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Everything posted by wipman

  1. Hi, Dslyecxi, don't question the moderators decisions... that's dangerous, belive me. Let's C ya
  2. wipman

    Project RACS

    Hi, some photos of the cockpit of a russian MIG-23 MLD. MIG-23 MLD Cockpit. MIG-23 MLD Cockpit. Let's C ya
  3. wipman

    Sniper loadout

    Hi, sadly i doubt that we could have a main weapon, a side weapon (pistol), a backup weapon (SMG/Shotgun) and an ATM in the ArmA2. All the snipers that i know, carry their AWP's and a hand gun; some times they don't even catch the pistol if they can leave it in the company. So i doubt that BIS gonna allow backup weapon for the ArmA2; will be nice... to allow this for recon or SF units, for breach doors or just give a rest to the assault rifle and use a CQB weapon at your disposal (SMG/Shotgun) but im much more worryed about the ammount of ammo slots that we gonna have. If we just have 6 magazines and 3 cucumbers in the inventory... then forget about the supressive fire, and... with the AI covert fire... you don't gonna get very far, im sure of it. I'll preffer to be able of carry 3 more mags and make the ATMs use ONLY two slots in the inventary, than having a backup weapon; if we had propper CQB backup sights. Other thing that im sure that we ain't gonna get in the ArmA2. Sorry Fansa, but i'll bet for this. Happy new year man. Let's C ya
  4. Hi, some kind of Enable/Disable auto-center sounds like a good solution to please everyone; with a stering wheel or a joystick it wouldn't be that needed, but with a mouse... it can kill all the passengers in a bad movement or disable the car. And we all know that the cars in this game slide like soap pills wich is already enough bad for put the cars in the right line. Let's C ya
  5. Hi, could someone tell me if they've fixed the inventory slots for some of the units?, the Warfare Corpsman have 8 visible slots (filled with NATO 5.56 magazines) but he have two Smoke nades (red & green) i think that the standard Corpsman have this bug too and maybe the woodland one too. I just want to know if they enabled the all the inventory slots for the Corpsmen (as they should) as 12 slots use to be few even for common soldiers. Let's C ya
  6. Hi, to me what he means with "decal", it's a plain with a texture mapped on top (with alpha channel) and placed in front of any of the interior walls of the building; like the BIS bullet impact holes. Have you though in add some BIS rubbish pile in some of the rooms? like those ones that can be seen here and there by Avgani?, i think that resized to fit into the rooms and made walkable or even "ethereal" may look good and add the wanted atmosphere without consume too much in resources. Let's C ya
  7. wipman

    Project RACS

    Hi, the spanish Marine infantry don't get wet before arrive; we get tight. Let's C ya
  8. wipman

    Project RACS

    Hi, yes... it's true... but hey, those spanish scum bags names are also spanish names... i just though that i could help this "poor people from gibraltar" with some real spanish names... and who plays with "special" characters anyways!? i didn't made my own and the rest of the custom faces that i did to play with some "special" character. But anyway, those sad or not, are spanish names; and there're more people that have those names and surnames than the spanish scumbags that made famous those infamous names. It should be up to the PRACS Mod if use it or not; i just wanted to help. Let's C ya >>;-)
  9. wipman

    Mission ideas

    Hi, will be very pimp if we had more than one campaign with just one side, i'll like to see some completly different campaigns; one with the Marines, other with a different history/background with the russians and even another with the rebels side. Even one with the civilians trying to find their way out from the war zone will be very pimp; to play it with as much a pistol and two magazines, very scripted and with some kind of text options ala RPG, that may be pimp... . Let's C ya
  10. wipman

    Ai thread

    Hi, today i've try to make a very small firefight in an addon island, ordering my 3 AIs to go to the weapons/ammo boxes that they had in front at few metters; we had a tall wall in front of us, and what they did...?? they runned arround the walls structure (like 45m long and 12m from side to side) to reach the weapons crates that they had at 4m away. Then, they took the weapons (thru the 80cm thick wall) and (obviously) when i ordered 'em to enter again in formation... they runned back the whole structure. Seven minutes took the whole thing with the time compresion at x4. After this... we proceed to the contact point with the OPFOR AIs; some OPFOR units passed (running) at the side of my AI mates while my AIs looked (aimed) at 'em, and then looked in the opposite direction to turn 180 degrees again and then engage the OPFOR AI units. The resoult of all this, was two of my AI mates dead and i saving the remaining AI unit ass while he keept doing all this weird stuff, until that i died and 30secs before he did it. Solve all this too, please. Let's C ya
  11. Hi, i'll like to see a Conquest Knight XV 2009. Let's C ya
  12. wipman

    Project RACS

    Hi, spanish names for the PRACS custom faces: 1 Luís Roldán 2 Javier Corcuera 3 Mario Conde 4 Guillermo Fernandez 5 Ricardo Ferrer 6 Javier Quintero 7 Rouco Barela 8 Pablo Durruti 9 Eduardo Rodriguez 10 Marcos Rico 11 Emiliano Durán 12 Alfredo Landa 13 Victor Huría 14 José María Ansar 15 Nacho Vidál 16 Francisco Franco 17 José Luís Moreno 18 Dejuana Chaos 19 Millán Astrai 20 Pablo Motos 21 Baltasar Palacios 22 Jorge Sanchez 23 Carlos Olabarría 24 Ignacio Cuevas 25 Gumersindo Aguas 26 Iker Jimenez I hope that those serve. Let's C ya
  13. wipman

    To ArmA Developpers: aiming system

    Hi, no DaSquade, of course that i don't want a CS:S kind of feeling; but i want to be able of walk (slowly, yes) aiming thru the sights and still beeing able of shot to death at +80m (while i walk forward) if im standing, i could put a good serie of agrupations on you, up to 600m until depleet the magazine; i've tested this with the worst AR in the world, the cetme L, that weights 3.6Kg and gets rust with just look at it. Anyway, with practicaly nothing of training, anyone, can shot to kill to a target at 100m; if you can't... (in the real life) you're a crippled. It's as easy as that, really. The vanila ArmA's standing "aiming" way sucks and it don't have nothing in common with how you aim thru the iron sights of an assult rifle. Let's C ya *EDIT: Yes, that's the change i want (in the vanila's game).
  14. Hi, i've said it once and i say it twice; the UH-1's like the MV-22's have tinted glasses on top of the cockpit, in the UH-1's they're green tinted; and i hope that those glasses be tinted as they're in the real chopper. And by the way; reading this last page... wouldn't be a good idea to open up a thread called: "Bash BIS"? in this last page i don't see any reference (even distant) to the UH-1Y in game screenshots and there are other threads where most of those post may belong better than to this thread. But bash BIS a bit is fine with me, i'll join the mass to burn fronkonstein too if i just had 3 less warning levels (damn it). Let's C ya
  15. wipman

    To ArmA Developpers: aiming system

    Hi, im with Andre too; the silly actual "aiming" way in the ArmA sucks. It really needs to be fixed to allow you to engage targets at +80m with accuracy enough as for shot to kill. At least over flat surfaces; which are pavemented roads, houses which are not filled with rubbish and well cared terrain and public spaces (parks, crop fields and others) this silly sad thing sure that could be fixed by BIS for the ArmA2 if they want. Now we just have to prey a lot or we gonna swear much more. Let's C ya
  16. wipman

    Graphics engine improvement

    Hi, something that needs to be improved are the shadows; to be casted well where & how they should, instead cast 'em in the middle of the air over other objects. This has been with us from the OFP and it's something that really needs to be fixed/improved. Let's C ya
  17. wipman

    Believability in the missions

    Hi, beliveability in missions for me, means... that before the situation turns into an open war, you send observation/recon teams to first identify and evaluate the possible objectives and OPFOR or just possible hostile forces number and capabilities; take a lot of photos of defense/attack systems, infantry complexes and equipment, their training/living facilityes and also (ovbiously) their communications systems, dishes etc. Which means months of "inteligence" work and observation, this also means to not kill anyone and remain unnoticed; and then gradually begin to scalate the thing up until the open war becomes the only chance. And before this, you place your forces close to the area where you gonna launch operations even if it's just to scare the OPFOR and not only to get faster with all the possible fire power; and then... at that point... the recon teams sabotage some things like infrastructures in the ground while they aim the bombs for the aircrafts at those hours that you haven't sat coverage, so you should spent a very long time without kill a single OPFOR soldier. As grunt... the missions will be (should be) "massive", as you don't go just with 3 squads deep into the enemy territory; you move as part of an armed arm. Which means that the cavalry goes ahead of you and at your sides while you're in the middle with the APC's and the rest of the on foot units, so only if the thing goes really bad, you'll feel alone in the battlefield; you'll have a wide range of covert by pushing a buton (aka damn field radio/com-tacts). Any other than all this, it's unbelible for a modern war with a half developed country. Even a guerrilla without half or more than the 70% of all this "goods" spents a lot of time observing the objectives and getting intel-data before even release the safe of the weapons. The war have it's way, and this is it; if you want to win. Let's C ya
  18. wipman

    Weapon Wishlist

    Hi, a SVU will be very pimp for the Squad Designated Marksman. Let's C ya
  19. Hi, ArmA2 preview into a spanish video games page: ArmA2 Spanish Preview. Let's C ya
  20. wipman

    General suggestions.

    Hi, i'll like to see added updated and modern vehicles; with their current upgrade kits and all that, for example the MI-8 MTV a.k.a. MI-17. I'll like to see the CAS & UH versions with those front crew shields and that those shields have an effect in game; but at least... see the damn shields for the pilot and rio. Like this ones: Russian MI-8 MTV. Russian MI-8 MTV. If we gonna fight the russians... their stuff should use the NATO designation too for their equipment; the MI-17 it's the export version of the MI-8, that the Czech Rep. has bough among other countrys. I'll also like to see the choppers and tanks with the full crew; no more UH-60 armed with rockets with a single pilot. Or M1A1's without a loader. Unless the KA-50... all the choppers that i know have a pilot and a copilot/rio, add it please. Let's C ya
  21. wipman

    CH Addons

    Hi, i think that the setObjectTexture it's used only for the custom markings, the tank's hull texture it's patted in the O2 so that can't be affected by the setObjectTexture command; i think. So i think that are the custom markings what may not work. Let's C ya
  22. wipman

    CH Addons

    Hi, as the M1's & M1A1's go taking damage... you can see the tank getting darker, but this don't happens on the M2HB & M240B mounts; i think that also don't happens on the MG's itself, but i should check it again. Also i get a CTS sometimes with the green M1 or it may had been that weird 80's desert camo version, i should also check that again to report more accurately. Anyways, i love this damn tanks; they sound great and they look damn great. I also love that the U.S. tanks display the USMC marks instead... "those army marks..." that goes very well with the replacement that i did for use the Jonn's USMC v1.6 instead the BIS units. Thanks for the tanks. Let's C ya
  23. Hi, yes, i was wrong; i guess that i've smoked too much weed... good job for your post 666. Let's C ya
  24. Hi, *Crionyk, i've been waiting for a BMP-T from when i advandoned the OFP; may be you could take the OFP-Lavos/PSC & Marfy's BMP-T textures and giving proper credits... use 'em pasting 'em in the same large texture instead in the 4 textures that they used, check their BMP-T, it was a real piece of art, i'm still in love of their work; was just trully amazing. I hope to see yours released ASAP, looks very good too. Let's C ya
  25. Hi, it's nothing; i've found the text for the left door gunner etc to be displayed in the actions menu, it's not that important to have it in english, once you've try the addon a few times... im sure that until the last spanish monkey (in gibraltar) will know what it means that certain action and what it do; or... they could learn english... "as i did". Let's C ya >>;-)