just how much work goes into each and every thing an addon maker has to put into the game for you. You would stop begging for things and appreciate what you do have a little more and stop using phrases like "low quality". everyone has different opinions on different things. There is no such thing as standardization unless BIS put it in the game for us. Try recommending changes to an addon makers content with some "quality" feedback if you find errors or dont like something. You expect something to be perfect for you in your liking yet you wont put in the sweat to do it yourself..... sounds like entitlement to me. You need to consider things like maybe the addon maker made the weapon lighter or heavier to work with a specific vest or to counter the stamina system. You could also consider learning to make your own "patch" pbo where you can change things in the config you dont like. Again try something yourself instead of standing around waiting for somebody else to do it for you. That is how this community was built.
  22. anything is possible.... especially if you are willing to get off your ass and do it yourself...... The Arma engine and tools provided by BIS leave us all with a wide open world. Anything you can dream up can be put into this game.