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Everything posted by wld427

  1. wld427

    Re-uploading mods on the workshop

    moral of the friggin story..... if its not yours don't upload it. slap em with the ban hammer.
  2. ^^^^^ simply the best! well done as always Cannonsong! Stay tuned folks he has a lot more to show you.
  3. wld427

    Tigris / Cheetah

    could always make a personal PBO with a config adjustment if you want to play in single player.
  4. What is meant by "when shit is pressed" ? specifically what? this error report has absolutely no useful information other than pointing out an inability to properly use the word "shit". what is the script error? other mods running? screenshot? version used? dev branch? come on man....
  5. just need to add one line to the config mate.... class nape_LightExp { simulation = "light"; type = "ExplosionLight"; position[] = {0, 0, 0}; intensity = 2; interval = 1; lifeTime = 20; };
  6. wld427

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    point the nose at the target
  7. wld427

    Re-uploading mods on the workshop

    and posts like this and this general attitude are exactly why most modders for the series have quit....
  8. wld427

    Re-uploading mods on the workshop

    This topic should have been closed a long time ago with the statement...... "IF IT IS NOT YOURS JUST DON"T F@$KING DO IT".
  9. yes there is a lot of homage to the original SLA army with primary vehicles wearing the plain light field green. There will also include some variations. Stand by for the next spotlight from Cannonsong.
  10. again as i said i do like feedback and discussion. So if you do have any suggestions or ideas please feel free to share and we will discuss them here.
  11. I am stealing this phrase, will use it the rest of my life, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.....
  12. Out of curiosity what exactly do you mean? as stated before i really like feedback and discussion on the addons. Helps me to explain and justify my decisions. with that said i have been persuaded to adjust, change, and modify things in the past. Hell.... one time Darkhorse talked me into adding an entire marine wing to the RACS.... it was a hell of a lot of work but it made sense and i did it... tell me whats on your mind
  13. wld427

    2nd American Civil War/WW3

    just LOL.... I have already begun collecting assets for my new CSA. Its going to be lots of freedom loving dudes with AKs, AR15s, shotguns, 4x4 trucks, slingloadable bass boats and cases of Budweiser. The cammo will be either mossy oak or realtree. got to have trucker hats and every vehicle will have a Dale Earnhardt #3 on the side. wonder where i can fit cowboy boots in there..... oh and tobacco stained shemaghs... anyone want to do the north eastern army with pew pew pistols, skinny jeans, shiny belt buckles, and Starbucks cups?
  14. wld427

    2nd American Civil War/WW3

    i kinda just want to do a modern Confederate Army simply to piss people off.... but seriously everything Delta Hawk just said is absolutely on point. America will tear itself apart long before any successful invasion could ever be mounted... I picture groups of states or individual states defended by militias.... anti gun zones like California and New York will be an absolute blood bath. probably 3-4 smaller countries carved out of the United States.... South, East, Southwest... all fighting over the fertile plains.... A modern CSA or a likeness there of would also make sense.... had they won the war the south had no intention of invading the north. .... Mexico and the Caribbean would have been another story. PS... so no one calls me a bigot or racist.... Take the slavery issue out of the US Civil War and i believe the south had the right idea with its government. The Confederacy returned to a government of strong local and state governments, directly representing its people, banded together by a small federal government to handle foreign affairs. I have always believed this was the intention of the Founding Fathers and not the federal monstrosity we have today. With that said I am a very loyal citizen of the United States. I have fought and bled for it a few times.
  15. To be fair, i do like feedback.... but i am pretty set in what i have already done with the infantry. plus you have not seen the Revolutionary Guard yet nor the Especas and other stuff yet. In fact so far we have only shown about 30% of the mod that is already done. Plus i just got permissions for several more vehicles to be added, and i have not even started making funny rocket launchers and home brew vehicles yet..... this mod will be a crap ton of fun..... i promise
  16. wld427

    2nd American Civil War/WW3

    Quite frankly i want to actually do this now.... just to be politically incorrect and piss people off.....
  17. I shyed away from those modern Russian helmets. They really are not that widely distributed. Plus i didn't want to make the troops look too Russian. I am looking for a feel of the Arma1 SLA units with the thought of them purchasing every a lot of legacy Eastern Bloc hardware out there, to refill and fix an unsuccessful ORBAT from the first war. Sort of a lessons learned kind of thing. So i guess i don't want them to be "modern" but more "modernizing".... does that make any sense?
  18. wld427

    2nd American Civil War/WW3

    i would be into making a modern Confederate Army.... no matter how politically incorrect it may be.
  19. Hey all, I am an addon maker... not missions. For years in A1 and A2 i had mission makers help me out with a small trigger that i could walk in to and it would spawn one of my ordnance or bombs 100 meters or so in front of me so i can write and test blast effects. would anyone be willing to give me a hand? regards wld427 Eddie Project RACS
  20. Work continues on the MiG21.... new AA-2 Atoll courtesy of RKSL-Rock. Thanks buddy. Did someone order some napalm?
  21. one of the best i have ever seen, spectacular.....
  22. I thought i was already conscripted.......
  23. Someone should check on the King of Sahrani.... he may have come down with polonium poisoning.