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About walterwilli

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  1. walterwilli

    Arma freezes after disconnecting from Multiplay

    No, that's the problem. As I mentioned before I haven't changed anything. The only thing I could remember was the installation of the newest directx version. No mods, just the original installation of arma and the patches. I 'll try to reinstall my sound driver of my X-Fi Platinum with the original openal drivers from creative. I hope this will help. But thanks for your efforts! If I found a solution I will tell the community! Greetings from germany!
  2. walterwilli

    Arma freezes after disconnecting from Multiplay

    Thanks for your fast answer, but the firewall is disabled and I've installed the latest patch 1.02. Even deleting my profile and create a new one didn't help. First I thought it could be the latest directx version (dec2006) but a lot of people uses this version and had no problems.
  3. Hi ! I hope someone can help me. Arma worked perfect till yesterday. Suddenly I can't disconnect from multiplayer. Arma freezes completly. Even stoppping Arma in task manager didn't work anymore. I 've reinstalled ARMA new. I can play arma in sp and mp without any problems but in the moment I try to leave the multiplayer and get into the main menu arma freezes. The only method to play arma again is a hardreset. I've searched several forums but no solution for this problem. Perhaps someone here could help me. Thanks! Here my hardware and software: ASUS PC-DL 2 x XEON 3,06 GHz 2 GB RAM RAID 0 2 x 250 GB Seagate SATA Gainwaird Bliss 7800GS+ AGP Windows XP SP2 inkl. all SP (complete new installation) Directx 9c (dec2006) Arma SP 1.02