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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, we've a very important "existential doubt"; and we'll (me and the modeler that's making the hard job with the M4's/CAR-15 LODs & models) like to know how do u want the M4's, before we that we could shitted it badly. I don't know how this part of the gun it's called in english; we (the spanish) call it: "aro de la correa porta fusíl", i had the idea of change it in all the M4's to make it look like as it looks like in the CAR-15's until... ; until... i remembered that we've made M4's + M203 & M4's + MK (aka Master Key, the shotgoon) . The question is, what style we use?, 1St style or 2Nd style?. It's important, we try to make the best M4's made until the date for the joy of all the OFP players; the users of the LSR units, the users of the HYK units & EVEN... the users of the BAS De/Ra units. Without forget the SJB_Seals, the Australian units based on the HYK units & the Blackblood Grunts (D) that are comming as late as our M4's; and basically... for every body. Tell us wich "belt strap...?" we should use in all the M4's, 1St way, or 2Nd way. M4's A1 Belt Strap? : P.D: It's a pride for me that a member of an addons team with so much graphic quality belives that our M4's are fanzy shit; thanks Cribban, we try our best. Let's cu
  2. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, we've a very important "existential doubt"; and we'll (me and the modeler that's making the hard job with the M4's/CAR-15 LODs & models) like to know how do u want the M4's, before we that we could shitted it badly. I don't know how this part of the gun it's called in english; we (the spanish) call it: "aro de la correa porta fusíl", i had the idea of change it in all the M4's to make it look like as it looks like in the CAR-15's until... ; until... i remembered that we've made M4's + M203 & M4's + MK (aka Master Key, the shotgoon) . The question is, what style we use?, 1St style or 2Nd style?. It's important, we try to make the best M4's made until the date for the joy of all the OFP players; the users of the LSR units, the users of the HYK units & EVEN... the users of the BAS De/Ra units. Without forget the SJB_Seals, the Australian units based on the HYK units & the Blackblood Grunts (D) that are comming as late as our M4's; and basically... for every body. Tell us wich "belt strap...?" we should use in all the M4's, 1St way, or 2Nd way. M4's A1 Belt Strap? : P.D: It's a pride for me that a member of an addons team with so much graphic quality belives that our M4's are fanzy shit; thanks Cribban, we try our best. Let's cu
  3. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, we've some new barrel models where choose; the flash hider its holed, but the lower side haven't holes; only a black texture, isn't very noticeable... and... change the barrel of all the M4's, short M4's & CAR-15's, could take us much time (plus end the black textures & make the 60% of the CAR-15's textures) but the fact it's that they don't look bad at all. There go some pics to show u what im talking about... New M4A1 Barrel: New CAR-15 Barrel: New Short M4's Barrel: P.D: Hornet... ya make me look like a ******' eminency talkin' 'n tipin' in english; but thanksa 4 the possitive feedback mana >>;-) . Let's C ya
  4. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, we've some new barrel models where choose; the flash hider its holed, but the lower side haven't holes; only a black texture, isn't very noticeable... and... change the barrel of all the M4's, short M4's & CAR-15's, could take us much time (plus end the black textures & make the 60% of the CAR-15's textures) but the fact it's that they don't look bad at all. There go some pics to show u what im talking about... New M4A1 Barrel: New CAR-15 Barrel: New Short M4's Barrel: P.D: Hornet... ya make me look like a ******' eminency talkin' 'n tipin' in english; but thanksa 4 the possitive feedback mana >>;-) . Let's C ya
  5. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, a small progress in the M4's textures; now the barrel. M4 Progress: Let's cu
  6. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, a small progress in the M4's textures; now the barrel. M4 Progress: Let's cu
  7. wipman


    Hi, don't remove anything; it's your island/islands, not mine. All what i've seen looks great, even the new snow textures; a possible solution for make this great job reach every one, cold be to make to make 'em all in 1 big island connected by bridges (use the Pontoon Bridge too) for ppl with good PC's and later on with more time... make 'em separated islands for low PC's. That could maybe make it reach more ppl that for sure will enjoy your great job there. Let's cu
  8. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, i haven't touched the photoshop from the last post; i've a flat to fix that gonna take us some time, we'r not sure how many time it can take us, but not less than 2 weeks. Afther that a girl told us that she'll like us to paint a room in her house, so it could be 2 weeks and to or 3 more days; we'll speed up that damn shit if we'll waste the weekends (sunday afthernoon included) but i don't like to work the weekends. And in my free time... i like to clean the South Central in the SWAT-4 that "oh surprise" it works. But well, i ever check the M4 textures to know what gonna be next. P.D: I'll like (we'll like) to have it in our HD's before than the OFP2 see the light; but the M4's pack it's beeing made in Spain, we don't know how long can take us to end it, but we try to make it as fast & good as we can. Let's cu
  9. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, i haven't touched the photoshop from the last post; i've a flat to fix that gonna take us some time, we'r not sure how many time it can take us, but not less than 2 weeks. Afther that a girl told us that she'll like us to paint a room in her house, so it could be 2 weeks and to or 3 more days; we'll speed up that damn shit if we'll waste the weekends (sunday afthernoon included) but i don't like to work the weekends. And in my free time... i like to clean the South Central in the SWAT-4 that "oh surprise" it works. But well, i ever check the M4 textures to know what gonna be next. P.D: I'll like (we'll like) to have it in our HD's before than the OFP2 see the light; but the M4's pack it's beeing made in Spain, we don't know how long can take us to end it, but we try to make it as fast & good as we can. Let's cu
  10. wipman


    Hi, what i've try to say it's that this island or islands (all it/'em) look really good; but the file size gonna make me don't download it; the lag it's very important, there's where it's the fun. Coops, maybe CTF's... and Coops. Use a "large" number of enemy units, MT-LB's 2.2, PSC BTR-T's 1.1, AH1's W, UH1's N, the USMC Addon Pack 1.0, maybe the Edge Res units... , LSR-Deltas, Rangers, Combat M2's A2/A3, M113's A2/A3, FK HMMWV's and the usual stuff that makes that we don't touch a single BIS unit that don't be the tank crew or the pilots... could ruin any good coop mission throwing the frame rate lower than where Kennedy it's; in the hell. Now add the required addons for the island and think in the addon units to make a "combat situation" to resolve; now... add the waypoints, add bullshit in the init of the units; use scripts, use the M1A2 engine smoke to cover your back from those "evil" communits that wanna shove up a RPG7V in yar... tjo...! "back of the tank"; use some custom flags in .jpg & have fun for hours with your fellas by hours (hours at 0 or 3fps). It's not 'couse my computer it's a shit; it's that maybe, this island/islands could require a lot of processor & many memory; but well... the thing; the thing is... that i don't use any winter addon, so im not interesed in any snow that don't be snortable, but yes, i know that 'round there there'r some winter USMC units. But that's not enought; findland houses...??? why!?, only snows in findland?!, shit, there even snow in jerusalen an in the sahara; why make/use only findland houses?. But well, the main idea, it's that ALL the pics of this promissing island/islands look awesome, no matter what i think of it. P.D: Yes, u keept me there Frostbite; but... just put some... "irony there". Let's cu
  11. wipman


    Hi, those island textures & new objects/buildings look really good, and the airport shown in the pics by Manhunter09 too; i have some misc textures of bullshit like... tarmac, concrete, sand, grass, a palm & some others (i think) if u want 'em, berg... PM me & they'll be yours. The only thing that i don't like so much, it's the huge file size that all this great stuff can take; and those findland houses. U could burn 'em and with the findlands inside, but well... the lag issue it's another important thing; some areas i guess that could give some slow frames; but the islands shown in all the pics look really good. Good job. Let's cu
  12. wipman

    Update List

    Hi, this are most of the addons that i use, plus my own shit; i think that they've the best global quality between the released addons; without hit to much the performance of the computer and letting me to replace all the BIS units with something that looks better & that covers well if don't better the field of the substituted units. PSC BTR-T's 1.1 (9'5Mb): http://dl1.suicidesquad.co.uk/downloads/BTRT_1_1_ZIP.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ MT-LB's 2.2 (16Mb): http://dl1.suicidesquad.co.uk/downloads/MT-LB_Update_Installer.exe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Dan M14 Pack (4'26Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/danm14.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ CBT Misc Pack 1.1 (4'98Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/CBT_MISC_V1.1.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ CBT Crew 1.0 (9'89Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/CBT_APC_CREW_V1.0.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ JAM_Mag2 (6'07Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/JAM2.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ INQ USMC HTTV (4'82Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/INQ_HTTV.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ INQ M1A2 SEP 1.2 (10'7Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/INQ_M1_v.2.00.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ USMC Addon Pack (31'79Mb): http://www.mtco.com/games/downloads/usmc/MarineAssaultPack.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ RNI Tank Crew (774Kb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/SUCHtank.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ GAZ 24 BETA (2'11Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/gaz24.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ GAZ 69A 1.2 (2'18Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons/GAZ69ARUS_12.exe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ CAS X31A (3'93Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/cas_x31a.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ GST YAK130 Beta 1(1Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/Gst_Yak130(20040502).zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ DKM MI28 1.0 (11'8Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/dkmm_mi28_r10.exe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ ORCS MI2 1.1 (4'65Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/Mi-2pack_byNO.exe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ ORCS Effects V2 & RD54(447Kb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/ORCS_RD_EF.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ USMC AH1-W Beta 0.45 (1'82Mb): http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/download/USMC_AH-1W Beta v0.45.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ WIP M1911A1 (1'65Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/wip_45.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ WIP G36K (1'38Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/wip_g36k.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ INQ SU25+Pilot (replacement): http://ofp.gamezone.cz/_hosted/inquisitor/files/addons/su25.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ INQ WEAPONS 1.1 (20'4Mb): http://ofp.gamezone.cz/_hosted....paa.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ USMC Symbols (108Kb): http://ofp.gamezone.cz/unofaddons/144903_USMCsymbols.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ USMC UH1-N 1.1b (5'21Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/PRPH_UH1N_1.1b.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ USMC CAF LAV25-III (8'28Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/USMC_LAV_0.9.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Silesian Cessna (1.41Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/SILCESSNA.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ 3WX Objects Pack 1.0 (8'2Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/F3WX_O1_V.1.0.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ AGS Industrial Pack 3.0 (7'5Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/AGS_Industrial_Pack_v.3.0.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mapfact Nogova 1.22 (25'20): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd//islands2/MAP_Noe_v1.22.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mapfact Military Objects (3'7): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/MAP_MilObj-Pack_V1_0.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mapfact Airport-Addon 1.2 (1'58MB): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/JOF_Objects1_2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mapfact Barraken-Addon 1.5 (3'69MB): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/Baracken1_5.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mapfact Shed 1.0 (unknown): ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/MAP_Shed_V1.0.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mapfact Heaps 1.1 (236Kb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/MAP_Heaps_V1.1.rar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Mapfact Mine Objects Pack (1'80Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/MineLtdObjects.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Editor Upgrade 1.02 (1'80Mb): ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/MineLtdObjects.zip
  13. wipman


    Hi, BRBSeb or something like that, was making another RAH-66 Comanche; he had it in game, flying & all... i don't know why he don't released at least, a teaser of his good looking helo; the BRBSeb or whatever... textures on his chopper looked much more accurate to me than the DMK RAH-66 1.2 textures, or model. I don't know why he never released a teaser, to let the OFP players have a much better Comanche, but it's a big loose for sure. Let's cu.
  14. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, well... im drunk again; but i made what i should, i've ended 1 more texture of the black M4A1's. This is how it the lower RIS castles look like now; the next, the barrel & afther that... an aspirine. the best thing it's that i've 1/4 of the Ab-Slut bottle, so i can get a small blind tomorrow, and enjoy the SWAT 4. Let's cu P.D: bufff...* i almost don't see the screen...
  15. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, well... im drunk again; but i made what i should, i've ended 1 more texture of the black M4A1's. This is how it the lower RIS castles look like now; the next, the barrel & afther that... an aspirine. the best thing it's that i've 1/4 of the Ab-Slut bottle, so i can get a small blind tomorrow, and enjoy the SWAT 4. Let's cu P.D: bufff...* i almost don't see the screen...
  16. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    I hope to drink less today (saturday) and be able of work a bit in the black M4's textures instead drink 'til get drunk (very very drunk) & then crawl by the house like if the charlies were storming the place... but damn... forget the Ktotte sister, the Ab-Slut (the slut inside the glass) it's the best thing that Swede gave to the word; belive me, im drunk so i must be saying the truth. I killed Kennedy. It's not (only) for mess arround, it's for tell the fans, the ppl that are helping me to make this M4's for everybody... that u can't ever make the same thing; u know how painfull are of retexture those RIS castles!?, shit, if u'll ever do the same u'll get bored as Satan Housein in a prison cell without TV, DVD, 3 foods x day, 2 female contacts x week & the "common" permisson of walk arround the "prison" without that any guard say "BOOH" to you. Anyway; i hope to drink less this afthernoon when i awake. Let's cu
  17. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    I hope to drink less today (saturday) and be able of work a bit in the black M4's textures instead drink 'til get drunk (very very drunk) & then crawl by the house like if the charlies were storming the place... but damn... forget the Ktotte sister, the Ab-Slut (the slut inside the glass) it's the best thing that Swede gave to the word; belive me, im drunk so i must be saying the truth. I killed Kennedy. It's not (only) for mess arround, it's for tell the fans, the ppl that are helping me to make this M4's for everybody... that u can't ever make the same thing; u know how painfull are of retexture those RIS castles!?, shit, if u'll ever do the same u'll get bored as Satan Housein in a prison cell without TV, DVD, 3 foods x day, 2 female contacts x week & the "common" permisson of walk arround the "prison" without that any guard say "BOOH" to you. Anyway; i hope to drink less this afthernoon when i awake. Let's cu
  18. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    I found out that i like to drink vodka like i like to feed... i look at the bottle & it's like a woman... i hear: "drink me... drink me..." & that's what i do... what could i do?!
  19. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    I found out that i like to drink vodka like i like to feed... i look at the bottle & it's like a woman... i hear: "drink me... drink me..." & that's what i do... what could i do?!
  20. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, that's my opinion about the JAM_Mag, JAM_Mag2 & a installer/downloader as the "amore..."; i can't say anything about the JAM_Mag3 because i have nothing to base my opinion on. Today i should had been working in the black M4's textures; but instead... i've get drunk; and this is what i made instead. "Sorry..." blame that swedish b.. b.. BOTTLE of ab-slut vodka, isn't my fault.
  21. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, that's my opinion about the JAM_Mag, JAM_Mag2 & a installer/downloader as the "amore..."; i can't say anything about the JAM_Mag3 because i have nothing to base my opinion on. Today i should had been working in the black M4's textures; but instead... i've get drunk; and this is what i made instead. "Sorry..." blame that swedish b.. b.. BOTTLE of ab-slut vodka, isn't my fault.
  22. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, there'r some "problems" with the JAM_Mag2, not only the sounds used by default; the ballistic values and also the recoil. In a JAM_Mag2 AK74/M16/CAR-15/... the bullets fly straight like how the Challenger made it to the hell, that's not good and i don't want something like than in this M4's; i'll like that will be possible to accurize the ballistic values of the M4's to the E&S ACOG optic, but i think that that's not possible (im not sure). Another option, could be... to use the DanM14 ballistic values; but they serve for his M14 ACOG, they'r 7.72x51 values, not 5.56x45; and they'll not fit with the E&S ACOG sight. As recoil... the BIS XM177E, the C8X_aks74u or the INQ_M4 values couldn be closer to the real recoil (more the C8X_aks74u recoil) but i never had a M4A1 in the hands. So... i don't know wich could be the best ballistic/recoil values, i was thinking in use the same ballistic values that my wip_g36ksd have, but afther try it a bit more... i've found that the bullets go up at closer ranges but they don't fall at med/long ranges where they should;they've the same problem, they fly straight. But anyway, in my opinion... the JAM_Mag2 sounds/ballistic values suck. I couldn't make 'em better (i couldn't even't make 'em) but im sure that they suck & that they don't ever get closer to real ballistic values; and that's what i want for our M4's; the more accurate ballistic/recoil values possible, to let the players enjoy the best M4's ever made for the OFP, for they'r SF units & for all those coop missions with released addon units that we still need like the money or the drugs. Let's cu
  23. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, there'r some "problems" with the JAM_Mag2, not only the sounds used by default; the ballistic values and also the recoil. In a JAM_Mag2 AK74/M16/CAR-15/... the bullets fly straight like how the Challenger made it to the hell, that's not good and i don't want something like than in this M4's; i'll like that will be possible to accurize the ballistic values of the M4's to the E&S ACOG optic, but i think that that's not possible (im not sure). Another option, could be... to use the DanM14 ballistic values; but they serve for his M14 ACOG, they'r 7.72x51 values, not 5.56x45; and they'll not fit with the E&S ACOG sight. As recoil... the BIS XM177E, the C8X_aks74u or the INQ_M4 values couldn be closer to the real recoil (more the C8X_aks74u recoil) but i never had a M4A1 in the hands. So... i don't know wich could be the best ballistic/recoil values, i was thinking in use the same ballistic values that my wip_g36ksd have, but afther try it a bit more... i've found that the bullets go up at closer ranges but they don't fall at med/long ranges where they should;they've the same problem, they fly straight. But anyway, in my opinion... the JAM_Mag2 sounds/ballistic values suck. I couldn't make 'em better (i couldn't even't make 'em) but im sure that they suck & that they don't ever get closer to real ballistic values; and that's what i want for our M4's; the more accurate ballistic/recoil values possible, to let the players enjoy the best M4's ever made for the OFP, for they'r SF units & for all those coop missions with released addon units that we still need like the money or the drugs. Let's cu
  24. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, good news for all the OFP players, the proximity of the JAM_Mag3 release; over all what's good (in my opinion) it's to don't release it as a installer/downloader (that... "amore...") once we see it released we could think afther check it out, in make a separate config to make this M4's pack JAM_Mag3 compatible. But 1St, we've to end the M4's, & second... check the JAM_Mag3 sounds. Let's cu
  25. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, good news for all the OFP players, the proximity of the JAM_Mag3 release; over all what's good (in my opinion) it's to don't release it as a installer/downloader (that... "amore...") once we see it released we could think afther check it out, in make a separate config to make this M4's pack JAM_Mag3 compatible. But 1St, we've to end the M4's, & second... check the JAM_Mag3 sounds. Let's cu