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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    will arma 2 FREE be patched too?

    Hi, but seems that the ArmA2 patches are only to fix SP & MP default missions and the campaigns, so i doubt that they fix any code or model ralated bugs or issues; this for the retail ArmA2. I don't think that they fix anything else than this for the ArmA2 Free neither. Let's C ya
  2. - Unit models reflect the gear carryed. For example, if the unit haves a pistol... then the model shows up a holdster with it, if the unit haves a ruckshack... then the unit shows a ruckshack; if you drop the ruckshack, then the unit removes it from it's back. - Accurate models of weapons, magazines and equipment. No more 'butt packs' on the ground when you drop a magazine or a grenade; accurate models for all the equipment on the inventory, GPS and Map included.
  3. wipman

    AI Surrender

    Hi, AFAIK the walking animation cuts off the hands up one and there's nothing that you can do about it because there isn't any walking with the hands up animation; is very common that the players shoot unarmed NME players and over all... AIs, i remember the AA3 and a 65% of the players did shoot the incap players "for fun". Some are the same people who play to the ArmA series, and let's not forget that the 90% of the human kind are suckers, so... i wouldn't spect anything good from 'em if i drop my weapons. AFAIK is impossible to make the AI surrender at all, at least in MP; in SP it only works on scripted missions, mainly for an intro/outro, otherwise it use to be more a problem than anything else. Let's C ya
  4. wipman

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    Hi, no; i don't want BF3 graphics. I want a lighting engine and an HDR that simulates the human eye, not a bad video camera or photo camera. Let's C ya
  5. Hi, it takes some time with certain weapons (as LSWs, GPMGs and Heavy Sniper Rifles) for the character to react to the movement, to simulate the weight of the weapon; but setting the Dead Zone to be low or none is what helps the most, at least to me... . Let's C ya
  6. Hi, i think that a Closed Beta could benefit the game, given it to addon makers, scripters, mission makers and the people that has actualy worked with and for the game series; BIS know who they're and their dedication. I did things for the ArmA, but i needed alot of help so give it to people like me, wouldn't help that much in comparison, to identify and solve (offering solutions) the bugs in the Closed Beta; once they've located and solved the models, textures and game's mechanics related bugs... they could pass to a Public Beta state to hunt and fix the bugs related to different hardware configurations. IMO, that could work to release a more polished and better final product to the customers. In that way... we could aboid to have very important bugs and game breaking ones as we still have nowadays on the ArmA2 since it's release. As example... the Aimpoint's Glass bug, that unables you to see (read: aim) through the Aimpoint sights at certain times of the day. Annoying code related bugs as that one that makes the AI look West while they fire at the South, model related bugs as the M1911 sights, shadow and slide; the M14-DMR is not held by the hand grip, etc etc etc... . With a in deep Beta Test all this things won't be there and i think that have 1St a Closed Beta testing by people who knows how the game works and how the bugs could be solved and then, a Public Beta for the hardware related issues... could be good for achive a better final product to the customers that gonna pay for it. Let's C ya
  7. wipman

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    Hi, those videos don't look bad for a ground based (infantry only) game, but we'll have to see that with choppers and jets on a so big terrain as the ArmA series one; what i didn't like of that, is how the shadows become stronger (becoming as strong as they should be) at like 20m of the observer, they're not there or are lighter far away from that. Other thing that i didn't like, was the candle glow inside the house, glow that much inside a house being observed from outside the building on a sunny day!?, it wont be like that IRL. I'd like that there isn't any stupid glow of surfaces like the bricks, the dusty ground, the tents and neither the vehicles and also how the glasses of the shops reflect just a bit, without silly over done UV maps etc, but i don't think that that tecnology shown on those videos be applycable to the ArmA series; still looking good in general in general. Let's C ya
  8. wipman

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    Hi, this is the ArmA2 "so called HDR", which is a F joke: BIS HDR: As you can see... at certain times of day you can't distinguish anything on the ground, is like that too without the NVGs and that's the same lighting that you can see on the ArmA3 screenshots; if it gonna be like that... then i know what game i don't gonna buy. Because i just can't play missions that take place at those certain times as i don't see anything on the ground but the AI keep seeing perfectly, with... and without NVGs. Let's C ya
  9. wipman

    POLL: leaning system.

    Hi, i'd voted Other, because i could agree on that is not progressive the animation used for lean, is too fast; but my idea won't be allow to lean only when static, my solution will be to improve the fluidity of the animation itself and also change the animation to move the legs too (repossitionate 'em) when leaning stanting. Other thing that i'll change about the lean keys is the roll method when prone; rightnow on the ArmA2, if you want to roll to a direction when prone... you've to: doble tap the oppossite direction to where you want to roll and then!, press the key to the direction that you want to roll. This is stupid, it's made too slow as for use it for good, the system i mean, is slower than just press one time or twice the lean key to the side where you want to roll. Let's C ya
  10. Hi, i think that what makes the ArmA series more realistic than those games that you named, the possible options on the missions editor. Let's C ya
  11. - The eyes of the persons and animals should shine by night when viewed through NVGs, if they don't have glasses or something that covers 'em.
  12. wipman

    More gun simulation? interaction

    Hi, one way of avoid to have to 3000 keys for do something, could be to press the key for a while and that would open a tree, that would have the main option and other eight, if they exist, and this eight possible options... should/could have other seven alternatives; manage all this with radial wheels that we should only have to choose what we want and then left click on the option that we've choosen and our character performs the action. Let's C ya
  13. wipman

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    Hi, everything should share the same light values; when you enter into a house on the ArmA2... your character don't haves the house shadow casted over him, you'll see everything shudently shining on you, your hands and weapon will emit a preternatural glow that's only possible eating mushroms. That should change; and the preternatural glow on the human skin, BDUs and weapons too. Rightnow everything glows or shines as if it were made of glass or lube, when it shouldn't. The BDUs and human skin don't shine. You've to be on drugs (mushroms or strychnine) to see the skin, the clothes or the dry stone or ground shine like that. BIS should fine tune the UV mapping for don't burn the normals with it on the end and also should try to simulate the human eye way of view instead simulate to see through a bad video camera, with the lens flare etc etc; leave that crap for the BF3 instead. Let's C ya
  14. wipman

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    Hi, instead a game mode i'll call it Mission; a mission that be pure front line, to Hold Advance & Hold, up to a point, PvP or another that be Players vs AI. But that wouldn't be enough to hook most of the possible players because what i'd said, the ArmAs are not arcades but neither simulators, are more sim but with some touches of arcade that make the gameplay poor or just bad; IMO would be better if it were a true sim instead a weird mix (on the game's mechanics) between arcade and sim. Let's C ya
  15. wipman

    Where is the Arma3 Bible?

    Hi, *Sickboy, i just can think in the bible as a book or text, an official Commands Refference Guide saying what and how to do it is what comes to mind when i see the word "Bible"; just that. For solve a problem (according to the chatolic version of the LOTR, aka Holly Bible) they some times have to go to the old testament for look for a phrase and then combine it with some other from the letters to the Corinthians and boila!, there you've the thing to solve the problem. If BIS is the church... they haven't published a holy book to clarify their religion, there isn't any official path or solution or guide to follow, just a given world full of complex paths that in most cases are dead ends for the standard human. There's no ArmA3 Bible yet and there won't be any, IMO... that's all. Let's C ya
  16. wipman

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    Hi, i was only able to hook two fellas to this drug named OFP; they'd rehab 'emselves with the ArmA, that was so bad and gave so few in comparison with the OFP... that they'd loosed interest with the time, basically the same that happens with the metadone. Hook new addicts is very hard because this is not a simulator but neither is an arcade, so it disappoints boot tipe of consumer; is easyer to hook a dude/chick with a pure product, a pure arcade or pure simulator instead a mix, with this kind of mixed product... you'll get casual users, with a pure product... you'll get addicts, the product will be their new religion because it's what they wanted, is pure so is not a mix of mass media concepts with a bit of Hollywood, a bit of church and alot of vaseline. Give 'em a pure thing and you'll be their Messiah and they'll be awaiting for each new patch with joy and will get it with hype and cheers as the Moses tables. The purity rules...! "ask to the austrians that work in germany..." >>;-) . Let's C ya
  17. Hi, some people don't know it and others seem to have forgot it, but on the OFP times you was able to choose between more than 25 (fully playable) different coop missions, of different skill levels, with half of the player slots filled if not 'em all filled up; that don't happens on the ArmA2 and didn't happen on the ArmA neither. Three missions (EVO, CTI & DOMI) are not enough IMO for fill the MP needs of a game; but half of the blame of this is because there isn't any official Commands Refference Guide that helps the players to create their own MP missions and share 'em, giving life to the MP; nowadays no MP = Dead Game. Let's C ya
  18. Hi, a true surprise to see a new patch for the ArmA2, is great, seriously; but... is good to fix the SP campaign ans missions, but what the ArmA2 needs is to get fixes on SP & Mp game breaking issues as the Aimpoint's Glass Bug or the M1911 A1 model. Personaly, those are the kind of bugs and issues that i want fixed on the ArmA2 more than the SP missions or the Campaign, but i've to say that every patch for the ArmA2 is wellcome. Let's C ya
  19. wipman

    Where is the Arma3 Bible?

    Hi, the ArmA3 will need a much better addons/mods support; you can't enter on a public server if the server don't haves this addon or have it as valid to just enter on the server, not for play... no no no, for enter on the server. There isn't any info about which addons or mods are used or allowed, if any at all, on the public servers; the server browser is good but don't offers any useful info about the server's conditions, addons allowed & supported, players inside, players pings & players stats etc. There's no point on download single addons or full mods if they're not used by most of the servers and players, you'll be screwed up if you don't... and the public servers (the MP part of the game for the average player) isn't really addon/mod companible or even friendly; even the auto-downloaders/installers are not that user friendly... and brings us back to the original problem, that the game is not addon/mod friendly for the average or casual player. You're limited to the addons/mods for the masses and many times not even "those...". For me the ArmA3 bible will be a full Commands Refference Guide as .pdf, with in-game (on the editor) mission examples and functions examples too, anything that don't be that, wouldn't be a bible like and if it don't comes with info or it's easy to do... then the editor still without being user friendly; in other words, you can't do complex MP missions (read:coops OFP style) if you don't have the info about how the editor works, without that... the editor is useless. Let's C ya
  20. wipman

    No nuclear threat please..

    Hi, if i had nukes... i'll keep 'em as a valid option too and there will be alot of places where you couldn't/shouldn't trip to if you wanna come back with all your teeth. Let's C ya
  21. wipman

    No nuclear threat please..

    Hi, the neutron bomb that Jello Biafra & The Dead Kennedys sang about could be that secret whatever, or some of the Nicolai Tesla's invents... suppossedly, he made a junk that created a small earthquake back in 1906 or so, in an area of between 1'6 to 3Km. Japan still blaming the EEUU for the Kobe's earthquake; and in the 71' the EEUU and the URSS, signed (under God & Richard D. Nixon) an agreement for don't use this kind of weapons (the cathegory involves: volcano, tsunami, quake, floods, hurricanes etc. I just don't remember the exact name), they revised the agreement with Russia to include China on the 94' under the same conditions and finnaly they said that reached an agreement to stop the development of such ones and don't use 'em; this was on the 2004'. There's alot of field to exploit the Teslas invents on the video games, this could be one of 'em; are far more scientific that the 96% of the bullshit that surrounds the video games background historys. Let's C ya
  22. wipman

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    Hi, if you look at the screenshot you must notice how the tank have a certain (unreal) light value, the grass have another, the ground haves another... and the objects like trees or the bushes that you see on the distance... have another light value; 'em all have different light values. There's no situation IRL where you'll see such composition in that way, a tank at that distance from you, with the sun at that height, with that same kind of tall grass and far away, behind the closer things (as the tank and grass) the bushes, trees and the ground in general; you'll not see any of this things as you do on that screenshot, don't haves nothing to do with what you'll see with your eyes IRL, other than the sky and the sun. Sumarizing: It's wrong and have a huge negative impact on the gameplay; it must be very improved (to simulate a human eye and not a bad photo camera), substituted or removed; but something needs to be made because it's one of the biggest drawbacks that the game haves. Let's C ya
  23. wipman

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    Hi, a new game will require a much better graphic engine, one that try to simulate the human eye instead a bad 80s video camera, with Lens Flare, the bloom in it's present form, HDR In-accuracy etc; a bad or wrong made thing can be worst than the absence of it, this is the case of the ArmA2/OA HDR. It's the worst try of simulate the human eye that i've ever seen and on the ArmA2 is a game breaking thing that unables you (me) to play at certain times of the day; they gonna loose customers if the thing remains the same or close. Let's C ya ---------- Post added at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:04 PM ---------- Example of Bad Made: - Bad Light Engine. Check the tank light values in comparison with the grass; at that possition, you'll see the tank much more clear and less dark IRL. Let's say that the pic is taken at the 17:00 on winter... the ground, will be more clear, the grass a bit darker and the tank much more clear; without stupid bloom effects everywhere that only the mushroom eaters will see ORL.
  24. Hi, the ArmA2 is dead, check the public MP servers and missions; is dead. Let's C ya
  25. wipman

    Perfect accuracy when firing from the hip

    Hi, the animation shows the units with the weapon on the shoulder, the "hip firing" doesn't exists on the ArmA world; there isn't any disperssion difference between Aim Down the Sights or Fire From the Hip. If they add new anims that allows you to rest or hold the weapon at the hip height... then it would make sense (the addition of disperssion when FFH) if the thing remains as until now... i don't see much sense on the poll's questions. Realistic?: Well... a assault rifle is easyer to hold and control shooting it from the shoulder even without ADS in comparison with shooting it from the hip; with the GPMGs the thing is the other way arround, a MG3 is easyer to hold and control FFH than from the shoulder; at least it was it for me. I don't think that a well implemented FFH hurts the MP balance in any way, the most experienced player with the weapon have more chances of win. The crossair is there because what you see is a 2D image as you're seeing the things on a flat surface, the screen; and you don't have the feeling of the object (the weapon) in your hands so it's the closer method to it. If there were a better way sure that it would had been added to most of the FPS games years ago... but i didn't seen any better system, aside of the good (realistic) anims + progressive and proportional disperssion when it must combo. Let's C ya