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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    Hi, i think that the Light Engine should be very improved from what we see on the ArmA2, at certain times of the day (on the ArmA2) you can't distinguish anything; it's all flat and the HDR seems to be trying to re-create how a bad recording camera will work instead how the human eye work so at certain times of the day the game becomes unplayable, and the AI don't haves this problem... so that makes it even more unplayable. I hope that the ArmA3 have a much better Light Engine, i wouldn't buy it without it. Let's C ya
  2. Hi, i'll like to see armed greek leftists fighting vs Iran, punks with pinned leather jackets and Dr. Marteens, crests and Dead kennedys, D.O.A, No Means No, Ministry, Mojo Nixon or Jello Biafra & The Guantano School Of Medicine T-Shirts; with some Alternative Tentacles jacket or T-Shirt too, aside of this über-pimp T-Shirt too: And with true weapons, G3A4 and P99, not AK-47 and rusty stuff, something that hits hard. I want to see the greek true left wing movements represented, planting bombs, shooting and that, with organization, a working chain of command and hitting hard. I think that couldn't be a bad idea to have as camapaign background that Iran was attacked in the 2015 and the war ended with the surrender of Iran in the 2017 with Ahmadineyad hanged like Sadam, and that after a short recovery time were Iran seemed to gain some freedom... then the goverment is teared down by another islamo-faszist regime that "to show strenght" attacks Greece receiving economic aid from the Under******ground Reich, and then get their asses kicked again and the new Iran's leader is behaded on his balcony for cheer and joy of his people. I want a blood bath that ends with the islamo-faszists that rule Iran basically... with the Punks and the Marines kicking their heads 'til shove 'em on the ground as the filthy worms that they're. Let's C ya P.S: And a M1911, i want a f*****' M1911-A1 too!!.
  3. wipman

    They better have female soldiers...

    Hi, 267 persons (the ones that voted in the poll) have filled up 72 pages for reach the point of say "Women are more prone to injuries"!?. Seems that this isn't about the game anymore and much less about the reality... . Who knows... "maybe the women shouldn't be in the military because they can kill you if they throw their breath at you when they're having the period...", or "why they'll be in the first line when there are dishes to wash...!?", "everyone knows that the women's place is the kitchen, not the trench...", "brush the NME!?, brush your home 1St and then we talk!!". Someone better enter 1St in the reality and then on the 21St Century and then we talk. Now go and beat your wife, and beat your mother to death too for have a so sucker son (OTB). Let's C ya
  4. Hi, on the ArmA2 i seen many dirty hackers on servers that had the BattleEye installed, even more than on other popular arcade games games as the BFBC2; but i think that the number of hackers on the public servers is due to a bad server management or lazy admins aside of the fact that some stupids find the game so hard and frustrating that they hack it to screw the gameplay of the rest because they feel robbed with the game. I have the feeling that the BattleEye is a better anti-cheat system, the PunkBuster was a joke on the BFBC2 and much more on the America's army III, where 1/3 of the players were hackers. I just hope that they add the best one possible, the hackers are a big problem. Let's C ya
  5. Hi, is good to see that the OA keep receiving patches and improvements, knowing that BIS is working hard on the ArmA3; but i feel the ArmA2 very advandoned with things like: This 'so called HDR': - The Aimpoint glass bug. - The M1911 front sight bug. - The HMMWV Ambulance lights bug. - The static defences operator possition proxy bug. - The Aimpoint dot bright bug. - The Eotech crossair bug. - Various bugged/wrong weapon muzzle flases bug. - The bright grass/dark ground (and units/vehicles) bug. - Etc.. etc... I thought that this last patch was going to correct something of the above that i would considerate as Game Breaking bugs, and now that they've so much work ahead on the ArmA3 while keep working and improving the OA, i think that the ArmA2 has get it's last patch with the v1.10 and that's sad; now we've a long wait 'til the ArmA3 is done and can only wait for something better and more polished. Let's C ya
  6. wipman

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Hi, damn... not again...!!, seeing those two pics of the island on the 1St post you can see how the bushes and grass don't share the same lighting values than the ground; all my hopes on this field has gone down. Let's C ya
  7. Hi, wrong, i'd seen the comercials of that arcade; but the terrain that we're talking about on the ArmA3 is much much bigger than any BF3 or Frostbite 2 Engine terrain, the computer required for such thing is too big for have it at home if you plan to apply it to the ArmA3 terrain; that's much bigger than the BF3 maps all together. Other thing that i'd noticed of the BF3, is that you can't always make craters on the ground, only on certain (most) ground surfaces, but not on it all and only up to a point; on the BF3 seems that drop a bomb from a plane is as shoot three times to the ground with a MBT and that's all the deep that you gonna reach. The 1500Lbs bombs do 12m deep holes IRL; you don't gonna see that on any game. In comparison... the BF3 levels are very small at the side of the ArmA, ArmA2, OA & sure that the ArmA3 islands too. Let's C ya
  8. Hi, about the stopping power... penetration... adrenaline effects... there's a video on youtube that you can find if you look for: I shot myself! Original Upload!. Have strong words and shows the .45 ACP entry and exit holes at point blank, is an instructive video; but maybe could bring some light to the thread. Judge by yourselves. Let's C ya
  9. wipman

    Singleplayer with epic plot

    Hi, i'll be happy enough with a long campaign that makes sense and that be adjusted to the armed forces procedures; without weapons dealers and all that rubbish... . Also with separated campaigns for each branch, if you're a grunt then do grunt's things; if you're a light cavalry unit as a driver or so then do LC things always inside a vehicle. If you're a transport chopper pilot then stick to the transport choppers, if you're an attack chopper pilot... then stick to the attack choppers; in the same way that if you're an attack or transport plane pilot, then be a transport or attack plane pilot but don't switch from one to another. I'm personaly very tired of the campaigns were you begin as a grunt and end as a four stars general after have passed by all the possible roles b**** included, for get to be the four stars general that you never wanted to be. Let's C ya
  10. wipman

    They better have female soldiers...

    Yes' date=' if the armed child is a danger for you or your squad you "should" ask him/her to drop the weapon and then detain him/her or let him/her leave if it don't compromises your current mission (this is at your [T.Leader/S.Leader'] discrection, or to the higher/older unit in charge); if he/she don't drops the weapon you "should" make some warning shots and repeat that must drop the weapon, if refuses... shoot him/her to incapacitate him/her. Is much faster/effective to tell him/her to drop the weapon while doing the warning shots and if don't drop it gun him/her down before he/she wounds or kill you or a member of your team or friendly forces in range. This is the law, the orders could be to gun down anything that could be a danger, and an armed person that don't wears your uniform is a danger, overall if points his/her weapon at you, your squad or direction. Let's C ya
  11. wipman

    They better have female soldiers...

    Hi, for the year 2025 (and much earlyer) the US armed forces aswell other world's armys plan to assign combat roles to females. The ArmA3 should have female combat units at least on the yankee & EU side not only for be realistic but also to appeal to the female players; allowing 'em to choose to play in MP with the avatar that they want and also to play the SP campaign with a female character; there're other heroins aside the drug; and they're better and kill the same, look at Stalingrad or at the Vietnam war. Let's C ya
  12. wipman

    Stealth Kills?

    Hi, on the OFP you had two different 'hand-to-hand' weapons, punch and kick; something like this could be brought back again; you perform a random HTH attack that should only enter in concact with the other unit's body, then, "it's turned Off". Just make dissable all it's functions "matrix style" for like 1mins 30secs (like a hollywood K.O.), time enough for steal his/her weapon and gear; was just an idea. A stealth kill with a weapon, could be keept "stealth" withing a group by like 3mins always that no other AI see the body count, until the team leader or some member of the squad asks for a radio report of possitions. The SD weapons can be heard beyond the 40m on the open ground and much more by night, the muzzle flash isn't a problem as there isn't any, but the powder smoke is, as the smokeless power isn't really "that smokeless". But you can't make a stealth kill on the ArmA2 unless the dead unit be far away from any observer and the action of kill this one; rightnow you can't be James Bond on the ArmA2. Let's C ya
  13. - Link the walking animations to the different kind of ground surface and also to it's angle.
  14. wipman

    ArmA III as a Real Time Strategy game?

    Hi, i wouldn't play to the ArmA3 as a RTS, i see the BIS OFP/ArmA series as a different entertainment, more focused or just focused on the squad based tactical action; the CTI game mode is something that i avoid with all my heart because i find it terribly boring, same will happen with it as a RTS and the EVO is as far as i gonna get to the CTI or RTS, for me booth game modes, the RTS is terribly boring and over all the CTI that's the most boring thing that i've ever seen on a FPS game. The High Command mode missions on the ArmA2 campaign made me give up with 'em for months before finnish 'em because of the boring that they were and don't want to pass by that again. Let's C ya
  15. wipman

    Future Price options for ARMA games...

    Hi, i'll pay 60$ for it, but i'll have to see actual ingame videos and know exactly what the ArmA3 offers, the ArmA2 v1.04 was a bit dissapointing... and the OA was one if not the biggest dissapointment as game that i'd bought in the last decade or so, lasted installed on my computer less than a week and i don't want to pay again for something that i don't gonna play/use. 60 or 65$ for a game of the supposed quality of the ArmA3 will be perfect, 86 or 94$ for an special edition could be good too IMO, depending on what comes on the box. Let's C ya
  16. Hi, many times i've wondered what happens with the bullets once they reach a certain distance... now on the ArmA2, the tracers dissapear at a certain (unknown for me) distance, i think that's something like 600 to 800m, and i've my ViewDistance set at 3000m; do the damage effects of this "dissapearing bullets" work?, i mean... once the tracers dissapear, the bullet and the damage effects of it, dissapear too?. Other thing... AFAIK two 7.62x51 bullets on the head should kill you, playing to the ArmA2, this isn't always a rule for some (unknown to me) reason, hitting the target's head at less than 100m and the ArmA2 don't simulates the presence of a BP helmet, overall because we're talking of two shots in the face, one under the nose the other on the eyebrows; i don't really see huge changes on the game's system/engine from the ArmA to the ArmA2 and to the OA (that i'd uninstalled). An example of what i mean, if you shoot at a BRDM-2 with a M-107, to the driver, or passengers possition (always talking of the ArmA2) nothing happens... the bullet don't passes the armor of the BRDM-2; that the military say that if it receives a shot of a 12.7x99mm the bullet will enter for a side and will exit for the other on the 85% of the cases, IRL. They say that the chances of pierce (from side to side) the turret is like a 65% or so, still a 85% to pierce the front side if the vehicle is on a flat surface, offering just as deflection "protection" the natural angle of the turret and it's armour as resistance to the piercing. Sumarizing... a realistic damage system will require a powerfull hardware, but will require much more if it were simulating (that not recreating) the damage on the human body. Other (last) thing before i forget it, a bullet very out of it's "flat" trayectory because of the wind can loose at leat 1/3 of it's force; AFAIK the ArmA3 don't gonna simulate the wind in any way. Don't gonna move the bullets from side to side, don't gonna increase or decrease the vehicles fuel consumption aswell their max speed, acceleration, maneuverability etc. IMO the damage system should have in consideration the wind speed change on the distance, the air density, the altitude, the moisture and air pressure for be realistic enough. But i'll be happy if it had in consideration at least the wind speed changes on the distance, the caliber, the length of the barrel & the number of grooves per inch. Let's C ya
  17. Hi, i don't know if it has been said before, but i'll like: - That the ground and Vegetation/Grass share the same light values. - No MW/COD/BF bloom. - A M1911-A1 and working night sights on it (and [all the] other guns/weapons). - No dust cloud from vehicles if they're not on a dusty/sandy terrain. - Good NVGs that offer the same image quality than the real ones. - Accurate/realistic muzzle flashes for each weapon. - Smooth Walk Aiming Down the Sights animations for booth main and side weapons. - Vehicle interiors. - Smooth transitions from main weapon to side weapon, putting the main one at a side or leave it hanged at the chest. - Support vehicles like recovery vehicles and that. - CAS, Arti, MED-EVAC and Support at a radio call (this is not the WWII). - Visible (3Ds) damage on vehicles, loosign parts etc. - The Marines. - Tools like pliers, shovel, knife, clamps, blowtorch, axe, hammer, lever etc. - Realistic (and visible) damage & penetration system. That's what i'll wish. Let's C ya
  18. Hi, there won't be destructable ground other than tear down buildings, walls and trees; in the same way that there wont be an option to dig real trenches, sink the wheels of the cars and trucks on the mud (as there won't be mud) and things like that. AFAIK the field/ground will be exactly the same as always, hard ground to crash with. The computer required to simulate a modable ground surface because weather changes or player/AI interaction is something that hasn't been invented yet, so the leak of it is more a hardware related thing than a software related thing. Let's C ya
  19. wipman

    What is your favorite ARMA 2 Loadout?

    Hi, i miss to have a not scoped 7.62x51mm weapon on the ArmA2 as could be the M14 CCO on the OA; even an iron sighted M14. With M14 CCO or even better, a M1A SOCOM "16 Aimpoint or iron sighted, my loadout will be clear: For MP: M14 CCO/M1A SOCOM x7 magazines M1911 A1 x4 magazines SMAW x2 rockets Laser Designator x1 Battery NVGs For SP: M14 CCO/M1A SOCOM x6 magazines M1911 A1 x4 magazines SMAW x2 rockets x2 smoke nades Binocs NVGs Ain't like the scoped weapons on the ArmA2 because you've two options... aim down the sights or not, same as with the iron sighed ones or with the CCO or Eotech scoped ones; but you've a better situational awareness with the not scoped weapons than wiz 'em, that's why ain't like 'em. But with the terrible so called 'HDR' and the lights on the ArmA2... there're missions where you don't gonna be able of see anything by hours, looking to certain directions. But i still preffering any iron or CCO sighted weapon over the scoped ones, because the situational awareness. Let's C ya
  20. Hi, i fly with Keyboard+Mouse and i can achive good things but im prety sure that with a joystick i'll get more resoults and will have a more fun than with the K&M; i'd spoke with players that said that they didn't had any problem with PS style pads, and they had a very good kill ratio on the roster to prove it, aside of entertain us with their very impresive and risky maniouvers while providing CAS with the AV-8s. If you practice... you can get good resoults with any method, but the joystick is clearly the best one. Let's C ya
  21. Hi, for me the VON on the ArmA2 means two things, lag and distraction; lag because seems that or the servers can't deal very well with +6 players talking all at once or my connection is not very good (i think that's a mix of this two suppossitions...) and distraction; because im spanish and i've to listen carefully to those who speak in english, the quality of their mics isn't "the best one..." and i also have problems with the (very common) fools that use the VON to annoy the rest of the players making silly noises or jokes. I don't use to find it (the VON) usefull because it's rare for me, to find serious players on the public servers that care for the game's events/mission. But a not laggy VON system well implemented (and with good players) could be a very possitive thing, aside of be one of the features that atract or keep BF & MW players, to chat with their pals as a chick... . Let's C ya
  22. wipman

    US Marines

    Hi, for what i remember of my ArmA's M4s pack, if you (the mission maker) use a poorly made replacement pack (one that writes the addon that have replaced whatever, on the mission.cfg under the Addons and AddOnsAuto sections) then anyone that wants to play the mission made with the replacements 'activated' will need to have 'em to or he/she couldn't play the mission. Aside of that... many if not most, public servers, don't allow you to use/join with addons and this goes for the replacements too; overall when they're not signed. That's why i'd signed the replacements that i'd gave with my M4s for the ArmA, to minimize as much as i could to be kicked for have unsigned files/pbo's on my mod folders when joining a MP game, overall playing on random public servers. This units look great aside of the minor bugs that i've readed about, made me think in reinstall the damn OA just to try 'em because they look really well. Let's C ya
  23. wipman


    Hi, i've voted for 'Not Neccessary' because at least to where we know... we can't walk on vehicles, so we'll begin on the air; i doubt that we have much SP (campaign) missions where use 'em and all the Wingsuits that i've seen don't allow you to carry the full battle gear, weapon, backpack, vest, suspenders, helmet etc. Leave it to the addon makers sounds good enough for me, but IMO the lone addons don't get to be used by the public servers unless they're inside big Mods such the ACE2 and things like that; so as addon it'll be killed by the mainstream mods such as those and if it comes with the game... will have few use aside of the recreative use that you can give it by few time. The military use HALO suits instead of this for something. Let's C ya
  24. Hi, the weather should affect at everything, from vehicles to weapons; will be great if the game had realistic weather (over all the ground itself) but it won't happen; is too hard. Let's C ya
  25. wipman

    AI spotting enemys per clock

    Hi, for me, the more clear method of communicate a contact, is by the clock in relation with the formation. So, if you're in Column or in Line (Line for CQB or urban combat) you'll always know to which direction you should look and add or remove an hour to the contact report with only two variables; the formation and who in the squad has reported the contact. It's much easyer/faster at the beginning with the Column, Line or Staggered Column formation than with others, but you get used to it in few time and it works. Let's C ya *EDIT: this for distant groups or targets, once the effective fire begins and you stop with the suppressive fire, the info is almost the same but with a bit more detail, like: "One man/woman (if you're not sure of which weapon he/she haves) behind a big/mid/small rock 2 O'clock, low/mid/high (depending on the firing possition of the objective). But the detailed info is only and only, when the effective fire has began.