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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, the problem is... that i don't know how to do that; in the OFP, for simulate a red dot, u should (in MP, the server) have the "Crossair" option activated, in most of the servers that i've been (even some CTF based servers) that's deactivated; that's the only way of simulate a red dot; that if it's red... it'll don't shine by night, it'll look as very deep green. It's already late to add things like: mose variants, like the eotech sighted versions, versions with a Elcan, some reflex sighted, or with other scopes. If some one whant to do that using as base "our" models & textures... go ahead, but... but... DON'T TOUCH our config once that it reach the v1.0 (now it's the v0.8) take the models, take the textures, the sounds, whatever... look at the readme for the credits if u think that u'll had to ask some one, and then... do your own M4's that share or not the values that our M4's use or don't. BUt anyway... we don't gonna remove that laser, u could use versions of the weapon that don't use it, or do your own. Let's cu
  2. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, yes Mr. Zig it's already setted up to:"shine" but that's how the OFP seem to work, the M68 aimpoint lenses like the LAM place where the laser beam begins it's also setted up to: "shine". It does, they do it; but for some reason using NVG's instead shine a lot with a white light... it/they look as a deep green or just black. There's no way of change that i fear. Let's cu
  3. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, well Ruff, in some servers they remove the crossairs in 1St person/3Th person view and the laser beam should only be a help at really close ranges and at medium/long ranges, u shouldn't care that laser beam; u should be checking the orizon line & forget that laser, and use the weapon sight for spot/aim. In case of remove the laser i'll do it only to remove the LAM, why the fuck u'll want to have it there taking place in the memory... if it's just atrezzo?. In this way looks like as if it'll work; it don't do it by night because of the OFP engine. Let's cu
  4. wipman

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Hi, i really try to play the CSLA campaign, and use the CSLA addons, over all the FIA (Federación Internacional de Automovilismo) pack; for make in novojev a mission about retake a city held by OPFORs. But's impossible... those crippled like anims make me advance as slow that walk 200m in straight line takes me almost 2mins or more; and u can't shoot while u walk standing up, it's not the michael j. fox pulse with the gun, it's more than that. There's some way of get rid of that shit of crippled/parkingson sick anims?; i don't care how the units aim (i've seen junkies with the monkey shake much less than that), but damn, those anims joe... those anims kill the entire mod, the addons & everything. Other thing... in the 1St CSLA campaign, i don't see any briefing, the text in the briefings; but i can see the marked objectives in the map, and i can see some (i think that mine) waypoints in the map. Is that normal?. I haven't began yet the 2Nd campaign because i advance so slow ("thanks" to the parkingson sick anims...) that gonna take me months to end it. So i don't know if in that one the briefings are or not present in the notebook. Without those anims this will be a great mod. Let's cu
  5. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, it's nothing man; 13 or 14 painfull months of partial time work on M4's to make the OFP players have something good to play with; i hope that u enjoy 'em man. The names of the mags ammo & that... the way of display the name of the ammo should be: M4A1 - Single M4A1 - Auto M4A1 - Single (SD) M4A1 - Auto (SD) it really don't matters what it says; if you want a M4 that use subsonic rounds... join the SWAT, this is a computer game. Let's cu
  6. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, the laser beam of the LAM in the short CQB m4's should be visible only for the player, in 1st person view; i don't see it in 3th person view or using the tactical view, that's how it should be; otherwise i think that the AI's will "see" it too. Let's cu
  7. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Thanks fubar.... but i posted the Beta 0.8 in addons discusion threat because it's not 100% complete, so the ppl can discuss about & tell us what they think what they see in this Beta release. Let's cu
  8. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, DSA Drill sargeant has completed enought of the models & made a config that works very well, some bugs still there; but u can play with the M4's. The link's are down there: opflashpoint.org: wip_m4a1 pack v0.8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ofp.gamezone.cz: OFP.info (mirror1): OFP.info (mirror2):
  9. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, isn't my bussines if the ppl use or don't our M4's, they'r there; even the big mods or other addon makers could take this models, make a config using they'r values/scripts/whatever & use it for they'r units/mod/missions/whatever. But that will be more a fuck than a good thing; less compativilty = less good; less good = more bad, more bad = more shit .... & in that way until be banned. I'll like that if the big addon makers/mods/whaever gonna use our M4's... they should wait a bit until a final release it's out & use our M4's & not they'r own; for compativily matters. Forgeting the old missions/campaigns/whatever; we don't really need any more weapons; G36's, FN-2000, Famas, whatever; we need more missions. Forget the M4's & let's do more coops, more CTF's, more CTB, more CYS than more deltas, rangers, suposed seals; and let's do more M16A4 based coops; USMC. I hope that those who use all those SF's find this pack utile; and with luck... no more M4's until the ArmAs. Now let's back on topic... any other bug to report to us for fix it?. Let's cu
  10. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, isn't my bussines if the ppl use or don't our M4's, they'r there; even the big mods or other addon makers could take this models, make a config using they'r values/scripts/whatever & use it for they'r units/mod/missions/whatever. But that will be more a fuck than a good thing; less compativilty = less good; less good = more bad, more bad = more shit .... & in that way until be banned. I'll like that if the big addon makers/mods/whaever gonna use our M4's... they should wait a bit until a final release it's out & use our M4's & not they'r own; for compativily matters. Forgeting the old missions/campaigns/whatever; we don't really need any more weapons; G36's, FN-2000, Famas, whatever; we need more missions. Forget the M4's & let's do more coops, more CTF's, more CTB, more CYS than more deltas, rangers, suposed seals; and let's do more M16A4 based coops; USMC. I hope that those who use all those SF's find this pack utile; and with luck... no more M4's until the ArmAs. Now let's back on topic... any other bug to report to us for fix it?. Let's cu
  11. Hi, someone told me that the ODOL EX fucks off the selections in the MLOD converted .p3d's & that it fucks 'em off for ever; even God (aka Earl) told me that he don't knew any solution that will not be make the optic .p3d from 0, what i don't know is if the ODOL X fucks too the texture file; but that'll be too much. I downloaded the Crime City Weapons 0.99 inside there'r MLOD optics, i've taken that .p3d to make some custom sights (now only a Glock 17 & a P99) i should try in 'em in game; but if that works... i could re-release before i go, my wip-m1911 (thanx 2 King Homer) with a working muzzle flash. Let's cu
  12. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, rgr that Placebo, i hope that u liked the chick (it's not porno... she's no naked in that one); i hope that the ppl enjoy this weapons pack, i'll try to make the custom inventory pics to have 'em ready soon. Let's cu P.D: Feel free to take whatever u may need from this pack; but ask the alive/reachable persons that i took something for this pack, or don't... at yar own. Let's cu
  13. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, rgr that Placebo, i hope that u liked the chick (it's not porno... she's no naked in that one); i hope that the ppl enjoy this weapons pack, i'll try to make the custom inventory pics to have 'em ready soon. Let's cu P.D: Feel free to take whatever u may need from this pack; but ask the alive/reachable persons that i took something for this pack, or don't... at yar own. Let's cu
  14. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, this is not about you, 9mm... or any other single player; isn't even about me; i've already said that i don't gonna use this M4's. They lag in my OFP; but they lag because everything lags here, i have the visual quality set to the max, the view distance setted up to 2000m (in MP use to be only 400m for some reason) and it still lagging; many ppl this days use the HYK units (2600+ polys), the CBT HMMWV, M2A2/A3, M113's, INQ M1A2, BAS Choppers (18000+ polys the MH/UH60's), the LSR de/ra 1.3 (106Mb for your memory), the ORCS infantry as OPFOR or the RHS units; don't conplain to me if your PC lags, my PC also lags & sure that more than yours... i use as default units & weapons the E&S USMC Addon 1.0 &/or the USMC Beta3 plus they'r needed addons, it's a good way of avoid lag but playing with great working/looking units. Don't conplain to us/me because they lag, go the the RHS/HYK/LSR/ORCS/BAS/Island Makers/Whatever threats & complain there about how much everything lag. And... don't forget to find a BIS member & go over the knees in front him crying out loud "Ohhhh...!! My God....!!! How OLD IS THE OFP ENGINE...!!! Ohhh My God...!!". That's not my fault; i made what i could & i hope that the players enjoy this weapons pack, it's made for 'em. Let's cu
  15. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, this is not about you, 9mm... or any other single player; isn't even about me; i've already said that i don't gonna use this M4's. They lag in my OFP; but they lag because everything lags here, i have the visual quality set to the max, the view distance setted up to 2000m (in MP use to be only 400m for some reason) and it still lagging; many ppl this days use the HYK units (2600+ polys), the CBT HMMWV, M2A2/A3, M113's, INQ M1A2, BAS Choppers (18000+ polys the MH/UH60's), the LSR de/ra 1.3 (106Mb for your memory), the ORCS infantry as OPFOR or the RHS units; don't conplain to me if your PC lags, my PC also lags & sure that more than yours... i use as default units & weapons the E&S USMC Addon 1.0 &/or the USMC Beta3 plus they'r needed addons, it's a good way of avoid lag but playing with great working/looking units. Don't conplain to us/me because they lag, go the the RHS/HYK/LSR/ORCS/BAS/Island Makers/Whatever threats & complain there about how much everything lag. And... don't forget to find a BIS member & go over the knees in front him crying out loud "Ohhhh...!! My God....!!! How OLD IS THE OFP ENGINE...!!! Ohhh My God...!!". That's not my fault; i made what i could & i hope that the players enjoy this weapons pack, it's made for 'em. Let's cu
  16. Hi, i've gave a try to those "musso..tjo!tjo!..spag... EJEM!!" ITALIAN, soldiers... and they look damn great, the models look very well (i hate the helmet) and the only "bug" that i've found was that the hands textures goes independent from the forearms textures; and that's very noticeable in the unit with the beret; but a damn great job. Those new boots model may serve to make (with good textures) Dr. Marteens, Rangers, Getta Grip or Commando boots; with permision, some textures, time etc.. etc... we could get a entire International Brigades XXI Century *squad, with only 3 or 4 models. Great job Prep, even better that the UH1's N. Let's cu *EDIT
  17. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, a list of known bugs & things that don't work or that don't work as i want 'em to work: - M203 don't use the ballistic values of the E&S M203 - wip_m433_grenade instead: wip_m433nade (<---<< that's how it must be) - The sights still without shining by night - Some sights have the wrong common M4 MF instead have the rounded MF or don't have it at all. - Some inventary pics not present (in the pack) - No wip_flare &/or wip_flaresbox - The wip_m4's short (B,D,W) +M68 have a black box as shadow - Some not so good display names - Some unnecesary classnames terminations* *wip_m4wm203acog_sd | wip_m4wm203acogsd it's faster tipe, remind & cristal clear. Like that... the rest of the M4's - Some wrong recalled custom optic* *the wip_m4scope should be called & displayed as wip_m4dmr & use the E&S ACOG optic, instead the ACOG reticle & the Dan M1 M25 aiming cross (that's for the D & W versions that should be displayed as: M4A1D-Tasco /Single Shot/Full Auto). Let's cu
  18. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, a list of known bugs & things that don't work or that don't work as i want 'em to work: - M203 don't use the ballistic values of the E&S M203 - wip_m433_grenade instead: wip_m433nade (<---<< that's how it must be) - The sights still without shining by night - Some sights have the wrong common M4 MF instead have the rounded MF or don't have it at all. - Some inventary pics not present (in the pack) - No wip_flare &/or wip_flaresbox - The wip_m4's short (B,D,W) +M68 have a black box as shadow - Some not so good display names - Some unnecesary classnames terminations* *wip_m4wm203acog_sd | wip_m4wm203acogsd it's faster tipe, remind & cristal clear. Like that... the rest of the M4's - Some wrong recalled custom optic* *the wip_m4scope should be called & displayed as wip_m4dmr & use the E&S ACOG optic, instead the ACOG reticle & the Dan M1 M25 aiming cross (that's for the D & W versions that should be displayed as: M4A1D-Tasco /Single Shot/Full Auto). Let's cu
  19. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, check the 1St post; wip_m4a1 pack Beta 0.8 out thanks to: Jay McRae & DSA Drill Sargeant
  20. wipman

    M4A1 Pack

    Hi, check the 1St post; wip_m4a1 pack Beta 0.8 out thanks to: Jay McRae & DSA Drill Sargeant
  21. Hi, what a bunch of bitches... the SFP 4.0 team having fun arround there without say anything to the OFP players that maybe interesed in they'r SFP 4.0; this is a shame. HANG KTOTTE FROM A TREE & PUT A BURNING CROSS AT THE SIDE!!!!. Let's cu
  22. wipman

    Accuracy and Realism

    Hi, i'll like to see different anims to hold "X" weapons, is not the same to hold a L86A1 than a G36K than a M4A1 with/without vertical handgrip, than a M1A Scout than a FN-P90. I don't know how this could be achived, make a fixed anim for each weapons could be a bad idea, but make custom memory points that the in game anims adpts to 'em... a FN-P90 it's bullup, but it's holded like a Steyr AUG?, no; they don't look like even similar. So i think that different ways of hold different weapons will be great; vertical handgrips, bullup weapons, pistols, revolvers, SMG's, MG's, ATM's, AAM's. If there were some way of reflect that the soldiers receive a intensive phisical self defence training that'll be also very good. LMB1 = punch. LMB1 + whatever Arrow = left hook, rigth hook, right straight, left straight. RMB1 = kick. RMB2 + whatever Arrow = Side kick to the knee, to the shin, to the balls, to the groin. RMB1 + RMB2 = Head attack. x2 LMB1 = rigth straight, left hook. x2 RMB2 = kick to the stomag mouth & kick to the face or the neck. x2 CMB3 = hold by the neck of the jacket with the left arm to the left neck of the jacket of the opponent & the rigth to it's rigth jacket neck & then hit him with the head right in the nose, letting him unable to win. Just some ideas. Let's cu
  23. wipman

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Hi, the only moded files in my OFP® are the anims (now DMA Anims 1.0), the BIS SU25, BIS AH64, BIS OH58, BIS G36A; but inside the CSLA Mod folder there's only what it installed, i haven't touched nothing there. I've just found out some things that look bad in my opinion or that give small proplems & this info could help the CSLA members and the players that use it. P.D: The down syndrome isn't a help, the alzheimer or the parkingson; look at Michael J. Fox. Let's cu
  24. wipman

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Hi, more problems with the custom anims; if u look to the ground and fire in auto, u gonna hit yourself, but there's no wound textures or any other previous advice. Let's cu
  25. wipman

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Hi, afther update the OFP again from the 1.96Beta to the 1.96 by BIS i could install the CSLA 2.10 mod & i've found a few bugs & weird things (installing only CSLA & NDM). The MIG-21 cockpit: The MIG-21 "sight" (aka BM2): Weed in the BTR-50: Frankenanims: The worst: I really don't like those crouch walking anims, make me think that i'm playing with a parkingson sick, alzheimer sick or just a crippled mofo; my BTR-T's 1.1 screwed?! why?. This is not a CSLA fault, but i hope that some one has noticed that the CBT Crew units don't have the handgun proxye. What happens with the MIG-21 when u aim?. Also the sounds on the BMP's/MBT's/LAPC's, why u can hear the tracks as louder as if they were driving over u, while even beeing the gunner... u can't hear when the vehicles are walking "slow" (that's not so, slow...) the main gun, the misiles of the main gun reloading or the MG firing?; plus that those Kobra missiles don't should throw dirt over that beautyfull animal using her name; they should be called: 911 pig or 911 rat, because they stink. A rock it's more & better guided than those missiles. The AK74's haven't burst fire mode (in the RL they have it) when i use te AK47/74 aiming from the sight i get 27fps in some places of the mapfact nogova; if i take (in the same place) a VZ58 or however it's called... my fps go down until 8 or 10, why?. And well... i've been kicked out from the game while i was in the editor & i've tryed to put & try a resistance T72M & the OFP told me "error, missing texture". Also the M113 M2 sight isn't utile, u can't aim with that. But well, the textures in most of the units look good, the models unless the russians look good & all the weapons that don't use BIS sounds/sights sound good too. Let's cu