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Everything posted by wika_woo

  1. wika_woo

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Hey guys, made a vid for the addon :cool: FA-18 (Death From Above)
  2. wika_woo

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    The new updates are sweeet, just an incredible addon :)
  3. Yes it would be cool, I'm not sure if arma can produce that complex scripts for the time travel feature, i mean i have no idea at all how to make an addon, maybe the interior lights would be similar to a police unit car?..
  4. I've been seeing this addon created for a few games like crysis and GTA series, is it possible to be imported or created for arma II?.. Back to the future mod
  5. Awesome, more objects to blow up :)
  6. This is really cool.. Loving the concept of this :)
  7. wika_woo

    Diving Under Water

    Now that looks tense!.. Also imagine a shark in the way :S
  8. The bridge looks EPIC... Can't wait for the release!
  9. Made a new Artillery Bombardement video.. Artillery Part 2 Hope you enjoy :)
  10. wika_woo

    LPD-29: San Antonio Class

    really enjoyed the video, nice to see more boats added :) grabbing
  11. wika_woo


    wow these look amazing!.. grabbing them now
  12. wika_woo

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Great news on release, will check it out.. cant wait!
  13. New Video, Operation Blade Arma 2 - Operation Blade Have a goose!
  14. a short quick vid, 1 us marine, against a group of opfors?.. who you gonna call? http://youtu.be/LSH0SJINWvs
  15. wika_woo

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    something i whipped quickly.. http://youtu.be/LSH0SJINWvs Can't seem to get the embed link to work
  16. wika_woo

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    Can anyone let me know the animation scripts for driver lock, stow gun etc please?.. so i can use them for playmove and switchmove anims Need them for a video im working on.. thanks
  17. wika_woo

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    Thanks guys, i'll have a goose at it later on.. no matter how many times i miss, this thing is still addictave!.. :)
  18. wika_woo

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    I can set a co-ordinate and altitude ok, but my hits seem to be a grid box away from target, when i launch a standard HE round.. I use takistan map too and its the updated paladin version.. any help please?.. :) Other than that, this is a beast of a toy!
  19. wika_woo

    Ikar's F-14 Tomcat v1.6

    HUGE thanks for the massive update and SP missions :D
  20. wika_woo

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    Any custom sp missions for this baby?.. I'm in love with this new toy..
  21. awesome!.. can't wait for this toy!
  22. These LOOK amazing! Can't wait to try these babies out! :eek:
  23. This looks awesome, but didnt someone make a truck/trailer for arma I, but never release it?.. there's a youtube vid here
  24. wika_woo

    daveygarys Rangers

    I'm absoluteley loving these units.. outstanding stuff!
  25. wika_woo

    Co20 F-14 Tomcat Carrier Operations

    sorry, but i tried the best i can to make it SP operational.. Even in the editor it Arma II wont find the mission on necro island :(