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wheres my rabbit ?

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Everything posted by wheres my rabbit ?

  1. wheres my rabbit ?

    MP Mission Not loading

    flags1 is international flag pack from res addons flags.pbo in normal and res addons folders so it should be on the server if the .ext error aint fixed then mission might work sometimes and crash others i think ...fix it anyway
  2. wheres my rabbit ?

    MP Mission Not loading

    flags1 is international flag pack from res addons flags.pbo in normal and res addons folders so it should be on the server if the .ext error aint fixed then mission might work sometimes and crash others i think ...fix it anyway
  3. wheres my rabbit ?

    Love and War

    omg you cant say that look where it got micheal jackson :P
  4. wheres my rabbit ?

    MP Mission Not loading

    scrap that flags1 is something to do with flags.pbo in res addons dont think that would make a difference if it in the list and not in the mission if the server had the addon it would still load. here is the addon list afaik all are the latest versions.there was a problem with editorupdate102 and editorupgrade102 but that was sorted out a while ago edit:grabbed the mission off the server to see if it gave me and error description.ext <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Weapons { class UKF_SA80 { count = 40; } class syfmk3 { count = 40; } ........... class magazines { class JAM_W556_30mag { count = 400; } class JAM_W762M_100mag { count = 200; } class JAM_M433Vest { count = 10; } class JAM_flareWhite { count = 20; } class syfmk3mag { count = 80; }
  5. wheres my rabbit ?

    MP Mission Not loading

    scrap that flags1 is something to do with flags.pbo in res addons dont think that would make a difference if it in the list and not in the mission if the server had the addon it would still load. here is the addon list afaik all are the latest versions.there was a problem with editorupdate102 and editorupgrade102 but that was sorted out a while ago edit:grabbed the mission off the server to see if it gave me and error description.ext <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Weapons { class UKF_SA80 { count = 40; } class syfmk3 { count = 40; } ........... class magazines { class JAM_W556_30mag { count = 400; } class JAM_W762M_100mag { count = 200; } class JAM_M433Vest { count = 10; } class JAM_flareWhite { count = 20; } class syfmk3mag { count = 80; }
  6. wheres my rabbit ?

    MP Mission Not loading

    flags1 ?
  7. wheres my rabbit ?

    MP Mission Not loading

    flags1 ?
  8. wheres my rabbit ?

    Won't be buying AA or OFP2 Until......

    Psylns i'm not trying to start an arguement or a personal attacks here but you haven't actually got a clue have you ?? everything you have just wrote is utter rubbish all modding tools from any game ive messed about with have had there problems or just take a bit of time to get your footing. have you ever tried making a halflife map ? cos worldcraft (now hammer) is a complete pain in the arse sure the game got its problems but you dont seem to have picked up on any of the real ones
  9. wheres my rabbit ?

    CiA co-op night

    send them to wheresmyrabbit@blueyonder.co.uk i'll have a go
  10. wheres my rabbit ?

    Head model/Face textures

    or get them to leave the hands off the head texture
  11. wheres my rabbit ?

    OFP videography

    fraps for me was laggy as hell, serious fps drop made it unplayable so using it to record ingame shananigans was right out of the question but its ok if you just wanna record cut scene type stuff . gamecam i could get running without any performance hit at all but i did have a lot of trouble getting it to work with OFP. main reason was DXDLL ,it is not compatible with gamecam as they both directx thingymebobs i couldn't get GC to accept any target parameters -nosplash -nomap -mods but eventually got it to work by ignoring the instructions, setup a profile to your flashpointbeta.exe or whichever you use but dont launch the game thru GC launch it thru a launcher program like kegetys launcher 2.18 with GC running in the background,it then worked with all the mods active to get sound with GC you have to pay but gamecamlite is very cheap and its a one off payment and you get it for life i believe. i haven't used either a lot but from a bit messing about with both gamecam seems to come out top for me
  12. wheres my rabbit ?

    AI walk through geolod

    yer that pretty much wot i meant box the area off in seperate pieces oh well
  13. wheres my rabbit ?

    AI walk through geolod

    that pic of the lods in o2 the jpg is soo poor quality i cant see what the hell is going on there which bits do they walk thru ? or is it all off it they walk thru ? the stairs look a bit steep and that looks like a good place to start with AI problems i found when making buildings that anything other than a cube wouldn't allow solid objects to work as geo lods by this i mean i had to make a wall for each wall if you know what i mean cos a block just wouldn't work even a a square unenterable house. heres wot i mean click hmm theres no roof is but it shows wot i mean thats my suggestion to try even tho it is a nooby 1
  14. wheres my rabbit ?

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    it all just sounds like arse to me ARAS....ARAS... ARSE Q. anybody fancy a game of ARAS ? A. wtf you want us to play with our ASS !!!!
  15. wheres my rabbit ?

    POLL: Wich one? BIS or Codemaster for OFP2*?

    a bit but hey wot the hell go with it
  16. wheres my rabbit ?

    Wich one? BIS or Codemaster for OFP2*?

    bad publicity is always the best kind to get ?? it get the most attention it the best free advertising you can get think how many records get to the top of the charts after they get bad publicity or get banned from radio for having some rude lyrics and anyway i wasn't serious lol just throwing a what if? spanner in the works
  17. wheres my rabbit ?

    POLL: Wich one? BIS or Codemaster for OFP2*?

    yer but 1 will be bought and the other will be lets say aquired ahem *cough* bittorrent :P
  18. wheres my rabbit ?

    POLL: Wich one? BIS or Codemaster for OFP2*?

    i just did lol wouldn't want them feel totally left out my vote is null tho cos its a lie BIS are the win
  19. wheres my rabbit ?

    Wich one? BIS or Codemaster for OFP2*?

    i'd laugh if this turned out to be a marketing ploy by bis and cm (and they are sitting in their offices laughing at all the gossip and free hype they've caused) reading to themselves the slogan "and so it begins" :P i cant imagine cm wanting to release ofp2 not by bis... if cm are just the money grabbing lowlife of a company everyone sees them as being even if cm and bis are at odds with each other,and if ofp2 by bis turns out to be half of wots said it going to be like/do and didn't have a publisher cm would surely be the first to jump up and say "WE'LL publish it " with big dollar/pound signs in their eyes its buiness after all and bis made them a shitload of cash b4 so why wouldn't they want them to do it again im probably with cm on the xbox side of things as to them it probably made no sense to release a game for xbox that is pretty much past its sell buy date i just dont think it would sell much being old and bis dragging there heels getting the thing ready the longer they wait the less it will sell hands up everyone who said / thought ofp on x box would be complete shite cos i know i did and it would be shit even if you had a keyboard and mouse for your x box simply because you wont be able to see shit on a television screen i remember in the 80's codemasters where the good guys releasing good games (remember the dizzy series anyone) at less than a 3rd of the price of the bigger companies usually shit games. remeber the bigger a company becomes the more it loses where it was at take VANS shoes for example they used to be hand made and lasted for agesi could ruin any pair of shoes in 1 week of sk8tin but not a pair of vans they were a small company who made sk8teboard and bmx shoes then these sport got really big and so did the fashion so vans then has to keep up with the demand and quality goes right out the window and now there made in factories in taiwan... i'll be lookingforward to bis's game tho cos THEY make ofp if all this split stuff is true and codemaster make a decent looking game along the ofp lines i'll try than aswell. but i'll pay money for bis game and download the codmasters one
  20. wheres my rabbit ?

    CiA co-op night

    yer alberts idea is pretty good but would take sooooo much organization and i think would only really be possible to do with clans due to the random guys/random numbers of players situation of these coop nights as a clan could put a team together even if some of its players didn't turn up
  21. wheres my rabbit ?

    CiA co-op night

    a&d style missions without respawn could work with the right players but with respawn it would just turn into teamdeathmatch another idea ive tried along the pvp coop lines was to make a straight forward coop mission against the AI west vs east(ai) then have a small group of res friendly to the east controlled by other players only 3 guys on res tho no a massive team these 3 had respawn back at their base after 2 mins and to stop them just camping at objectives or being to effective gave them shit weapons ie. HD so they had to get close before they gave themselves away or they would just be toast. this worked quite well as the players carrying out the mission had to be on their toes a lot more than in a normal coop against only dumb AI's i think one of the tonal coop's that came with the addon was done in way also but with a slightly bigger player controlled OPFOR and no respawn or group respawn i think. can be very good fun but the a&d missions would need respawn taken out to keep people working properly together as a team so they dont just go out and try and rambo everyone one the server.
  22. wheres my rabbit ?

    CiA co-op night

    forgot to post this pic from sunday
  23. wheres my rabbit ?

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    right i've pretty much got them working ok apart from 1 or 2 errors(for want of a better word)when they are in certain stances. i will send munk a model later today so he can see first hand wot needs to be done and maybe he will have an idea of how to fix these aswell cos ive redone/remodelled bits so many times i cant see the wood for the trees and its doing my head in cos i'm learning o2 as i go , if i had my way i'd be starting the whole thing again in 3ds max err your doing well and support for the terrorists is low ?
  24. wheres my rabbit ?

    Sell ARAS online

    i personally wouldn't mind if BIS did a steam on us i dont really have a problem with steam(apart from its best feature friends never working ) but i think they would still have to released it on disk aswell to reach the most customers and i think most people would prefer to have something solid for their money they could hold in their hand..