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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    Merkava... IDF??

    Hi, i think that the Merkava's election goes in the line of choose a diferent, new, fictional and interesting new line/aproach for the next game; like the exagonal camo or the uggly FN-2000s in the hands of yankee soldiers. The only flags that i've seen until now are subdued yankee flags and italian shoulder flags. I like the selection of Merkava & Namer Mk.1, aswell the MI-28N & RAH-66, everything as fictional as usefull. Let's C ya
  2. wipman

    Customizable Soldier Load ( seriously?? )

    Hi, about the mixed camo BDUs... AFAIK is not allowed for the standard infantry, if you don't wear the standard combat equipment (BDU, helmet, vest, weapons) you can be taken as OPFOR in the distance or in quick CQB situations; the mix of camo is only allowed for SF units or standard units with the given task of act as OPFOR or assigned to an SF platoon. So i think that change the BDU colours should be only available to the SF like units, and allow the standard INF units to choose between older and current/modern equipment, weapons included; for choose 'em depending on your possition. The grenadier could choose between older and modern weapons with a GL.. etc. Again, AFAIK that's how it works IRL. Let's C ya
  3. wipman

    Arma 3 engine

    Hi, i fear that the ArmA3 engine gonna have many of the current limitations that we've been suffering of from the OFP:R times; twelve years ago. Let's C ya
  4. wipman

    Customizable Soldier Load ( seriously?? )

    Hi, im up for the gear customization, including: - BDU. - Vest. - Helmet type. - Weapon & it's accesories. You should have as much inventory slots as ammo pouches you choose to put on your vest, double magazine pouches or single magazine pouches, you can put up to five (maybe more) standard 5.56 magazines on a x100 5.56 bullets pouch for the M249. And carry as much grenades as grenades pouches you've, no grenades pouches = no grenades. And they should do the disposable weapons be disposable; when i take a LAW-72A6 i don't need to take the cucumber later on IRL, the LAW comes with it. They should bet for the true realism instead make a weird mix of realism and fictional functionalities; that's what fucks off their games and from there comes more that the 60% of the complains, bitching, dissapointment and stupidity that you see on MP aswell as on this forum. Let's C ya
  5. wipman

    FN 2000s for the US military?

    Hi, ain't like the look of the FN-2000 (IRL) but the models and textures of the weapons, units, vehicles and buildings that i've seen look very pimp; i neither like the other variant of M1 or M21 or somethig like that that we can see in some of the screenshots. But well.. we'll see... . Let's C ya
  6. wipman

    First PLA made ego-shooter

    Hi, for a FPS game it looks good. Let's C ya
  7. wipman

    - Blood Bowl (LE).

    Hi, madden? what's that?. I haven't seen anything with that name on the Blood Bowl. If you're talking about some Rugby or 'american football' game... the Blood Bowl is different, is more an easy game 'based' on the rugby and with a bit of the Warhammer Fantasy background, like the races (orcs, ogres, necromancers, skavens etc..) and their characteristics and habilities. A fun and easy strategy game of miniatures with a few of sport and alot of violence. I like the game... the only bad point that i see on it, is that the MP is very slow; in SP a match is like 30mins while in MP it can take almost an hour, and that annoys me. But i guess that's because some people think on it more like chess than as Blood Bowl. I gonna start a MP league with the fellas, and everyone is welcome (unless the elves, the skaven, the ogres and the black orcs) we just have to convince some more fellas and then we'll have a full MP championship with alot of races that sure that gonna be fun and i hope that my fellas like those logos and use 'em for their teams. Let's C ya
  8. Hi, i've bought the Blood Bowl Legendary Edition recently and i've to say that's a great game, very fun, looks good enough, runs well and is very close to the table's game. I've made my own logos for the teams and they work in MP; at least on my side... seems that the other players can't see 'em even if they have 'em installed too, that's something that i've to investigate deeply... before the sunday i hope to hang here those logos "Ready To Use" for seven days for oter possible BBLE players that may be interested on use 'em too. It's a game that i'll recommend. Let's C ya P.S: If someone knows a way of make the custom logos work for everyone in MP.. please, let me know.
  9. Hi, a WWII game seems to fit better the ArmA2 engine, it's a game that im interested in and that looks promising. Let's C ya
  10. wipman

    - Blood Bowl (LE).

    Hi, i've made a screenshot with all the 24 logos contained in that pack, for the Blood Bowl Legendary Edition. - The Logos: Let's C ya
  11. wipman

    - Blood Bowl (LE).

    Hi, this are the custom logos that i'd made for the BBLE, they'll be available by 7 days, until the 21St. Hope that you like 'em. - Charles Wipman's Custom BBLE Logos. Enjoy 'em. Let's C ya
  12. wipman

    Gravity does not exist??!?!?!

    Hi, on the ArmA2 v1.09 the SMAW-AT missiles fly straight until they hit something... or dissapear in the air or where you've your ViewDistance setted up, without any parabolic trayectory beyond a certain range. With the PG7-V HEAT missiles i find hard to hit anything beyond 250m because it haves a very huge parabolic trayectory and the sights suck. The bullets dissapear and their supposed effect too at 1800m, just like in the ArmA1. And i've never seen an aircraft missile ricochet on the ArmA2 v1.08 or the v1.09, but i've seen many tank shells ricochet on the hull of BMP2s, BTR-60s, BTR-90s and LAVs. Let's C ya
  13. wipman

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Hi, the places pointed over the spanish map are: Mallorca and Pamplona or La Rioja. No one that knows the vasques (from Bilbao) will try to launch an assault againist 'em; so... the arrows over spain must be based on some nazi thing, Mallorca = full of germans, vasque country (aka Euzkadi) = the Gügenheim = made by germans with Thyssen's Group money, famous for be one of the most important partners of the Martin Bormann's underground reich. There's also a house in Mallorca that was owned by an "ex" nazi from the SS, with a big swastica on top that stills there. Franco and Hitler signed an agreement on Endaya (Euzkadi) so... i think that must be some thing related to the nazis, for the nazis... or... related to the nazis (hopefully) againist the nazis. Let's C ya P.S: I wouldn't mind if someone nukes Mallorca for clean it.
  14. wipman

    Screenshots nothing like the game?

    Hi, as every publicity image they're photoshoped. Let's C ya
  15. Hi, i'd get the OFP: RR the other day, i'd played it (the campaign) and i'd get bored from mission 1 to mission 10. I hope that a lighting strikes on each member of that heretic developers team and kill 'em instantly for desecrate the name of the BIS Operation Flashpoint v1.10 or... that a bigger disgrace happens to everyone involved in such a big piece of shit. In other words... : The game is a shit and the developers of that game and Codemasters... deserve to die in a painfull way. I'd though that the MOH was a shit when i'd seen it, but at the side of the OFP:RR it deserves an Oscar and a fuckin' Nobel. The only worst FPS that i can think about... is the Wolfenstein 3D. Let's C ya
  16. Hi, i don't know how to make your OA to display the spanish subtittles, but i'd switch the OA to English aswell the ArmA2 because the spanish translation sucks; on the ArmA2 you even have duplicated radio commands that are for different things and if you switch to English... they're displayed correctly. The spanish translation on booth (ArmA2 & OA) don't worth to be used, it's really really bad so... i'll keep using the english version. Let's C ya
  17. wipman

    Aa12 unrealistic.

    Hi, i just will like to know where that psycho on the video bought that pimp T-shirt of "i hear voices on my head but they speak russian", is almost as pimp as my Dead Kennedys T-Shirt or my Wellcome to New York DUCK T-Shirts. Let's C ya
  18. Hi, the servers that force you to install certain addons or mods are a doom for some players, not only because you've to look for those required addons/mods... you've to install the right version, thing that could be a problem if they're not updated server side... but you also have to pull down your pants and install/play with that/those "über pimp" addons or mods required, that use to be the more popular ones and also force you to play in a fashion that you may not like or your computer could not handle because they're made by and for the rich guys with money enough to have the lastest über computer that handles the game + mods/addons that require twice the machine than the original game. I've been playing to the ArmA series for years and from the OFP times... and i haven't found any possible solution other than change the MP server browser to offer more detailed info about the full name (version included) of the addons/mods allowed (if any) and/or required (if any) and leave the "hard job" of find 'em in Armedassault.com or Armaholic.com and install 'em. To me the main problem is the few info that the MP server browser offers to the joining players, with the right info will be a kids game to get the required things to play on a certain server or servers; but... there should be something too to enable/dissable the installed mods/addons on the server browser and that wouldn't require to restart the game. It's not an easy issue for the players but is much harder by the BIS side, IMO. Let's C ya
  19. wipman

    Arma II Multiplayer

    Hi, there're some but not many; most of the ArmA2 servers are running the ArmA2 Combined Operations (that it's the ArmA2 + Operation Arrowhead), but the few servers that remain running on the original ArmA2 without the OA are online 24-7, they must be something like 8 or 11 servers with capacity for between 24 to 45 players, so the chance of find a place where play in MP to the ArmA2 v1.09 is still there. Let's C ya
  20. Hi, booth look great; support/recovery vehicles is something that this game needs very much from day one. A woodland USMC M88A1/A2 Hercules will be great, but i don't know if the UN uses those too or if they just use to use that one based on a M60 MBT chasis, i just know that will be great to have recovery vehicles even if they're work as repair vehicles. But i'll be more than happy if they were made in a way that takes like 3mins to repair a vehicle spawning some ammo crate under a camo net at it's side and some fuel barrels too. Anyways... that truck and the recovery vehicle looks great. Let's C ya
  21. Hi, will be possible to change the side arm/handgun animation so the character holds his wirst with the left hand, in the same way that they hold an AR foregrip?; i think that that will improve a bit the look of the handgun animation. Let's C ya
  22. Hi, yeah.. i still on Windows XP, if i had to reinstall all the shit that i've installed i won't touch a computer anymore; aside of that... everything (unless the OA) runs and looks good with the XP 32-bits and the BF3 isn't a good enough reason, for me, to swap to Windows 7. It's a BF after all... . Let's C ya
  23. I agree man, but if i go out by night more often... i'll run out of money soon and will stab someone to death for sure, so i preffer to stay calmed and drink at home.
  24. wipman

    IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover

    Hi, the IL2: COD looks really impresive and when i'd seen it's launch trailer and the developers diary i'd regret to don't have my old Saitek F-15E joystick because the game looks really well done and funny. Let's C ya
  25. Hi, the BF3 looks pimp but shows some "minor bugs" in that trailer already, will be an interesting arcade... but it don't gonna work on Windows XP. Let's C ya