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About wtfrob

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  1. wtfrob

    Strange graphics problem

    256K? Oops - of course I meant 256Mb. Unfortunately, I'm old enough to remember when 16K was plenty. Anyway, my problem seems to have cleared on its own. Don't know how, but I'm not gonna worry about it.
  2. wtfrob

    Strange graphics problem

    Has anyone else had this problem?
  3. wtfrob

    Strange graphics problem

    The only problem I've had with this game is on the mission briefing screen during single missions or campaigns. Â I'm not sure at what point in v1.20 this started happening. Â The graphics seem blown up slightly so that I can't see the whole screen - the left half of the briefing (or gear, etc.) is missing. I tried re-installing the program with no luck. Â Then, last night I re-installed Windows 98SE and that corrected the problem - until I loaded the 1.30 patch and then the problem came back. Here's my rig: Â Athlon 1600XP, Epox 8Hka+, 256K DDR Ram, GeForce3 TI-200, DirectX 8.0, etc. Any suggestions? Thanks.