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Everything posted by wipman

  1. Hi, how can we get unassigned the tickets that were assigned to us?. Let's C ya
  2. Hi, in my experience with the ArmA2 in SP as in MP, the AI is better with any scoped weapon, can't say how much from one to another; but their accuracy seems to be better with scoped weapons than with iron sighted ones. I'd played with the AI skill set to 1.0 for Friendly and Enemy, at the 3Rd shot the dispersion dissapeared; i can't say nothing about the OA as i had it installed only by two weeks. Let's C ya
  3. wipman

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Hi, good news. Let's C ya
  4. - MIG-29A in various camos.
  5. Hi, it looks like a great addon, IMO, in MP, it should choose the admin config because you're in his/her house and be a nice visitor and bend to his/her rules if they're reasonable; and leave the house if they don't. The skills that you can change look enough to improve the gameplay and seems to work well. Good job. Let's C ya
  6. Hi, a demo will be very helpful to check the performance on our rigs and then make a better plan about what to upgrade or not; it could be released after the game's release... some weeks later, with: - 1St SP mission. - 1St Campaign mission (with Intro). - No MP. - No Editor. That way will be useful to taste the game's graphics & mechanics aside of it's performance; if you like what you see... then go and buy the game. Will be the best thing IMO, but i'll preffer it before the game's release, a week early or so. Let's C ya
  7. wipman

    Future expansions

    Hi, i didn't like the OA release way because it killed the ArmA2 as pretty soon it became neccessary to play in MP and it didn't add anything in therms of gameplay, good new official SP/MP missions or campaigns and a while after that... it became OA instead ArmA2 OA; and then... came all the other DLCs that were only for the OA and that was what stabbed the last nail on the ArmA2's coffin. In my opinion was a bad decission by BIS that i hope that don't happen again. Let's C ya
  8. wipman

    3RD-person viewed character weapon proxys?

    Hi, the perfection would be to allow us to have a pre-choosen equipment tag, where we could attach pouches and equipment to our soldier model before play; so if you don't have x6 nade pouches you wouldn't have nades and if you pick one... you'll have it on the hand 'til you drop it or throw it, or if you only have x4 double mag pouches... you can only carry 8 5.56 magazines, that would be perfect IMO. Let's C ya
  9. wipman

    Controls improvment

    Hi, for me a simple improvement would be to use a bit more the actions menu, on the ArmA2 it was really unused, you have a key for most actions instead use the action menu for certain things that are not automatic; use less keys would be an improvement IMO, for example... the windage and elevation on the OA, or the satchels, that are threated as a weapon like the hand grenades... switch to 'em i think that should be done with the actions menu as the satchels and breaching charges is something that you use to carry on the backpack and not on the vest; the actions menu should be used for more things in my opinion as infantry. Reducing the number of keys used as infantry allowing space for use more keys with the vehicles increasing the functionality of this ones that since the OFP they're mere death-traps where you can't do nothing more than shoot with the main gun or coax and eat RPGs & ATGMs as a seating duck. Let's C ya *EDIT: Add a key for drop the weapon or thing that we've on the hands (and it's related things as the ammo) would be an improvement over the controls too, instead have to open the gear menu and drop the things one by one.
  10. wipman

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Hi, there's been a while since i'd seen something new about the ArmA3, they should publish something new about it. Let's C ya
  11. wipman

    3RD-person viewed character weapon proxys?

    Hi, will be great to be able of see who's carrying what so you could choose better which target is more important; the number of things that you can carry IRL is bigger than in most if not all the games, IRL... is common to see people with two LAW-72 on the back, the combat backpack, the AR+GL and a belt with 26 M433 nades, aside the smoke hand nades and the frag nades, usually a couple of this ones... IRL there isn't any "one man's army" guy but in certain games would be possible. Is up to the player how he/she uses the tools at it's disposal and you can only fire a weapon at once. I think that would be great to see all the tools and food that a man/woman have's, being the tools his/her weapons and the food the ammo. Let's C ya
  12. Hi, realistic dense urban areas like in the GTA IV are not possible on the ArmA2 and sure that neither on the ArmA3, the ArmA series are made more for the open spaces than for urban enviroments; with or without alot enterable buildings, booth for performance and also because the AI behaviour... it's not possible on the current and previous ArmA/OFP games and i don't see any change on the ArmA3 engine core that make me think that a realistic medium size city be possible in therms of gameplay & performance. Let's C ya
  13. Hi, the vB3 for vB4 is better but still not the true old one, 'the good ol' one', this one still chaotic and uggy in a degree; the huge space between the last word and the post box bottom don't makes no sense and shouldn't exist, one line only of space between the last written word and the post's box and sky blue for the main sections of the forum (ArmA2, ArmA2: OA, ArmA3 etc..) damn it, the damn old forum, not this thing!!. Let's C ya
  14. Hi, i find the available skins not as good and more confuse than the original old one; it's true that you adjust yourself to the changes, but that don't makes the change to be good by itself... . i.e: A bullet in your spine, you can adapt yourself to live with it until that it moves 2mm to the wrong side and then you don't walk no more; is the change good!?, sure that you can adapt to live on a wheels chair or a bed, but that don't makes it good or better than the previous natural form just for be a change. Let's C ya *EDIT: Seriously, why the space between the last line and the box's bottom!?
  15. Hi, i preffer the classic BIS forum skin to the actual ones, i find booth uggly and chaotic; this makes the use and read harder. If i had the old skin... it'll be the one that i'll use for sure. Let's C ya *EDIT: WTF is that so big space between the last text line on the msg... and the msg box bottom itself!?, now i hate the new skins.
  16. wipman

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    Hi, another of the things that make me be againist the 'Auto-Download' thing, is that if the server have or use an older version of an addon, a not updated one... it'll require you to download it or will force you to do so in order to play; and the thing is as simple as this: You have it = You play. You don't have it...? = You don't play... . I preffer to see documentation about an addon and it functionality aside of screenshots of it too and then decide if i want to download it and after try it, i'll decide to keep it or not; with an 'Auto-Downloader' you could end with 4Gb of M4s packs or with 3Gb of units retextures as this ones are addons and not mere skin packs that you donload and they get activated if the mission require 'em. I see more cons than pros on the 'Auto-Downloader' thing and that's why i'm againist it. Let's C ya
  17. wipman

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    Well man, knowing the game series as i know it... i can ensure you that each mod or single addon requires alot of readme.txt with classnames etc, i download and use the mods and addons mainly for the editor and without that info they're useless to me; i like the order, i want the info files in their folder and not in another one, i like the precission and not the randomess, i like the freedom of choice with all my heart, but without an order it seems to me as fuckin' chaos and ain't like the fuckin' chaos; it delays the things and make 'em harder wizout a reason, even with a reason i dislike the chaos. I don't want a mod saving the .pbo's on a folder together with the info/doc/txt files telling you how to use the thing that you didn't knew that you needed it... until a random server told you so; ain't like the order of others, i like the alphabetical order. I don't want to have to select where to save the addon .pbo's and where to save the rest of the files, no matter if they're useless images, .txt files or damn thing that comes with a .ogg just to annoy you and show you how sucker the addon maker is. I don't want nothing or no one to download things for me, i like to do it on my own, with my style, when and where i want because i want; not because a sucker thinks that X mission requires X bullshit that he thinks that's pimp when in fact it adds little or nothing to the game's mechanic other than the visual thing for dick suckers and fuckin' assholes. I'm againist the 'Auto-Download' thing. Let's C ya
  18. Hi, it looks to me as a great and very useful addition; it works with the ArmA2 or is only for the OA?. Let's C ya
  19. wipman

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    Hi, im againist the 'Automod download' thing. Let's C ya
  20. Hi, we should make a CIT ticket saying that all the eastern SD weapons of the ArmA2 have muzzle flash and they enlight the area where you're when you shoot, while the western ones don't; and the AI don't need NVGs to see by night on the ArmA2, they can see you and engage you at +150m without have to have NVGs. They just "see the matrix and the matrix hate's you". Let's C ya
  21. - Kel-Tech KSGs Family. - Kel-Tech RFB Sniper Rifle.
  22. Hi, i've few faith after have seen some of the ArmA2 models directly on the current über-Beta ArmA3 videos, however... there's a very very long road ahead before the ArmA3 see the light and that's time more than enough to polish the game models and textures to ensure that those bugs, those bugged models of the ArmA2 that they're using and that they've the MLODs and textures are fixed, aside the new content that we don't really know about. But it have to be clear that the F35 and AH1Z models and textures are from the ArmA1, which is a bad sign IMO... . The most accurate reply to the topic, will be: we don't know it and BIS don't gonna talk about it with us. Let's C ya
  23. Hi, the models and textures of this mod are really impressive, i hope that the mod can co-exist with other WWII mods like the I44 or the Iron Front 1944, that will be awesome. Let's C ya
  24. Hi, for me an improvement would be to allow us to carry an AT and a LMG or GPMG, just as IRL, if it weights too much... you just fuck yourself and keep walking; for the kind of gameplay we're lucky of that have that many rambos arround even on PvP os having an admin... we could get ridd of the rambos and "that kind". Other improvement would be IMO, to have the satchels as equipment like the GPS, the radio etc.. and have the shape of a C4 charge, not a buttpack's shape... . The über improvement would be to have a view of the character's model and then attach pouches, bags, ruckshacks and gear to it, having a max weight limit based on our possition (max weight for rifleman... max weight for autorifleman etc) but that won't gonna happen because we've fixed models as we all know; dream is free anyways. Let's C ya