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Everything posted by williec

  1. williec

    Tonal unit replacement

    No offense, but I'd like to have a say about how some of this gets used, and have a hand in quality control. Nice idea, and as deadmeat, honcho, hellfish, ebud, ironsight, etc know I had already started a Tonal unit replacement pack ages ago. Deadmeat and a few others had been sent a version very similar to this a long time. I just didn't make a patcher and release it. I like where your going, and feel that it would be nice to have a say.
  2. williec

    Novajev Island Released

    after reading the above post I decided to try this out. Usually I never DL any islands unless they are completely custom. Wow, this island is a treat. I did like themaster303 and grabbed a motorcycle and just drove around. Next thing I know it's 3am It just felt "right". Very impressive
  3. williec


    The update has been done since about a week after release. Sounds fixed, truck fire lods fixed, face switching in vehicles fied, etc etc. All changes sent to Honcho for testing weeks ago. Haven't heard anything since then. Also if anyone has changes of their own they'd like to have in this, such as the above icons, then please pm honcho about having it put into a patch.
  4. williec

    Sgt Eversmann's SWAT Units V2

    The heads are not defined as osobnost. At least the first one I looked at. Try redefining them as a first try.
  5. williec

    Sgt Eversmann's SWAT Units V2

    ok, you used Offtimes units. Your angry at me now?
  6. williec

    Sgt Eversmann's SWAT Units V2

    So I can take whatever I like from this addon now and that's ok right? Right? Ok? Maybe you asked to use them and I don't remember. I doubt it though. Look at the DMA Euro readme for how you should add credits. Here I'll save you some time. If you took them from the any of the Toyota Wars addons, then you could have at least looked in the readme and asked to use them as in those readmes I go into great detail who made what and where I got some things from AND what I made form scratch... ie most everything. I feel like a hypocrite bitching since I used some faces in the dma work from another game and some photo references I didn't shoot, so I'll stop now, but FFS you should have asked any feckin' way. <edit> Nice units BTW. Are the pics correct? Are the units different heights? <edit> <edit2> Here is DMA readme from the recent addons. All had the same lines.<edit2> I would have said ok, as people were nice enough to give Honcho or I permission to use small parts of their work for the DMA work.
  7. williec

    Bushfires Mod

    as Hellfish mentioned, the infantry are pretty much done, just need to get back to them as they were put on hold while I did the DMA Africans/Libyans/etc. Now that those are done, bugs fixed (in testing I assume), now I can finish the Bushfire units once I get a stretch of freetime. They're done, just not "finished".
  8. williec

    Vietnam: The Experience - v0.2

    Sorry to steal the thread for a bit. I hope Snake won't get mad, and this will be the only pic from me as I hope to stay out off the boards like always, but here is an very very very early pic of some units based on the Chadian\Libyan\Euro units I did. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/williecofp/all.jpg Early w.i.p., nothing final, just several units that have been started. I'll let Snake take over info on these from here on out. Just a teaser. Most likely a couple months from completion. <edit> also no unit suggestions/comments/requests are needed or wanted at this point :P By me anyway.<edit>
  9. williec

    Vietnam: The Experience - v0.2

    If you have seen the DMA European Resistance units or the DMA Toyotas Wars units I did and liked either of them, then you will like the future unit updates I've been working on for Snakeman. All unit models are being redone. No timeframe for release, but they are starting to look pretty good early on.
  10. williec

    ACU soldiers

    No, on page 5 there is a pic of VBS1 ACU units
  11. williec


    They Toyotas were made to be a standalone addon needing no other addons. With the Toyota Wars mod they have appropriate drivers, this also will not change.
  12. williec


    Thanks, but I doubt that will be fixed.
  13. williec

    Face text

    Try this. For the Toyota wars mod make sure the dma_facetex1.pbo is in the addons folder within the mod folder. If your using units FROM the dma with ANOTHER mod make sure any and all DMA addons are IN the ADDON folder within whatever mod your running. My suggestion is to leave the default addons folder and the res/addons folder alone and never put anything in them. Probably not a good suggestion, but I've never had issues with the faces as I was making them, or now when I play them. If the faces you see on the DMA units that came with the Toyota wars mod are screwed up in-game, you are just not putting them in the correct folders for how you want to play. OR you are running multiple mods and one mod is screwing with the other.
  14. williec


    Just an update. All of the bugs have been fixed and are being tested/adjusted. 1. Face problem in vehicles. 2. Some headgear showing up in vehicles. 3. Toyota sounds. 4. Toyota fire geometries totally redone. 5. Toyota dammage values being adjusted, especially the tires. 6. Toyota dammage textures toned down for 1/2 dammage. 7. Weapons for marksmen. 8. Ammo for crew. Thats all I can think of that's needed to be fixed. If I missed anything I'm sure someone will remind me No idea when a patch will be ready. Â
  15. williec


    No, I didn't know about it until now. Just don't have the time to watch all threads all the time. Well, this should put a patch off for about a week or so, and it will mean pretty much every pbo will need to be downloaded again. But I'll fix it
  16. williec


    Yes, since I run a DMA mod with these I never even thought about that. As previously posted by Honch several pages back, this will most likely be fixed. Not right away, but there will be updated pbos <groan> or a patch coming in the future. I also noticed this in testing and mentioned it to Honcho. Can't remember why it was. A bug or a feature, heh, I'll let him answer that as he was the config guru on all this. For now just assume that they are a ragtag army with little equipment. I think that design decision is a bit confusing. Maybe Honcho will change his mind about that. Of course I don't take bug reports negatively. We didn't test this extensively at all as we were definately burned out by the time it was complete. Others tested it all and a few bugs made it through, some glaring, but there were quite a few that were caught, so the few that remain are annoying, but fixable
  17. williec


    Lee, that bug was mentioned in testing I think, the tankers had the same problem. I thought I fixed those as well. Must have fallen asleep at the keys and just dreamt I had fixed them. It's fixed now
  18. williec


    No, those will be fixed. Can you say for certain that you can shoot through every truck? Again, it's a very odd error as every truck had the exact lods copied and pasted in, then changed slightly for things such as the DSHKs. Very odd But suffice it to say that it will be fixed and that we are going to fire our beta testers. Geez, hard to find good help nowadays
  19. williec


    Thanks everyone for the kind words. It honestly makes all those long nights working and the wife complaining a little less painful. The toyotas should (key word here is "SHOULD") be fixed this week and sent to Honcho this weekend for an update in the future. Sputnik There are about a dozen random faces for the Africans and about a dozen for the Libyans. Also there are a dozen or so Libyan camo faces and 3 african camo faces (I felt more than 3 would be a waste of resources). The driver units in the Toy Wars mod have SET faces due to the face switching bug with Llauma's heads and associated scripts for avatars starting in vehicles always having the BIS heads show up. Not perfect, but better than nothing. If you are seeing too many twins with the addons, it's a random thing due to only having 12 heads for each type to swap out. Some will be duplicated. If your looking at vehicle drivers that start in the vehicles and they don't have random faces, then it's not a bug, but a feature to keep the BIS heads from being applied to the units. Thanks again for the kinds words and the bug reports. Sputnik, also if you read the previous pages you will see where the AK74-SU usage has already been discussed. If you run a DMA mod then they are scoped versions.
  20. williec


    That is a very odd bug. I just replicated those bugs just now I just looked at all of them in O2 and they all have the exact same fire geos and the same hitpoint geos. When they were made, I made one then used that as a base for the rest, so just by looking at them I have honestly no idea why this would happen. I'll try and fix this this week, but if there is anyone out there who knows vehicles inside and out that could help it would be appreciated.
  21. williec


    That was a decision by Honcho. With I think the DMA ECP replacement you get the SU with the scope, so it was kept that way. I think it may be changed for those who don't use any other DMA work.
  22. williec


    You have Jam3 installed?
  23. williec

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    There will be 9 new Arab faces, 9 new Arab camoed faces, 3 new African faces and 3 new African camoed faces  make that 10 new african faces
  24. williec

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Watch it, you'll get people complaining you haven't used the correct camo pattern now   on page 169 you'll see several units that at least in the pics have that camo (or as close as I felt like making it) for their pants.
  25. williec

    Operation Parking Lot

    Avon, didn't we already have this discussion on the vbs1 boards? They do block ai los, there just wasn't enough bushes clumped together to be useful. Not a model problem, but an island design compromise.