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Posts posted by willybeef

  1. iv lent my friend a copy of ofp. his pc far exceeds specs but the installation goes to 3rd cd and then says installation fail at the end hes tried several times , any ideas on what it could be ?

    "there was an error in installation programe may run properly"

  2. its the router m8 they are junk, especialy wireless ul be luck to get 7mb by it. when people use microwave it cud affect it or phones. try changing the router chanel to something like 3 im guessing urs goes upto 11, pick a random one and try that if not hard-wire into router

  3. found patch and applied, now i get

    no entry ".modelspecial". after receiving data it goes back to mission select and says that

    10:50:11 §èåñ Ǻmb$ uses modified data file - RES;ctitc8;finmod;@50+Islands

    10:50:11 Player §èåñ Ǻmb$ connecting

    10:50:14 Player §èåñ Ǻmb$ connected (id=3721420)

    10:50:14 §èåñ Ǻmb$ uses modified config file

    10:50:15 §èåñ Ǻmb$ uses modified data file - scripts\onplayerrespawnasseagull.sqs

    10:50:19 Mission crcti_1.0_ww2@fdf+zz_1.11m .eden read from bank

    10:50:23 Roles assigned

    10:50:23 Reading mission ...

    10:50:37 No entry '.modelSpecial'.

    from the logs

  4. my server is not working and im trying to run wwii mod with collectors pack n objects. and invasion 44. the server says missing up_ww2.pbo which i have changed with 3 diff versions and the server is a win2k3 with tight vnc. so if anybody can help il give them the logins, thanks

  5. hey guys iv edited the old campaign everon to use some ww2 addons which is a fun stratergy mission to capture towns and control the island using tactics and brute force by complimenting air and ground attacks in me109's and stukas against spitfires and p51's

    german tanks are heading towards your base, you think you would be able to stop them?

    the mission is 4v4 and needs



    i am compliling a video at the moment.

    email me or pm if your interested.

    check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhgacwJ9GQc

  6. okay right, iv had ofp for years, no problems ever, just formated and put XP PRO on and now its freezes and stops on multiplayer and then comes on with no servers. its not ports on my router as they have not been changed. does xp pro activate somethin that stops it??

    right i can join by ip? is gamespy master down?
