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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Klurs,TCP Nem zombies,Nim weather,Flashlight addon
  2. william1

    Nem Zombies with TCP anims

    05 May 09 , updated TCP Nem zombies to version 0.62 and TCP Nem zombies Schnapsdrosel civilians expansion to version 1.1 .See first page for details and links
  3. william1

    Nem Zombies with TCP anims

    well you can play with the speed values in the zombie animations , i haven't tested it though so don't know if it would give the desirable results.
  4. william1

    Vilas' addons

    good idea to make a separate config addon , the updates are much easier this way :bounce3:
  5. william1

    Nem Zombies with TCP anims

    please leopard update the link in Armaholic because i updated the addon, description and requeriments since i submitted the news , sorry the inconveniencies , thanks
  6. william1

    Nem Zombies with TCP anims

    NeM_Zombies_Civilian_expansion ver 1.0 this addon adds all Schnapsdrosel civilian characters to the TCP Nem zombies repertory. just put the pbo along with Schnapsdrosel civilians ver 1.0 in your mod/addons folder. you will find them under Independant - NeM zombi civilian fast/NeM zombi civilian slow. ( along with the normal and fast default BIS TCP Nem zombies). NOTE: this addon is not compatible with the default BIS units TCP NEm_zombies.pbo, you will have to use only one at a time. the ressurection option is available for all BIS units and all Schnapsdrosel civilians , but only the ones that can be found on the civilian side , it won't work for Schnapsdrosel west/east mercenaries. needed addons: Schnapsdrosel civilian pack 1.0 (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4180) extended eventhandlers credits : ofpforum - Nem zombies Teacup - zombie animations Schnapsdrosel -civilian pack william1 - addon config all nem zombies developers. link: http://files.filefront.com/NeM+Zombies+Civilian+exp+1rar/;13711651;/fileinfo.html
  7. william1

    Vilas' addons

    in the first page in this thread
  8. william1

    Valhalla Mod - WIP

    excellent ! :partytime: downloading now thanks
  9. william1

    Some single player missions

    you can try "the cause" by rejin , it's a sp campaign with several nice missions , no sf or infiltration , only regular army , with good cutscenes and story: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1624 no addons needed
  10. william1

    New beta patch 1.16

    my Arma goes like a rocket now with beta patch 1.16 , i tested a couple of missions in Everon 2.0 and the improvement regarding yesterday and 1.15 is impressive , never played Arma so smoothly :)
  11. william1


    FFN_REPLACEMENT_RANGE.pbo is made for FFN mod ver 0.82 and it only enables the dodge movement when the soldier is hit, it doesn't enable FFN AI. version 0.83 of FFN mod is way much better than ver 0.82 so you'd better delete the old version and let the newest.
  12. william1

    New beta patch 1.16

    maybe inertia?
  13. william1


    FFN_REPLACEMENT_RANGE.pbo is not made for FFN mod ver.0.83 , it is for an earlier version . delete it and let only TR_FFN_MP_REPLACEMENT.pbo , other way any kind of nasty errors can happen
  14. william1

    New beta patch 1.16

    yeah , thanks BIS for the patch , your work to improve the game is always apreciated
  15. excellent! :partytime: thanks
  16. william1

    Sap Everon 2.0

    excellent work , best Everon available so far thanks mate
  17. realize that indeed it doesn't run on my (not so old) computer :mad:
  18. Arma II'd better run on a shitty 3.20 Gz Pentium D because other way it won't run at all. :depressed:
  19. william1

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    will there be a demo prior the release ?
  20. william1

    BI Forums downtime

    i love emoticons , the more stupid the better :partytime: :936: :31:
  21. william1

    Reset a second time?

    since the new forum is more powerful than the old one , will some of the rules be revised like the no pics over 100kb one ? :man3: (hey ! new emoticons :D )
  22. william1

    Arma 2 Spamming all the ARMA websites

    well, it is suposed that all Arma players will be interested aswell in the development of Arma 2 ,since it is is its natural sequel. Maybe it's as simple as that .The thing is to complain about everything.Â
  23. william1

    need help for translation

    ah ok , that's correct then
  24. william1

    need help for translation

    // BRIEFING STR_BRIEF_DIAG_6,"-se devuele... by "se devuelve... Â //VOTE STR_VOTE_DIAG_AUX2,,"color fumogenas" by fumigenas (don't know if you put it right due to the special characters, but just in case )
  25. william1

    need help for translation

    Spanish: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // MISSION NAME / DESCRIPTION STR_MISSION_DESCR,"Por Eraser [ZDROB] // RADIO MENU STR_TXT_WEATHER,"Clima" STR_TXT_SCORE,"Puntuacion" STR_TXT_VOTE,"Votar" STR_TXT_GEAR,"Armamento" // INFO STR_BRIEF_DIAG_1,"- Coge una bandera enemiga y llevala a una bandera aliada" STR_BRIEF_DIAG_2,"- No entres en las bases enemigas" STR_BRIEF_DIAG_3,"- No entres en una base aliada con una bandera enemiga" STR_BRIEF_DIAG_4,"- Carrera de bandera: %1 p. para el equipo, %2 p. para el corredor" STR_BRIEF_DIAG_5,"- Toque de bandera: %1 p. para el equipo, %2 p. para el corredor" STR_BRIEF_DIAG_6,"- Se ha devuelto una bandera %1 segundos despues de que muriera el corredor" STR_BRIEF_DIAG_7,"- Si todas las banderas son capturadas seran devueltas tras %1 minutos" // CTF MESSAGES STR_CTF_NAME_WEST,"Oeste" STR_CTF_NAME_EAST,"Este" STR_CTF_WEST_WINS,"Oeste gana!\nOeste %1 - Este %2" STR_CTF_EAST_WINS,"Este gana!\nOeste %1 - Este %2" STR_CTF_DRAW,"Empate!\nOeste %1 - Este %2" STR_CTF_RETURNED,"La %1 bandera ha sido devuelta" STR_CTF_ALLRETURNED,"Todas las banderas han sido devueltas" STR_CTF_CAPTURED,"%1 ha cogido la %2 bandera" STR_CTF_DELIVERED,"%1 ha puntuado por %2" STR_CTF_PICKEDUP,"%1 ha recogido la %2 bandera" STR_CTF_KILLEDATFLAG,"%1 ha muerto justo antes de coger la %2 bandera" STR_CTF_DROPPED,"%1 ha dejado caer la %2 bandera" // GEAR DIALOG STR_GEAR_DIAG_TITLE,"Armamento" //VOTE STR_VOTE_DIAG_TITLE,"Parametros del juego" STR_VOTE_DIAG_NMAGSRFL,"Municion para rifles" STR_VOTE_DIAG_NGRENRFL,"Granadas para rifles" STR_VOTE_DIAG_NMAGSMG,"Municion para ametralladoras" STR_VOTE_DIAG_NMAGSSNIP,"Municion para rifles de francotirador" STR_VOTE_DIAG_NMAGSHGUN,"Municion para pistolas" STR_VOTE_DIAG_NMAGSAUX1,"Granadas de mano" STR_VOTE_DIAG_NMAGSAUX2,"Granadas de humo" STR_VOTE_DIAG_AUX1,"Tipos de granadas de mano" STR_VOTE_DIAG_AUX2,"Color de las granadas de humo" STR_VOTE_DIAG_OVERCAST,"Nubes" STR_VOTE_DIAG_FOG,"Niebla" STR_VOTE_DIAG_RAIN,"Lluvia" STR_VOTE_DIAG_TIMESKIP,"Saltar horas" STR_VOTE_DIAG_PARAM1,"tiempo/puntuacion" STR_VOTE_DIAG_PARAM2,"armamento" STR_VOTE_DIAG_WHITE,"blanco" STR_VOTE_DIAG_GREEN,"verde" STR_VOTE_DIAG_RED,"rojo" STR_VOTE_RESULT,"Resultado de las votaciones : '%1' = '%2'." STR_VOTE_RESULT_TIMESKIP,"Resultado de las votaciones : saltadas %1 horas." STR_VOTE_START,"%1 empezo la votacion para '%2'." STR_VOTE_FAILED,"Votacion cerrada, no hay mayoria ('%1')." // PARAMETERS STR_PARAM1_TITLE,"tiempo/puntuacion" STR_PARAM2_TITLE,"Armamento" STR_PARAM1_24_H,"24 horas" STR_PARAM1_5_M,"5 minutos" STR_PARAM1_10_M,"10 minutos" STR_PARAM1_15_M,"15 minutos" STR_PARAM1_20_M,"20 minutos" STR_PARAM1_25_M,"25 minutos" STR_PARAM1_30_M,"30 minutos" STR_PARAM1_45_M,"45 minutos" STR_PARAM1_60_M,"60 minutos" STR_PARAM1_3_P,"3 puntos" STR_PARAM1_6_P,"6 puntos" STR_PARAM1_9_P,"9 puntos" STR_PARAM1_12_P,"12 puntos" STR_PARAM1_15_P,"15 puntos" STR_PARAM1_18_P,"18 puntos" STR_PARAM1_21_P,"21 puntos" STR_PARAM1_24_P,"24 puntos" STR_PARAM1_27_P,"27 puntos" STR_PARAM1_30_P,"30 puntos" STR_PARAM2_COMPLETE_MENU,"menu completo" STR_PARAM2_RIFLES_MENU,"menu de rifles" STR_PARAM2_GL_RIFLES_MENU,"menu de rifles gl" STR_PARAM2_MACHINEGUNS_MENU,"menu de ametralladoras" STR_PARAM2_SNIPER_RIFLES_MENU,"menu de rifles de francotirador" STR_PARAM2_HANDGUNS_MENU,"menu de pistolas" STR_PARAM2_SERVER_SELECTION,"-> seleccion de servidor" STR_PARAM2_RANDOM,"-> aleatorio"