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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hi, some more wishes for the ArmA3. - Make the ground share the same light values than the grass, objects or units. - Create various kinds of allowed/unallowed custom files, i.e: .jpg, .paa, .cpp, .ogg, .mp3. - Increase the vehicles speed off road at expense of make 'em bumpier when off road. - Add Chaff & Flares by default to everything that should have 'em. Let's C ya
  2. Hi, replaying the campaign, on the ArmA2 v1.10, on the mission called: Manhattan. I'd get two CTDs and huge difficultys to deal with the Aimpoint Glass Bug. - 1St CTD. I'd get this one when i'd captured that chick that drives a red Golf, during the Autosave process with the resoult of a CTD and the loose of my windows desktop image once i was took to it. - 2Nd CTD. I'd get this one just after locate the main Chedaki camp, also during the Autosave process; i've been kicked out to the desktop too, but this time the Buick Riviera 454 V10 from the 66' was still there. And... for those that don't know it or just don't remember it... this is the Aimpoint's Glass Bug. Wich is maybe the bigger bug that the game haves, from day one. Let's C ya
  3. wipman

    Custom face textures in ArmA 2?

    Hi, i'd readed somewhere that they (BIS) "fixed" this issue with the .jpg custom faces on the OA models on one of the last patches, but that wasn't an entire fix as the game's Post Processing gives everything an overshinny shape that ruins again the .jpg custom faces and also the .paa ones too. In my opinion remove the .rvmat from the human skin models is the best solution and disable the PP on the settings, but... enabling the PP can make the game run better as removes working charge from the processor to give it to the graphic card; and remove the 100Kb limitation for custom files from the servers is potentialy dangerous, as will allow any hacker to enter with +200 scripts to ruin and take control on the server, steal ID keys or anything. Allow only .jpg, .png, .gif, or .paa custom files only, will be a better solution; removing the .rvmat from the skin of the human models. Let's C ya
  4. Hi, i think that the ArmA2 Free is only compatible with the retail ArmA2 and not the OA/CO because that runs global new parameters as engine's part, so if you want to play with ArmA2 Free's users... you've to do it with the retail ArmA2 and not the ArmA2:CO. Let's C ya
  5. wipman

    Editor improvement suggestions.

    Hi, a huge huge improvement on/for/with the Editor will be: - Commands Refference Guide with the DVD BOX (PDF for the Digital Download). - 3D Editor. - Real Time Editor maybe?, to watch how the mission will go/work/look. - Don't need to exit from the Editor to fully edit the mission. - Integrated Animations Viewer inside the editor. - Better interface for add command lines like rearm units, more clean. - Shorter & easyer weapons, ammo and units classnames. - Many Integrated pre-made scripts. - Clear pop-up Info windows to know what X do/is. I think that some of that could make the editor easyer and much more user friendly. Let's C ya
  6. wipman

    Bug central

    Hi, i was unable of pass a certain OA v1.54 campaign mission because while the previous missions runned at between 22 to 34fps... on this mission, it runned at between 0 to 4fps. That one where you begin inside a M2A3 and have to go to a blue mosque in the middle of a city, and quick...! before x3 BMP-2 screw up your M2A3; well... after seen that (100% unplayable) thing... i'd uninstalled the OA (as CO) from my computer and never gonna install it again. This thing has offended me the most, aside of certain minor bugs. Let's C ya
  7. Hi, in my experience the warping is a constant since the OFP, also happens with other players and their interactions, such as... shots or actions (steer a vehicle, land, touch off and discharge the troops etc). The ping thing only makes it worst, but it really seems to be an issue of the engine; not a game breaking thing... but a very important thing. Let's C ya
  8. Hi, i've played for a while in an updated ArmA2 v1.10 server and seems that the LODs trashing happens more often and is worst now than before; but is just an impression, i hope that the servers where i used to play normaly, update their servers to the v1.10 soon so i could say it for sure. Rightnow is just an impression. Let's C ya
  9. wipman

    US Marines

    Hi, thanks for the info StalkerGB; i wasn't sure if it was a true bug or just a problem derived from not having the OA installed as CO along with the ArmA2 v1.10. This units look very pimp on the screenshots. Let's C ya
  10. wipman

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hi, one of my wishes will be: - Female (combat) units with various female voices. If they gonna portrait the 2025... they BIS could enter in the 21St century and allow females into the armed forces. I think that will be pimp aside of the marketing possibilities of be the 1St (serious) game that allows you to choose your (SP) campaign and (MP) player profile/character's gender, entering for real in the fuckin' 21st century; it's about time. Let's C ya
  11. wipman

    US Marines

    Hi, on the readme don't says nothing about that this Marines are only for the ArmA2:CO v1.57. They don't work with the ArmA2 v1.10 and that's very sad for me. After the "Bink USMC needs OA v1.57 to work" message... i get another message, im not sure if it's a bug or what, here it's: - Bink's USMC v1.0 units Error Message with the ArmA2 v1.10: Will be really pimp if they were for the ArmA2. Let's C ya
  12. Hi, i've just installed the ArmA2 v1.10 patch without problems, straight up from the v1.09 to the v1.10; no problems, the ArmA2 runs. Let's C ya
  13. wipman

    Custom face textures in ArmA 2?

    Hi, i didn't had any problem with the ArmA screwing up the tones of the colours, i only had it on the ArmA2 and stills there; there's a big difference between the ArmA and ArmA2. Let's C ya
  14. wipman

    Nobody plays anymore, atleast for MP

    Hi, i would play ArmA2 in MP much more if there were more than 5 open servers with coops for the vanilla game, but sadly for me... if i want to play in MP i'll had to install the OA to make the CO and also download the ACE2 and some of the other mass accepted/supported mods to play. But i don't want to pull down my pants to play in MP, i preffer not to play then. Let's C ya
  15. Hi, there're some bugs on the FR textures; some people don't like the units gear because they preffer the 'high-tech' look (aka tacti-cool) and some preffer the 'guerrilla' look, also some people are fans of certain camo patterns, weapons and gear in general. It's all despite the present bugs a matter of personal taste. They're well enough (unless for the bugs) for the time that they're supposed to be on, in the game. Let's C ya
  16. Hi, the trailer looks good and the OA fits better to me the 40s warfare than the modern warfare; if it comes in a real DVD and not only as a digital download, i gonna buy it for sure. Let's C ya
  17. Hi, thanks for the patch, a nice surprise; i had the hope of see the M1911 sight issue fixed too aswell as the CCO glass bug too. Is a surprise to see a patch for the ArmA2 with all the work that must be going on with the Take On Helicopters, the OA, and the ArmA3. So thanks. Let's C ya
  18. wipman

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hi, i wish to have this firing stances plus the weapon possition in relation to the eye/face and also that recoil visual effect in 3D person view when seeing other players or the AI shooting an AR in standing possition. - The Thing. Let's C ya
  19. wipman

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hi, i'll also like to see: - Empty shells from choppers and planes cannons. - Empty shells from MBT/APC MGs and main guns on 3Rd person. Let's C ya
  20. wipman

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hi, i'll like to see: - Smokeless ATG missiles (no smoke traces, just heat blur). - Heat Blur from the vehicles exhausts. - Heat Blur from the ground. - Heat Blur from the weapons after X rounds in X time. - Wing tips vapour clouds on all planes and choppers. I'll like to see that. Let's C ya
  21. wipman

    Classes of A.I.

    Hi, some militia/guerrilla fighters are as trained as special forces, some civilians have been in highly trained (SWAT like) police units or have been in the military; some dirty hippies have a natural skill with firearms, like .22LR pistols and rifles. Some hunters are as good in camo tecnics as shooting their 7.62 (or bigger) hunting rifles many times even better than trained standard infantry units, that are only used to shoot at standing targets and do suppression fire. Is impossible to make all the individual units to behave as true individuals instead as whole sides. They should have all their own personality and background and react/interact based on that. There isn't any computer on the market that can move all that. The AIs must have a side based skill that can be tweaked on the mission editor by the mission maker. But... what could be made... will be to have various separated skills bars, like Accuracy, Awareness, Stealth and Tactic; for example, i think that add separate slideable skill bars with things like that... may be possible. Let's C ya
  22. wipman

    The island - living or abandoned?

    Hi, i would like it to be Alive during the campaign and SP missions, with civilians doing what they use to do on a war zone; going to work, passing with care by checkpoints, getting shot by mistake or stupidity by the BLUFOR, the GUER, the OPFOR or by other armed civilians. It always has been very frustrating to be in dead islands, you never see any trace of human life aside of houses here and there and things without an use, like electric plants or things like that, that no matter if they blow up... that haves no effect on the enviroment and neither on the missions; if you destroy a building during the campaign... i wish that it were destroyed still on the next mission, if you destroy an electric plant... certain lights turn off on the island on whole areas, houses included. I'll like that they make the island behave as real as possible, that'll be great for the inmersion on the campaign and will prevent or punish the stupid acts like tear down houses "for fun" with your tank, chopper or whatever. Also... drive to a gas station should allow you to refuel your vehicle only getting out of it once it has been parked near the dispenser and getting close to the vehicle and refueling it from outside; just as it's IRL. Same for the repair garages, that i hope that they work without usermade scripts to repair the vehicles. Create GameLogics for all this stuff will be great for the mission makers and for all the players in general. Without addons/mods dependencies wich will mean... MP incompatibilitys. Let's C ya
  23. Hi, i wouldn't pay for an army DLC other than the EU army that i hope that it be better equipped by the 2025, and that they take an important role in the ArmA3. Let's C ya
  24. wipman

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    Hi, for me the real reason for the current war in lybia are: - Give that land to filo-faszist elements. - Create a very big space for faszist radical islamists. - Stablish a radical (faszist) islamist economic zone sharing some "free market values". - Legitimate the western defence budget with all the previous. - Keep the power, money and privileges on the hands of the powerfull ones. That's sumarizing, the reasons that i see behind the current war in lybia, the protests in egyp, tunisia, yemen and siria. Create in the long term a kind of EU made out of filo-faszist islamic radical countrys with a "free market" based on their control and our depency of the oil to favour the people with power, their companys and their asociateds. Let's C ya
  25. wipman

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hi, what i'll like to see in the ArmA3 will be: - Addition of female combat units. - Enable to shoot from the passenger seats. - No LOD/textures trashing. - Latency Improvement. - NH90. - AH-2A Rooivalk. - BMP-T. - Boxer APC. - CV9040. - EFV. - KA-226T. - KC-390. - LCAC. - M88A2 Hercules. - SEP 8x8. - Yagatan Oplot. - Yak-130D. Let's C ya