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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    USMC Pack

    Hi, have CH-46s & MH-53s will be great. Let's C ya
  2. Hi, it's a sad new for me to see that so good looking island gonna require the OA/CO to run. Let's C ya
  3. Hi, i've the ArmA2 only and i'm also kicked/session lost, after every 15 to 20mins; the only custom file that i've for MP is my custom face (94Kb). I've try in servers that don't allow mods, in servers that allow any mod, i've try with the vanilla game with and without the custom face and same thing on 'em all, i get kicked or session lost after that... 15 or 20mins, being the admin and be 'lone on the server or not being the admin and having other four or five players on the server. Let's C ya
  4. wipman

    Arma2 OA needs CD to start

    Hi, when i had installed the OA along with the ArmA2 forming the CO, i'd installed the last Alpha Patch of the OA, the 1.54 i think that was... and if im not wrong... i didn't had to have the OA DVD on the drive in order to play. Let's C ya
  5. wipman

    DLC - Chernarus goes to the Snow

    Hi, i think that would be a good idea, but i'll like it to the ArmA2 and not for the OA that's a thing that i don't use because it's low performance even when adds many good new features. Snow themed islands may require of entirely new objects (from buildings to objects) not just units and vehicles; it should include snow formations of various sizes kinda like walkable gravel piles, trenches made out of snow... to place 'em over a bigger walkable snow pile with the size of a field or so and also tweaks in the vehicles handling or way of act over certain surfaces, like frozen tarmac or things like that. Maybe also add a dirt texture that gains in strenght (from more transparent to more transparent) as the vehicle goes running and that losses in transparency faster if it goes by the field instead by a good tarmac road. There should also be puddles of diferent sizes on the streets of the villages and citys aswell on roads and paths. I think that this too much work for BIS. Let's c ya
  6. wipman

    HDR lighting

    Hi, i think that the terribly bad HDR can't be fixed without use something as the GDT HDR Mod, is as if the HDR were reversed (it make it dark where it should be clear and make it too clear [too much brightness] where and when it shouldn't) a good example of this can be noticed playing the Eagle Wing campaign (the best one imo) where when you're on the open field... your view becomes dark, entirely dark; is not that it increases the darkness on the casted shadows, that it does... it increases the darkness on the open field too. Look at the BC2 HDR, you almost can't see a man inside a house if he's like 2m inside the house and outside there's the sun up in the sky; that's the good way, realistic, good and well done. As it should be. Here... the HDR acts over all the picture and don't distingish nothing, between the open field (where it should be clear) and under a casted shadow (where it should act and what should make darker, having little to no impact on the rest of the pic) maybe the HDR on the BC2 is the only good and realistic thing that it haves. Anyway... i don't think that the ArmA2 engine's HDR can work as the BC2 HDR; so the only thing that we have/can do is the GDT HDR Mod to deal with the biggest failure of the ArmA2, it's HDR. Let's C ya
  7. wipman

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    Hi, what i liked the most from the video is that it shows how bad the HDR is and how much it screws up the gaming. I'd enjoyed alot the Eagle Wing campaign and i have to say that i'd found it to be very inmersive and with a good scary atmosphere; the only thing that didn't liked me from the campaign was... that you're flying an Apache (instead an AH-1Z) that comes from the sea and that is reffered as an USMC aircraft, showing his (right) US army markings on the fuselage, other thing that didn't liked me from the campaign was that it didn't allowed me to use my custom face and custom voice, but as campaign is great and very inmersive; it did liked me more than the main campaign and i'd felt it as more inmersive. Let's C ya
  8. wipman

    Graphics engine improvement

    Hi, in my opinion remove the reflections on all the game's models will be an improvement, booth in the visual field as in the game's performance; it's an insult to see that the AV-8BII+ is as shinny as a F-86 Sabre or the USAF's F-100D Super Sabre; and same goes for the rest of the games objects, vehicles and units. Made me very sad to see that the ArmA1 had better graphics (textures) shape than the ArmA2 where everything looks as made of plastic (like the BDUs or human skin) or made out of lube gel, like the vehicles and weapons. I think that will be an improvement to remove the UV maps from most of the game's models, from all the things not made of glass or similar properties materials. Let's C ya
  9. - CBA v0.6. - OKT NoBlur. - GDT Mod Grass. - GDT Mod HDR. - GDT Mod Plants. - Sakura Chan Non Blinding Sun. - Icebreaker's Island Duala v1.8.1.
  10. - CBA v0.6. - OKT NoBlur. - GDT Mod Grass. - GDT Mod HDR. - GDT Mod Plants. - Sakura Chan Non Blinding Sun. - Icebreaker's Island Duala v1.8.1. - CBA v0.6. - OKT NoBlur. - GDT Mod Grass. - GDT Mod HDR. - GDT Mod Plants. - Sakura Chan Non Blinding Sun. - Bob Hammer's SMGs Pack v1.2. - Icebreaker's Island Duala v1.8.1. - CBA v0.6. - OKT NoBlur. - GDT Mod Grass. - GDT Mod HDR. - GDT Mod Plants. - Sakura Chan Non Blinding Sun. - Icebreaker's Island Duala v1.8.1. - CBA v0.6. - OKT NoBlur. - GDT Mod Grass. - GDT Mod HDR. - GDT Mod Plants. - CH M1 Abrams Pack v1.2. - Sakura Chan Non Blinding Sun. - Icebreaker's Island Duala v1.8.1. - CBA v0.6. - OKT NoBlur. - GDT Mod Grass. - GDT Mod HDR. - GDT Mod Plants. - Sakura Chan Non Blinding Sun. - Icebreaker's Island Duala v1.8.1.
  11. wipman

    Questions about bombs/targeting

    Hi, if i don't remember wrong... you can target (and switch between targets) that are not on your line of sight/flying direction, so if you drop a bomb once you've passed the target you still have a small chance of hit it with the bomb if you're flying high enough for the bomb to maniouver, or it was like that on the ArmA1; if you was flying at 90º you also had a good chance of eat yourself the bomb. I used to aim the Paveways on the Kelly's Heroes Public Server and some times we (all) get surprised with what we did and seen. That was maybe the best public ArmA1 server where i'd played until they added "the bright idea" of unable the custom faces use. Let's C ya
  12. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Hi, my last finding. Unfair SD weapons: - I've checked all the Eastern SD weapons and the Western SD weapons on the ArmA2 v1.07 and... while the Western SD weapons don't have any muzzle flash light... all the Eastern SD weapons don't have muzzle flash neither, but... they still produce light arround and over the weapon operator; so that's unfair. - Im not sure on this but, would be possible too that the Eastern Weapons will be doing less damage than the Western Weapons?, or is that i hit too much the rifle of the AIs that i shoot with eastern weapons...?. I still remember how bad the Geometry LOD was (undetailed and big as a shield) back on the ArmA1, when i was doing my M4s pack and i remember that the AK74 Geometry LOD was also a so big triangle that the SWAT could use it as BP shield; so... if the Geo LOD of the weapons were as badly made as in the ArmA1 that may be a reason... but the thing is that i kill the NMEs with less shots when i have a western weapon than an eastern weapon. Im not sure on this thing of the weapons damage, but what's a bug, an unfair bug, is to have all the eastern SD weapons giving the shooter's possition while this don't happens with the western weapons. Let's C ya
  13. Hi, i'll like to know if it's possible to remove that damn box that appears when you go to the Tact-View, it's the red marked box on the screenshot. The Thing: I'll like to know if it's possible... and how... ; i don't give it any use and i find it annoying and entire useless ever that i go the TactView. Let's C ya
  14. wipman

    Questions about bombs/targeting

    Hi, when you've someone on the ground pointing at the targets with the Laser Designator you'll see (as pilot of the AV-8B II+ (LGB) ) a lockable box saying "Laser Target" and you'll only have to release the bomb. If you use or have an AI to enlight the targets with the LD you may have "problems" because of the AI, after point to a valid objective if you destroy it, the AIs use to move with the LD on the hands and with it On, so you'll see for a while an unvalid target that you can't verify from the air; if you drop a bomb on this condidions... you'll more likely ending hitting the AI with the LD and any friendly arround it, it's not safe to use an AI for manning the LD unless the whole thing be well scripted. It's very common that after end with the CAS thing, the AI with the LD stays with it turned On, on the hands. Let's C ya
  15. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Hi, i'd try to use the CIT back in the day already Zipper5, but the process was too complex for me and my "great level of english"; the steps to report a bug on the CIT are basicaly too complex for the standard player (someone like me). I'd seen an offensive poll made by a BIS member where he (with all his face) said something like: "do you want to help the developers or you don't want to help to improve the game". Something like that... well... all what i say is, that i don't gonna help someone who don't helps to be helped. I've already made enough reporting of this clear issues that are there for all to see just playing the campaign or the SP missions, don't require to be behind a microscope to see most of the bugs that i've found as they would fill all the lense of the Hubble telescope because they (as bugs) as big as Jupiter and shine (as bugs) as the Sun (the star, not the newspaper) and also show leak of will to polish their product, this product; i didn't check all the models (units, vehicles, etc) in the editor as is not my job to look for bugs in their game, but if i'd found all those (up to +60 bugs) just by playing the two campaigns and the 10 SP missions that the game haves... . There's a lot of room for improvement in the ArmA2, in models, textures, and game's functions. Let's C ya
  16. Hi, to fight with the game's tall grass there's a great mod that actualy makes it better and reduces the performance hit. - GDT Mod Grass. The problem with fireback when prone... it's the eye placement; you don't (in the game) rise your weapon to the shoulder and then move the head a bit down to paste your face to the weapon's stock as you would IRL; in the game... you place your eye (when aiming) too lower instead raise your weapon to aim/see above the grass. Make the grass transparent arround the player wouldn't fix anything as you gonna shoot at distant targets more likely, that mod is the better way of deal with the game's grass as we can't fix how you aim (where you put your weapon for aim down the sights) as that will require a total redo of all the animations related to the weapons aiming or almost 'em all. Let's C ya
  17. wipman

    HDR lighting

    Hi, this is the only way of deal with the horrible game's HDR that i've found. - GTD HDR Mod. The HDR on the ArmA2 seems to recreate the way that a photos camera work, and not how the human eye works; that's why is so bad and that's why it makes more harm than good, with that mod... you can make adjust it yourself ingame to be able of see something on circumstances where the default's game HDR will not allow you to see anything or just to see right. Silly games like the BC2 have a good HDR, thousands of times better than the ArmA2, in comparison... the ArmA2 HDR is really bad made and as it don't works like the human eye (that's something that the BC2 do) then it becomes another NME to fight with. Try that mod if you can't stand the default ArmA2 HDR. Let's C ya
  18. Hi, this is what i've used to get better FPS on the ArmA2; some of this don't work on the OA/CO. - OKT No Blur. - GTD Mod Grass. - Zico's LandTex v1.0 . - Sakura-Chan Non Blinding Sun. With those mods/replacements i get an increase of like +15fps on the ArmA2. Is something else out there that can increase a bit more the FPS on the ArmA2 than with this three usefull addons?. Let's C ya
  19. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    The last round. XM8 Compact: - As i said before... the thing with the bolt when you empty the magazine, and look at the weapon's placement on the unit's hands... ; this happens with most of the game's weapons, the M4s, the M16s... the LMGs and GPMGs too... and also the sniper rilfes, the barrent don't even have an animated bolt when you shoot, but when you reload... you can see how the bolt operating lever goes thru the weapon's frame like a ghost thru a door in a terror movie from the 20s. M1014's Bolt: - More clear than water, a bug like a cathedral. Muzzle Flashes: - Most of the game's weapons have a wrong muzzle flash. That's the game's M40A3, that as you can see... uses the M4 muzzle flash. The M16A4 series also use a muzzle flash that don't belongs to 'em, they should use that same one (the M4's one) but instead, they use a rounded one that should be the muzzle flash that the M24 and M40-A3 should use. There's also a bug with the M16A4 ACOG muzzle flash when you use fire using the NVGs, the muzzle flash... it's infront the green screen of the NVGs so you see it all yellow. All this bugs still present on the v1.07, i've listed up to 61 bugs some of which are clear and "easy" to fix; i haven't even cheched all the game's models... units... vehicles... weapons... objects... just played the SP camapaigns and took a quick look at some things (mostly weapons) on the editor, and that's what i'd found; up to 61 bugs, without even be looking for bugs, just playing... so there is alot to improve to make the game look and work better. Let's C ya
  20. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Hi, to me it's a bug... most of the times you gonna shoot at targets at +180m from you, and unless you gonna do suppressive fire... and even then, you'll not use the Full Auto for this; each time that you switch weapons (to and RPG, side weapon or binocs) that gonna brigh your weapon back to full auto, same that after board a vehicle or open your gear menu so it's an annoying thing for me. And talking about weapons... More weapons bugs!!: G36K Bugs: - The G36K (and all the others) use a too transparent magazine when they should use the same one than the über-uggly XM8s use, but not only that... the G36K & C muzzle breakers create a kind of cross like muzzle flash (IRL) while here... they use the same muzzle flash than the M4 series, that's the same muzzle flash that the G36A use; also... the G36K (like many other weapons) is not aligned (the trigger) with the pointing finger so it looks weird and bad on the units hands. Holed Rail: - The G36s that use iron sights show wide holes on the sights (rear and front) and by all the upper rail's "castles", so that must make an interesting .rpt file to see if you use 'em on any mission. Smoke Forward: - The smoke of all the weapons always go forward and not to where your weapon is pointing at. G36 Mag: - The unrealistic and uggly G36s magazines haves a bug that makes it look like that when it's surrounded or oppossed to any smoke source. The bolt: - The bolt of some XM8s is stopped forward (on the chamber) instead backwards, after depleet a magazine; but on the defense of this über uggly weapon (that only Thailand has adopted) i've to say that's one of the few weapons that have the trigger aligned with the pointing finger... i could send the MLODs of my ArmA's M4s pack to BIS if they want to see where to place the weapons on the O2 for be aligned with the soldier's pointing finger. Let's C ya
  21. Hi, this are my ArmA2 Settings: I'd runned again the 1St & 2Nd Benchmarks and i'd get 36fps on the 1St one and 17fps on the 2Nd one; i don't remember the previous resoults without this mods that improve the game's performace (and look), but were much lower, i think that i'd get like 21 or 24fps on the 1St benchmark with the vanilla game... and with 2.500m of view distance or maybe just 2.000, i don't remember; but the improvement is really noticeable using this mods, not only on the performance, also on the game's look. It look better and it's more playable as you actualy see the NME because you don't have that much grass blocking your sight so you can fire back at the AIs which sights wasn't affected by the grass and isn't neither affected by the bushes; they can see thru. Let's C ya
  22. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Some more bugs... Head & Binocs: - Your head (your eyes) are not aligned with your binocs so it looks as if you were looking "with the third eye" thru the binocs instead with your real eyes. Killed Static Defence Operators: - When you kill some Satatic Defence Operators they're displayed as seated or buried on the ground like that, happens too to AIs operating short bipod MGs or GLs AFAIK. AH-64 Glass: - On the Eagle Wings campaign, the shooed down AH-64 glass, looks like that. No Shadow Suppressor: - The M4CCO SD suppressor don't haves shadow. AAV7: - When an AAV7 is a bit far away, you can see something clipping thru it's rear ramp, it's like a tab or something... i don't know what it could be... bt i know what it is; a bug. Let's C ya
  23. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Hi, more bugs during the SP campaign. Formations: - The formations keep beeing bugged as they're not dinamic; the AIs under your command will adopt the formation you've ordered 'em always looking in the direction that your character was created/added in the missions editor. In that screenshot you can see me looking in one direction and after order the AIs to enter in Column (Compact) formation, to stay behind that rocks wall; they did it... but facing in the direction that my character (Cooper) was created, this is a big bug because it turns most of the formations into useless ones for stealth, defence or attack. AI Friendly Fire: - If you board a (camptured) NME vehicle and you don't order your AIs (on static defeces or on vehicles) to disengage... they open fire againist the vehicle that you or your AIs have taken. After load a saved game: - That happened (a couple of times) after load a saved game, the icons turn into NATO icons and i wasn't able of give orders to my AIs and neither to interact with objects (ammo, bodys...) or vehicles; so i had to begin the mission from the begining a pair of times. Confusing orders: - As you can see there... i'd ordered an AI to move 12m to our rear to cover our backs from that corner, in the text... it said 50m when it was 12m. Muzzle Flash Bug: - After load a saved game, the muzzle flash of all static weapons and some personal weapons aswell vehicles MGs show the muzzle flash On; this is very annoying during nighttime missions, because the muzzle flashes enlight the field as torches and screw your NVG in combo with the game's "great" HDR; im not sure if it also makes the NME AIs to detect more easy you or your AIs because of that. Let's C ya
  24. wipman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Hi, i'd readed the same, but was a lie; a pure lie... i get and i'd get better FPS on the ArmA2 even without addons/mods that improves the performance and functions than on the OA/CO, where my FPS fallen to 7 or 9fps during a mission on the campaign. That made uninstall the OA/CO and forget about it, the CO didn't had any other addon/mod than the STHUD, so... i think that they didn't improved anything in terms of better FPS on the OA/CO. They did it worst than with the ArmA2 or the ArmA1. And now more bugs..!!!. The Kobra sight glass: - Is the same than with the Aimpoint... at certain daytimes, you can't see what's behind the sight's glass to IFF and much less for shot to kill, that by the way... on booth the (real) Aimpoint and Kobra sights there's a small yellow luminiscense or bright that adds brightness to the image thru the sight's glass when in low light circumstances; here... the Aimpoint don't have it and the Kobra sight have "an effect" that makes darker what's on the sight's glass. Eastern Weapons: - All the Eastern weapons have Full Auto or Burst fire mode as default while the Western weapons don't, i don't see much sense to this and it's a bit annoying to have to switch from Auto to Burst and then Single; i really don't see any sense for this... so i call it bug. The Eotech Sight: - That's when you're zoomed out, the crossair on the Eotech looses the few definition that it haves with the standard zoom level (MB2), you can also see a pair of lines of the same colour of that poorly made crossair on top and bottom of it when you walk, what makes it have even wrost shape. Light vs Grass: - Only the grass and 3D objects are iluminated by the light of the vehicles and sometimes happens also with the camp fires, that the light radious is not proyected on the texture under the grass, so you it makes you think that you're on the clowns land instead Chernarus, Uthes or whatever. The HDR strikes back: - There im aiming at the head of a unit, by night; "was hard" to aim at 150m from me having to "try to find Wally" on the darkness, "thanks again" to the "great HRD precission...", nothing makes you reply more missions than the HDR. The Laser Designator: - Now i know why the AV8's fail the targets with the LGBs... that's at like between 400 to 470m; if you've to aim at a small moving target by night, you can't be sure that you're tracking it as you can't even see the target, with that big pixel big like the Grand Cannon. Let's C ya
  25. wipman

    - Is possible to remove this?.

    Hi, if you switch from Tact-View to the map, to choose a new Task, or to order your AI to drive or fly to some distant point on the map... you can't; because that useless menu override any function on the map, it don't ables you to even view the tasks/objectives or notes menu, it neither allows you to Zoom In or Zoom Out on the map. AFAIK yeah, it don't haves all the commands that you have using the numbers (the good ol' OFP's interface) and i begin to belive that's there for the/because of the consoles version, but again... it do more harm than good to those of us who're used to the old menus system, OFP's style and i think that a option to hide it on the keybinds or just to assign it to a key for deploy it in case of want it... will be a great thing. Let's C ya