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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    A2WarMod Release

    Hi, looks like a good colection of addons, but in my opinion you'd miss this: - ShackTac Fireteam HUD (by zx64) STHUD. It's a really pimp and helpfull addon that improves very much the gameplay; i've never tested it on MP as the game don't allows me to do it... but will be great in MP for sure. Let's C ya
  2. wipman

    Female Soldier (beta wip)

    Hi, will be pimp if you could make a female soldiers addon too for the ArmA2, not only for the OA/CO. Let's C ya
  3. wipman

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Hi, i've spoken with many FPS gamers and they don't want a slow paced and complex game like the OFP or the ArmA series; the leak of "über-pimp" graphics COD style and all that is what make 'em drop the game aside of the game's mechanics like the imposibility of shoot accurately while walking for example (the weapon sway) that that's a point where i've to agree with 'em, also the AI way of work puts 'em back too... the so poor AI pathfinding and their sniper hability for take you down with a single shoot from 400m away; the poor LOD of the objects that allow you to be shot by an AI when you're behind a corner (outside the AI's FOV) and also the machine requirements. While you can play well to any of those silly arcade games like the COD, the BC2 or the MOH without have by force a top end machine to have a satisfying enough graphic quality and performance... you've to have a true monster for have a good enough performance and graphic quality to enjoy the ArmA series and even then... it's not guaranteed that you gonna get it. So if you sume all that... that's what my fellas told me that made 'em not buy or play to the ArmA series, overall the complexity; they're arcade shooters. Let's C ya
  4. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Hi, some more bugs, just in the two first missions of the campaign. - The B92F (SD) that they give you on the UH-1N don't have SD magazines, the normal ones don't serve for it. - All the russian/OPFOR/RES weapons have Full Auto as default firemode. - The HDR, the HDR after the briefing when you look at your team mates: - The HDR, the HDR after the briefing when you look 10cm above your team mates: - A dead crewman on the deck, there's a dead crewman at the side of the UH-1N when you go to complete the last task on the ship; i don't know who killed him, but i'll say that's a matter of drugs... : - The Aimpoint's glass, sometimes it becomes entirely white and you can't aim with it, i think that it happens when you've the sun directly on your back aligned with the Aimpoint: - More of the same: That just on the two 1St missions of the SP campaign. DX Diagnosys: Internet Connection: 6Mb/400Kb wifi. There was also problems with the wrong ammo on the mission where you're sent to Utesh i think, with the M9 too or with the M4A1-SD, that didn't had SD ammo and was also unable to fire non SD ammo or something like that. I haven't been able too to play the campaign online. Let's C ya
  5. Hi, i still have the OFP CWC, ArmA, ArmA CQ, ArmA2 & ArmA OA CDs & DVDs; but im thinking in sell or burn (with gasoline) the OA DVD. Let's C ya
  6. wipman

    ArmA 3 and backwards compatibility

    Hi, i've voted Yea, because keep the actual way of work of the code and models unables you by force to use outdated and caped code & models; that's why we can't fire from the cargo possitions of a vehicle already and things like that you'll think that should be there on "the ultimate military simulation" but they aren't there, or the way that the units walk... that unables you to hit on target at close to medium range aiming down the sights as the weapon sway is entirely wrong, unrealistic and useless. Let's C ya
  7. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Hi, some more issues with the models and textures... Those uggly 80s cop glasses are displayed weird on the SDM model; and they're forbiden by the military. As driver on the BTR-90 you can't see through the internal windows, for see the outside you've to use the RMB (that don't allows you to have any kind of driving refference point) or the 3rd person/external camera. The SDM again, he don't have's (or the M14-A1 aka M14-DMR) don't have's the animation coded to handle the vertical grip of the M14-A1, so he handles it as a M40-A5 or as Mauser K-98, aside of the bug of the glasses... that's not related to see 'em through the smoke or dust particles. But i didn't seen bug before using the previous (to the Nvidia v258.96) Gcard drivers, so may be a thing of Nvidia rather than an ArmA2 thing. Let's C ya
  8. Hi, i do man, you've seen the screenshot... isn't noticeable if you've a part of the body model (helmet included) as background, but if there isn't anything behind the head model... then the thing it's shown. Let's C ya *Edit: there're other issues with the models that are not related with this thing but that are there, like the USMC cap that don't haves any shadow on any model, but that's another history.
  9. wipman

    Night Vision in OA

    Hi, i guess that the bloom is linked to the post processing and i've that set Off. But about light, shine and brightness... BIS screwed it up on the ArmA2, if you look at the AV8 or any other military vehicle, even the weapons... you gonna see how the Harrier's wheels are as reflective as a mirror and the harrier itself; the tanks etc shine in the same way that they do IRL when they're under the rain or totaly covered by water, but here they do it without a (valid) reason. The weapons are also shiny as if they were made out of glass or recovered by cianocrilate, all because the UV maps of everything are too strong. Just look at the player's custom face selection, that head model don't have this terrible UV maps (as it was on the ArmA 1) and it look better; on the ArmA 1 the NGVs worked better than they do in the ArmA2 with the only exception of the SU-34, that you wasn't able of see anything by night because of the HUD's brightness. Sadly... fix this is impossible for BIS as it'll make the ArmA2 and OA/CO to look like the ArmA 1 and will require they to remove the UV maps (or redo/tweak 'em down) for every game model and that's something that don't gonna happen. So i think that we'll never see a fix for this. Let's C ya
  10. Hi, seems that not all the units models have this problem with the head model; the US pilots and crewmen don't display it, may be only that certain FR model... . If im not wrong... there's also a problem with the AAV7 A1's tracks too, they appear as moving after the vehicle stopped; or was with the T90U-M1?, i don't remember exactly... but some other tracked vehicle had an issue with the tracks; could be related somehow... . Let's C ya
  11. wipman

    Night Vision in OA

    Hi, for what i remember... i didn't had that problem with the CO, i seen much better with the NVGs on the CO than in the ArmA2, as example: ArmA2 NVGs on the AH-64: so well, you basically can't fly, or drive any car by night on the ArmA2, and this wasn't in this way with the CO, but wasn't much better anyways when inside any vehicle that had some bright element, like a MFD or a tachometer, like the pickups... that the cheap trick that they came up with was... to give that silly zoom value when driving a wheeled vehicle; that dificults to drive it right, as you're pasted to the glass. So basicaly the NVGs are screwd up on both things when on vehicles, but not on foot, some times. Let's C ya
  12. Hi, i've that same bug using a .jpg custom face on the ArmA2 (i'd uninstalled the OA/CO) when im surrounded by any kind of smoke source (road dust or smoke grenades), then you can see it using any 3Rd person view, it also happens with the AIs head models if you make 'em use a .jpg custom face (your own, or any other). But don't happens using the .paa faces of the game; i've a NVidia 285 GTX. And i haven't seen that bug on any of the addons that i use or on any of the game's models other than the soldiers head model when using a custom face. Let's C ya *EDIT: That's how that bug is seen on the head model when using a custom face.
  13. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Hi, good to know it, i haven't seen that model during the campaign and neither during the SP missions; but one thing that i've seen during the campaign and trying all the USMC models on the editor is that all the Marines models that wear the USMC cap don't show it's cap's shadow, you can only see the head shadow but no trace of the eight pikes cap's shadow and it has been a sad surprise to find out that bug with the sunglasses in the Unarmed FR Operator model; and one personal consideration... on the aleatory camoed faces that the Force Recon units use, when you apply camo to your face you do it to try to eliminate all flesh trace, if you don't adjust the paint as much as you can to the eyes, also to your mouth and even to your ears... that's not making it's goal and isn't as the military order you to do it. But well... who knows how many of those faces are in the game... so i don't spect that to change, but is also very noticeable, it stands out very much. Let's C ya
  14. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Hi, some more bugs on the 1.07. - Three Bugs In One Picture. - The female civilians don't have main, secondary or side weapon slots, but they've item slots (GPS, map, radio etc) and also have x2 main weapon slots; and that's what happens when you give 'em weapons. They sunk into the ground and are unable to move, if you kill 'em they don't perform any animation, they just open the mouth like an inflatable doll... and show the wounds textures, only on the face, chest and arms; i guess that they didn't added the wounds textures to the legs to avoid jokes with the period. - The girlfriend of the elephant man. - That model shows the face like that, it can't neither use any weapon; so... even if there're some female models in the game... you can't hand weapons to 'em; the women have forbiden to shoot in this game, maybe to aboid shamefull things like - There's another bug on the Unarmed Force Recon model, it shows the mic shadow on the left side of the face but it don't haves any mic model an neither the comtacs. - And other bug on all the models that i've seen... they don't show the custom face arm textures when you're on 1St person view, you can only see 'em in 3Rd person, tactical view.
  15. Hi, this is a video showing how much noise two diferent suppressors work on a .45ACP gun. It's noisy, and it can be heard inside a common house from any of the rooms being fired at the other side of the house; so a rifle i guess that can be heard more far away. In most if not all the SP, Campaign & coop/MP missions that i've played... when you kill a single NME the rest of the NME AIs know it and do whatever they're ordered to do or just go from aware to danger or stealth for a while, then danger and they stay that way. I think that that's another bad point of the AI, just like the objects detection, their "yeltsin pathfinding" etc etc. Seems to be impossible to maintain the stealth during a entire mission because of the AI's superpowers, as the super accuraccy and the superear; and if the only way to avoid this is to make a trigger for each NME unit... then is better to steal a tank and drive over 'em because that's all the stealth that you gonna get as make a trigger for every individual NME unit will make the mission a true lag fest aside of make it very complex for the mission maker, to do it and test it. Let's C ya
  16. wipman

    Ai thread

    Hi, i think that the AI's accuracy should be affected by their movement, if i've been running or jogging for a while (less than 20secs) my accuracy haves a serious hit, but the AI's accuracy still the same, and i think that this shouldn't be that way. Let's C ya
  17. Hi, i think that will be great (even mandatory) to release a .pdf commands refference guide for the players to create their own (working) SP & MP missions on the official game's page (www.arma2.com) booth for the ArmA2 and also for the ArmA2 OA, as it introduces new functions and commands as ArmA2 Combined Operations. It's not easy to create a working MP mission coop or PvP without the required info, i could even say that's impossible; and the method of "we give you a built in missions editor but we don't tell you how to use it" is not a good method in my opinion. So... a official commands refferece for booth games will be a good idea in my opinion. Let's C ya
  18. Hi, i was saying a COMMREF that comes with the game's CD, imagine that you don't have internet and you want to edit your own SP missions, something more complex than a simple firefight... how you do it?, AFAIK the miracles don't exist and the "infuse science" don't work; the fact that you've a missions editor don't allows you to create your own missions (SP and neither MP) without the required info. Info that must be up to date, precise, simple to understand and to apply for be able to create your own missions for the game. Let's C ya
  19. wipman


    Hi, i think that the problem with the NVGs is on the game's HDR which is just horrible; in the ArmA2 i'd when to the game's config and edited it to force the HDR to 16 (it was set to 8 previously) it didn't fixed it at all... but made it a bit better (still not enought) i'd also changed the arma2.config setting to Read Only, for don't let the game set it back to 8; as far as i know that's the only way of make it better, but the whole lighs & shadows thing on the ArmA2 aswell as in the OA/CO is totaly screwed up imo. Let's C ya
  20. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Hi, i've found that when you play some C&H mission like those SP missions that come with the game or the one that's on the campaign... some "weird things" happen; for example: - When you go to the "Buy Weapons" menu and hit: Rearm... this is what really happens, it don't fill the ammo of the weapons that you have, it just gives you the main weapon & secondary + side weapon (in case of have any of those) and ammo of your soldier class (i.e: T.Leader, S.Leader, RPG Soldier, or SOC unit) but with "a small issue...", it not only deletes the weapons that you'd bought or picked up before... if you've a GPS, it'll erase it from your inventory. As there isn't any GPS in the weapons or items list... you've to kill a S.Leader or T.Leader to get a GPS and make sure that you don't touch the "Buy Weapons" menu never again during that game. You also have to remember that when you buy a weapon... it comes with a magazine that's not displayed on the inventory list while you still on the "Buy Weapons" menu, it's like this to all main weapons, secondary weapons and side weapons too; i've also noticed that you can't see the russian/resistance nades on the inventory so you can't sell 'em. Let's C ya P.S: I'd bought the game 3 months ago and even dissabling all mod folders, i haven't been able to play in MP a single time; im seriously thinking in forget about this and just play to the BC2 and just trash like that... .
  21. Hi, i would like to know if the KA-27 don't gives any error message if it's used with the ArmA2 without the OA as CO = without the damn Operation Arrowhead as Combined Operations; that KA-27 looks very pimp to me, at least by it's shape... shown in those screenshots in Armedassault.info but as i don't gonna give an use to the frigates, i haven't downloaded the addon. So... can the KA-27 be used as stand alone addon? and can it be used without the OA without get any error message?. Let's C ya
  22. Hi, i've voted No, because i haven't been able of play in MP yet with the ArmA2 because i uninstalled the OA because my computer can't run the game, it gives me so low frames that the game is truly unplayable and it gave me problems with some of the ArmA2 addons and mods that i use; so i don't gonna buy the British DLC because of that. Let's C ya
  23. Hi, shoot from vehicles is something that has been requested many times from the OFP to this day and that neither the OFP, the ArmA, ArmA 2 & ArmA2 OA allows; is a must have imo... but if you want to be able to shoot from vehicles or move on their cargo... then you've to buy the VBS1 or the VBS2. I doubt that we (the civilians) see this on the next game on this line (ArmA etc). Now on topic. All the vehicles in game look yeah.. as taken out from the factory and driven arround to check that they work, they don't have any kind of furniture that you use to see on vehicles that are used in combat zones, this saves in resources and it's easyer to do but substract alot of the possible atmosphere and inmersion feeling from the game; is sad.. but i don't think that we ever get to see ArmA2 vehicles with this kind of stuff. Let's C ya
  24. Hi, as i've uninstalled the OA from my ArmA2 game... but will be great or at least i think that it would, if you could make the MEV carry some more wounded on the top, as the AAV7 from the ArmA2; maybe as a separate vehicle so the mission makers could choose wich to use in the missions, if the one that you've made that can carry combat troops.. or the other one that can only cary woundeds but two or three more maybe even four more wounded soldiers, on the top of the vehicle, just that.. as the AAV7 on the ArmA2. I think that it'll be usefull as pure Med-Evac vehicle. Let's C ya
  25. wipman

    Long-lasting smoke/dust effects

    Hi, the smoke from the smoke nades should last much longer and the smoke cloud should be bigger; while the smoke that the infantry weapons aswell the armoured vehicles create should be much much less. No one use black powder nowadays in military rounds, not on infantry weapons and neither for military vehicles, this two things, the smoke nades and the smoke that the weapons create when they fire... could be/should be tweaked in this way and the game will be better. Let's C ya