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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Hi, seems by those four new screenshots that: A) The grass don't share the same light values than the ground texture, neither the objects/units. B) The bloom/Post Processing effects still there, BF3 style. Ain't like this kind of über shinny and non realistic effect, i can tolerate it in arcade games like the MW2, BC2 or BF3; but in a serious game i just can't stand it. It was my second reason to uninstall the OA/CO. My faith has decreased. Let's C ya
  2. Hi, on a next update will be pimp if it could support the W0lle's Elephant Island v1.03, it kinda works but not at a 100% and it advises that the island is not supported by the STHUD; thanks for the last update. Let's C ya
  3. wipman

    Female Soldier (beta wip)

    Hi, sadly this units don't work on the ArmA2 v1.10 alone. Let's C ya
  4. Hi, another pair of bugs present on the ArmA2 v1.10, since the begining. - Light Cones Through Objects: The lights pass by objects as for example walls and the warfare fortifications; that by the way... not a single warfare fortification and i think that this goes for the structures too (like the Factorys etc) have a destruction/ruin model. - Faceless Rockers: The rockers don't show any face texture at certain distance, the hair that goes down the shoulders is visible over the model's back, by where the neck should be; also the hair over the glasses (from the player's profile) are shown as white on the sides, where they're under the hair. Let's C ya
  5. Hi, i can't tell about the other planes rightnow but the F-35B (a F-35A prototype in reality) don't have a crossair or HUD on the ArmA2 since the ArmA2 v1.04 at least; it never had it. I think that the A-10 and AV-8s have it for me, but im not sure rightnow. Let's C ya
  6. wipman

    whats your favorite mod?

    Hi, my favourite ArmA2 mod is the: GDT Grass. It lowers the grass so you can see better and it increases the game's performance. Also the: Saku Sun, removes the always blinding sun and makes it look much better and realistic. Also the: OKT-No Blur, that removes the annoying blur and some of the PP effects too, increasing the game's performance. What i ain't liked of the ACE mod back on the ArmA was that it had a huge performance impact and also the way of implement some of the features that it added, like the stamina system, the slots management and the forced imputs; don't know how the ACE2 is... but i think that requires a much better computer than mine's. Let's C ya
  7. wipman

    Terrorattack in Norway's capital, Oslo.

    Hi, i hope that all my no-way's fellas are ok and alive, aswell as their relatives; and i hope that the people involved directly or indirectly on the bombing and the shooting have a painfull death, no hope and no heaven; only hell. Good luck for No-Way & the No-Way people in the future. Let's C ya
  8. wipman

    ExA HMMWV pack

    Hi, i've try with the PP Off, cargo, passenger and driver invisible until the 90m; with the PP On, cargo, passenger and driver invisible until the 120m from me. Let's C ya
  9. wipman

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hi, about shadows and lights... will be great if the casted shadows do something to conceal you from the AI, rightnow this is not the case, lay on a shadow don't makes any difference to lay on the sun. It will be also very good if the light and light cones don't pass through solid objects. Let's C ya
  10. wipman

    ExA HMMWV pack

    Hi, i've try this HMMWVs pack with the ArmA2 v1.10 and they work without problems, no error messages or anything, but i've noticed a bug; on the M998 Troops Carryer, at certain distance you can't see the troops inside the cabin or the ones at the cargo through the front windows. This happens when the vehicle is at like 100m far away from you. Don't know if it happens with the other variants. Let's C ya
  11. Hi, it's as common as weird; in MP, many times i've been killed by AIs that were facing into another direction, 100% perpendicular to me, but their bullets came right to me. They'd somehow were/are able of shoot at 90º, facing West but their bullets go straight South. Let's C ya
  12. wipman

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hi, i'll like to see Slots + Weight; the slots allowing you to choose gear (Tetris/RGP style) while the weight imposes movement limitations, unabling you to perform certain animations and slowing others. Let's C ya
  13. wipman

    Fast walk - how?

    Hi, for walk forward a bit faster when aiming i just raise the weapon,aiming down the sights, and press Up Arrow; it works, you walk faster than the slow walk (Right Shift, as i've re-mapped most of the keybinds) wich is good for urban combat but it sucks if someone appears at +60m from you. Let's C ya
  14. wipman

    Why is AK74PSO considered as sniper rifle?

    Hi, i don't consider the ArmA2 AK-74PSO a sniper rifle, just a scoped assault weapon; like a M-16A4 ACOG. On the ArmA2 (in the SP campaign and missions) i avoid this weapons as much as i can because they're unsuitable for the CQB or just short range, for HOT and shoot to kill at +600m i use the SVD, SVD-S, M40-A3 or even the M14-A1 (aka M14-DMR) that it's few zoom makes it harder to STK by one shot at +400m than with any of the others. Let's C ya
  15. Hi, i've finnished the ArmA2 v1.10 campaign and i've to say that the last mission works, that one with the intro and Lopotev; but kinda works at a half... some of the units not only on that cutscene, blink from dead to alive for a while in various missions and that don't looks good but hey, this last mission about Lopotev and those Spetzs goes like a 60% better. Sadly i can't say the same about the game (during the whole campaign), i never did get this error messages before: And now... every hour and a half or so... PAM, CTD, that error message... my windows desktop wallpaper dissapear and the computer's performance decrease at the same speed that the souls go to hell. I've also seen a bug that hasn't been fixed yet and that has been with us on the ArmA2 at least since the v1.04 AFAIK, the thing with the AIs equipped with Binocs & NVGs, that they perform the 'Look by the Binocs' anim, but instead perform it with the binocs on the hands... they do it with the NVGs. This one: Seems to happen only, when the AI have NVGs and Binocs, on that order; like this: It never happens when they've Binocs and then NVGs, on that order. Other bug that i've noticed and that i don't remember from before... is the AI "aiming" or better said, "tracking..." the NMEs with the ATs at their back, looking like chickens eating or something; like this: - My Team Mates Are Chickens. I didn't noticed it before, on the ArmA2... AFAIK it happens with the: M136 AT4, RPG-18, SMAW and the RPG-7 (on the RPG-7 no matters the warhead, it happens with 'em all). Is as weird as annoying, to me... . Your AI mates hold the RPG to go faster to where ever, and when they get there... they begin to bend over 'emselves tracking the targets spotted by 'emseves, or the given targets; sometimes it makes it easyer for your AI mates to get killed because they keep using the RPGs on infantry, and they have to unbend 'emselves, then release the RPG, target, aim... and then shoot. As i've said, i didn't noticed this thing on the v1.08, i dont remember rightnow about the v1.09. At least now i certify that the mission about Lopotev (Dogs Of War) can be ended and don't freezes like before. Let's C ya
  16. Hi, i neither can't imagine the AI walking by any underground digged structure without get stunk in 0'5 and refusing to take orders; but for the players could be a very usefull thing to have. Let's C ya
  17. Hi, i'll preffer trenches to tunnels, but damn i would love to have sewer systems on the big citys and in factorys or between a city or large village and a factory; will increase alot the game's gameplay options. Let's C ya
  18. wipman

    How do I report my position to the AI?

    Hi, in COOP i've always missed to report my possition to my team mates under my command, and also that my S.Leader/T.Leader report his/her possition using the standard radio commands; this will be very usefull during coop missions and it's a shame that isn't implemented among the rest of the radio commands. Let's C ya
  19. wipman

    Anti-realistic gear in real life =)

    Hi, you're taking the thing of the support too far away Maturin; as infantry man you're not alone on the field, you've a certain degree of support (IRL) that we don't have in any of the ArmA2 campaigns, SP, or MP missions. We don't even have an easy way of add it into the editor. The SF/Recon units (IRL) have a good enough support at the other side of the radio, im just saying/asking for that. If we had true disposable weapons... we could enjoy the other x6 ammo slots on the inventary, so we could take a pair of nades plus a pair of smoke ones too, just like we will IRL; we should be able of take a M249 and an AT4, is not that hard... nothing to say about a LAW-72 that weights even less, take a M240B and an AT4 should be possible too, but then removing the sprinting hability and slowering in 1/3 the jogging hability. This way, with true disposable RPGs, we'll be capable of use realistic combat loadouts without sacrifize anything. AT least in my opinion... there will always be some sucker that wants to come out with a M240B + M136 to a PvP game, but then he'll realize very soon that lighter weapons have better accurazy and recoil control = better agrupations = higher chance to put down a target. The own characteristics of the weapons and their way of work will make this rambo wannabes change their minds pretty soon. And nothing will be unrealistic, just better. Let's C ya
  20. wipman

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hi, another thing for the wish list. - Take branches and such for camo ourselves: Have certain places (on the soldier model) where attach branches and leaves taken from the bushes arround, when you come close, up to a certain point; you can't build a guillie. So you can conceal yourself better from other players and AI. Taking out (visualy) some of the bush mass, and also be able of take some weed from the ground to use it as natural camo (guillie like) making it dissapear (at random) from the ground, and letting you drop off entirely this camo, before take some more. Maybe do it stand by a period of time depending on where you'd attached it, what it's made of and your movement speed. That will be really pimp i think. If can customize our gear... maybe we could do this too... . Let's C ya
  21. wipman

    Anti-realistic gear in real life =)

    Hi, i didn't seen that movie; but they'd told me on the spanish Marine Infantry that a LAW-72 wasn't enough to stop a common MBT, it wouldn't even screw up one of our M60-A3 by that time. AFAIK... we don't have CAS or that kind of things by default on the campaigns, SP & MP missions that come with the game... it surely could be made by adding a simple game logic on the editor, linking the support things, ammo/fuel/rep trucks, planes, choppers, tanks, arty or just a C-130 that paradrops some usefull cargo on a given safe zone near the AO. I think that will be much better if when you open the Gear menu of a vehicle, it displays slots as in your own inventary, with main weapon slots and ammo slots, so it'll be indeed easyer to see what you can store and where; so that gear could take damage too when the vehicle gets damage from certain sources and directions. And i don't use the OA, i'd uninstalled it and never gonna install it again; im on the ArmA2, not CO here. With a better inventary presentation we could have slots for tools like shears, pliers, shovels, peaks, axes or that kind of things; to cut off fences... build trenches and fortified possitions... steal cars or whatever. But we'll need other (bigger) slots than the ones that we already use for the radio, GPS, etc. I still thinking that all this fields admit alot of improvement. Let's C ya
  22. wipman

    Anti-realistic gear in real life =)

    Hi, have disposable launchers (like the LAW, RPG-18) will solve alot of problems; every soldier is capable (IRL) of carry any of the game's main weapons + a disposable launcher of this ones, also M136 AT4s or RPG-30s. For some stupid reason this doesn't happen in the game and it's a true shame. We doesn't have supply units and neither support, like CAS, MED-EVAC, ARTI or someone to call for repair or salvage our busted vehicles. The ATs like the M136 or the RPG-18 are mainly used (IRL) for blast off bunkers, trenches, MG possitions or just fortified possitions; also againist light armoured vehicles or unarmoured vehicles with mounted weapons like MGs, recoiless rifles or mortars. If you spot an MBT or something that big and hard... you have this options: - Hide and call for CAS, ARTI or Mortars. - Hide and go back to your APC to take a real ATM (Like a Javelin). - Hide and find another way. - Hide and then retreat. We should have true disposable ATs, we should also have CAS and such by default up to a certain deep into NME territory and then count on what you've in your vehicle (if you've any), that by the way... the vehicles should also have inventary slots and be able of carry much more ammo, weapons and tools; we should also have certain tools that allow us to do certain things. There's alot that could be improved on all this fields. Let's C ya
  23. Hi, most of the modern helicopters don't burn when they crash, even after being hit by an AA missile like a Strela, small arms fire or AA fire of calibers between the 23mm to 35mm; but the planes use to burn when they crash like a 85% of the times. I think that the choppers should have like four crashed models that the game randomize wich to use and also randomize the number of deads/injured on the cargo and crew, taking the speed and angle on the crash moment as main values. About the tanks and over all APCs... they use to catch fire but is rare that they explode, that only happens like a 15% of the times and mostly because a 500kg bomb or missile has impacted by upside on 'em. They should have true armour values and the sensible parts modeled as separate objects from the hull, each ERA pannel should be a separate model too and work as they do IRL so only few will blow up arround the impact area causing a minor damage of like a 0'4 to the total hull, without affect any other component; just like IRL. Let's C ya
  24. wipman

    Tanks/vehicle not afraid to drive in trees

    Hi, the AI should avoid collide with trees, even in combat; the problem is that the AIs see what you don't see, the LODs that stop the bullets (FireGeometry) etc... so they (now) have to avoid a bigger obstacle. IRL, the APCs and MBTs avoid to collide with trees because it can fall over you and damage minor systems, like lights, sensors and even the mounted MGs; but translate that or make it work on a game is a very hard thing. The AI rightnow drive by paths and they suck driving outside this paths, they see an object... they stop to think where they gonna go next and by what direction, and then move again, is slow and unreal. The AI should avoid to collide with trees, hard walls, houses, signs and other vehicles in every situation, even in combat. Let's C ya
  25. wipman

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hi, another wish, this time a very important one. - Changing formations depending of what direction you're looking at. Rightnow... the units at your command enter in formation depending on what direction they were looking when were created, but, if you are looking East and they were created looking North... if you order 'em to 'Form Column', they'll enter in 'Line' like formation facing North. They ignore the direction that you're looking/facing at when you order 'em to change the formation, forcing you to do alot of things, like order 'em to enter in column for get a line formation and tell 'em too what direction to look at, complexing and delaying a very critical thing as the formations. I wish that were changed for good. Let's C ya