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Posts posted by whisperFFW06

  1. FI, I just found the config.cpp I used for tests last year (or more? smile_o.gif ). Like I said in the old thread, I didn't find anything usefull or reliable derived from these tests, just what seemed to be hints on the way damage system works.

    You can run the same tests by making a pbo with only this config.cpp and shooting at Bradleys under "Whis test" class. I used the EH "hit" to get the amount of damage done, EH "Dammaged" nearly never triggers.

    In case you find something wrong in the way it's made or anything, plz point it out smile_o.gif

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// some basic defines

    #define TEast 0

    #define TWest 1

    #define TGuerrila 2

    #define TCivilian 3

    #define TSideUnknown 4

    #define TEnemy 5

    #define TFriendly 6

    #define TLogic 7

    #define true 1

    #define false 0

    // type scope

    #define private 0

    #define protected 1

    #define public 2

    #define CanSeeRadar 1

    #define CanSeeEye 2

    #define CanSeeOptics 4

    #define CanSeeEar 8

    #define CanSeeCompass 16

    #define CanSeeRadarC CanSeeRadar+CanSeeCompass

    #define CanSeeAll 31

    class CfgPatches


    class WhisTestArmor


    units[]={"testM2Struct2", "testM2Struct1", "testM2BaseS2", "testM2Struct2H5", "testM2BaseS1"};





    class CfgAmmo


    class Default{};

    class BulletSingle : Default {};

    class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle {};

    class Cannon25HE: ExplosiveBullet {};


    // Explosive ammos. Slight directHit put to force EH hit to be triggered

    // HEXX means XX indirectHit, 20 directHits always done

    class WhisTestHE50: Cannon25HE










    class WhisTestHE100: WhisTestHE50




    class WhisTestHE150: WhisTestHE50





    // AP ammos. No indirectHit set. Various values

    class WhisTestAP45: BulletSingle






    class WhisTestAP35: BulletSingle






    class WhisTestAP40: BulletSingle






    class WhisTestAP50: BulletSingle






    class WhisTestAP150: BulletSingle






    class WhisTestAP120: BulletSingle






    class WhisTestAP100: BulletSingle







    class CfgWeapons


    class Default{};


    // AP Canon used on Test M2. Fitted with all AP ammo listed above

    class WhisCanonTest: Default


    scopeWeapon = public;

    scopeMagazine = private;

    shotFromTurret = true;


    backgroundReload = true;

    magazines[] = {WhisTestAP35, WhisTestAP40, WhisTestAP45, WhisTestAP50, WhisTestAP100, WhisTestAP120, WhisTestAP150};


    class Cannon25HE: Default{};


    // AP magazines listing. (some HE slipped through! To be sorted.)

    class WhisTestHE10: Cannon25HE




    displayName="HE 10";

    displayNameMagazine="HE 10";

    shortNameMagazine="HE 10";




    class WhisTestAP40: Cannon25HE





    displayName="AP 40";

    displayNameMagazine="AP 40";

    shortNameMagazine="AP 40";




    class WhisTestAP45: Cannon25HE





    displayName="AP 45";

    displayNameMagazine="AP 45";

    shortNameMagazine="AP 45";




    class WhisTestAP35: Cannon25HE





    displayName="AP 35";

    displayNameMagazine="AP 35";

    shortNameMagazine="AP 35";




    class WhisTestAP50: Cannon25HE





    displayName="AP 50";

    displayNameMagazine="AP 50";

    shortNameMagazine="AP 50";




    class WhisTestAP150: Cannon25HE





    displayName="AP 150";

    displayNameMagazine="AP 150";

    shortNameMagazine="AP 150";




    class WhisTestAP120: Cannon25HE





    displayName="AP 120";

    displayNameMagazine="AP 120";

    shortNameMagazine="AP 120";




    class WhisTestAP100: Cannon25HE





    displayName="AP 100";

    displayNameMagazine="AP 100";

    shortNameMagazine="AP 100";





    // HE (indirectHit) Canon used on test M2.

    class WhisCanonTestHE: Default


    scopeWeapon = public;

    scopeMagazine = private;

    shotFromTurret = true;


    backgroundReload = true;

    magazines[] = {WhisTestHE50, WhisTestHE100, WhisTestHE150};



    // HE mags listing.

    class WhisTestHE50: Cannon25HE





    displayName="HE 50";

    displayNameMagazine="HE 50";

    shortNameMagazine="HE 50";




    class WhisTestHE100: Cannon25HE





    displayName="HE 100";

    displayNameMagazine="HE 100";

    shortNameMagazine="HE 100";




    class WhisTestHE150: Cannon25HE





    displayName="HE 150";

    displayNameMagazine="HE 150";

    shortNameMagazine="HE 150";





    class CfgVehicles


    class All{};

    class AllVehicles: All{};

    class Land: AllVehicles{};

    class LandVehicle: Land{};

    class Tank: LandVehicle{};

    class APC: Tank{};

    class M113: APC{};

    class Bradley: M113{};


    // Base test M2 : armor 100, armorStruct 2.0

    class testM2Struct2:Bradley


    displayName="Test Bradley S2";

    gunnerCanSee = CanSeeAll;

    vehicleClass="Whis test";



    class HitEngine {armor=0.5;material=60;name=engine;passThrough=1;}

    class HitHull {armor=0.7;material=50;name=hull;passThrough=1;};

    class HitTurret {armor=0.9;material=51;name=turet;passThrough=1;};

    class HitGun {armor=1;material=52;name=gun;passThrough=1;};

    class HitLTrack {armor=0.2;material=53;name=pasL;passThrough=1;};

    class HitRTrack {armor=0.2;material=54;name=pasP;passThrough=1;};







    weapons[]={"WhisCanonTest", "WhisCanonTestHE"};

    magazines[]={"WhisTestAP35","WhisTestAP40","WhisTestAP45","WhisTestAP50","WhisTestAP100","WhisTestAP120","WhisTestAP150", "WhisTestHE50",

    "WhisTestHE100", "WhisTestHE150"};

    //threat[] VSoft, VArmor, VAir

    threat[]={0.75,0.75, 0.5};





    // base test M2 but with armorStruct = 1.0

    class testM2Struct1: testM2Struct2


    displayName="Test Bradley S1";




    // base test M2 with lowered HitHull value (testing of HitHull effect)

    class testM2Struct2H5: testM2Struct2


    displayName="Test Bradley S2H5";

    class HitHull {armor=0.4;material=50;name=hull;passThrough=1;};




    // Garbage tests.

    class testM2BaseS2: testM2Struct2


    displayName="M2S2 armor 50";

    vehicleClass="Whis test";



    class testM2BaseS1: testM2Struct1


    displayName="M2S1 armor 50";

    vehicleClass="Whis test";




  2. * jaws dropped *


    awe-some !

    This opens many perspectives!

    I take from your config that your "packsr" selection in "hit" LOD is covering other selections. It is made of the same material than Hull selection, so I'd say it has the same behaviour. Does the tank explode when "packsr" hit reaches 0 (you can know this with "dammaged" EHs, but they are dodggy to trigger)?

  3. 1) I've hard time really understanding what you're trying to achieve . Is it some formula/system to use for being CAVS compatible? Or something else? Cause I don't see any link with JAM/MAAM. The goal is for me not the same. JAM/MAAM was to ensure all M-16, M-4, etc... used the same ammo and mags.

    2) About armorStructural : you have different parts on an OFP tank, described in the hitHull, hitEngine, etc... part of the config.cpp. Each has its own "hitpoints". The tank also has a global "health point" value, set in the "armor" parameter in the config. Each localized hitPoints are calculated from the global armor, by multiplying it by the number found in the hitHull section under armorHull, armorEngine, etc...500 armor, 0.7 armorEngine means the "engine" selection in the hit LOD of the P3D model will have 500*0.7=250 hitpoints.

    When hit, a tank will give damage to every part hit. If hit for 300 in Hull and Engine, hitHull and hitEngine will be reduced by 300 each. In addition, the global armor will be decreased by the sum of damages done to localized parts, divided by the armorStructural parameter. In my example,300 + 300 = 600, divided by 2 armorStructural = 300 hit to global armor.

    When global armor reaches zero, the tank explodes.

    When HitTracks reaches zero, the tank can't move.

    When HitEngines reaches zero, the tank can't move.

    When HitTurret reaches zero, tank can't fire, if I remember well, or bad things happen to the crew.

    When HitGun reaches zero, gun is inoperative (blackened and aiming at ground)

    When HitHull reaches zero, tank explodes after a few seconds

    Taken from testings done a long time ago, described here : http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....7;st=15

    Perhaps not accurate as description, feel free to correct.

    Quote[/b] ]also aboot the side armour rear, top turret, side turret, rear turret. all those can be set but you have ot edit the model to add those areas in. i think i did it to the m1 but not sure would have to look at the models again.. but you hav eot add the selection into the model then make an entry in the config for those new armour selections.

    How did you do this? did you use an existing "material" number? As you can see in the thread I linked, Sigma-6 tried to do it, but it was not working AFAIK.

    IMHO, better than getting strict calculation and formulas enforced on addon makers, it would be better to simply have mutual agreement than "new addon X" is CAVS compatible. Being CAVS compatible would mean :

    - it remains compatible, ie produce a realistic engagement, when facing BIS units.

    - it remains compatible with already existing CAVS addons from the same period, producing realistic engagement.

    - it takes data from a aknowledged source like McKenzie or J Collins www sites.

    The real issue is the one pointed by SPQR, ie the break we have in damage continuity when checking with portable ATGM/RPG and APCs.

    Guidelines to translates real RHAe figures into config.cpp, yes. Strict formulas, plz no.

  4. Already done!

    I've searched for a script for getting the crew stay in the tank longer...but found nothing, so I changed the armor values.

    sad_o.gif Too bad AI can't love their vehicle more. This system of "high armor / weak localized parts" was brilliant in depicting damaged tanks. Did you keep this or did you revert on a system with lower overall armor and tougher localized parts?

  5. This tank is unbalanced for standart tanks wow_o.gif

    which makes it 90x more fun biggrin_o.gif

    Not sure we get the same fun out of OFP rock.gif

    Anyway, M1A2 SEP seems unbalanced when compared to BIS T-80 and M1A1 for the simple reason these tanks are 1985 area, and outdated by the today M1A2 SEP. 20 years of difference.

  6. The tank is still on the slow side,m and suprized you guys didn't include the smoke generation scripts, but pleased the smoke launchers where the Abrams can lay out a smoke screan using a smoke generator that injects fuel in the exhaust system. ..

    seems like you didn´t play as commander, try it.. everything your talking of is there, you can generate smoke until you get a ctd from it biggrin_o.gif

    And IAs driven tanks use it if they are too heavily hit, preventing nme fire. You only have to make them retreat and boom, you've got a superb engagement sequence.

    EDIT : did some testings yesterday.

    I set up various engagement, against BIS units (considered old as they are 1985 units), they are destroyed easily. Against old Sigma-6 russian tanks pack, they still are superior to everything except last generation, ie T-80UE and T-90, where things are even again, even a slight advantage to Russians, but the smoke script preserve 25 to 50% of the US units (heavily damaged, but alive).

    Perhaps the M829E3 is slightly, slightly underpowered.

  7. Well, unfortunately BIS values made for quite strange engagment, where tanks have to fire multiple times at each other before achieveing anything. Leading to a more "head on" full speed ahead type of tank fighting...

  8. Personally, I do not think that using of Sigma-6`s Russian tanks is good in those tests. Those packs are rather old and I believe that RHS (and ONS?) T72/T80/T90 tanks would have improved armour and power values.

    Maybe better would be comparing new Abrams with RHS T64s - which, AFAIR, are complete (or very close to be complete) addons, part of some armour value system.

    I'd be very interested in knowing how this armor value system work, it would permit us to make our next release compatible (Leclerc), or as compatible as possible (cause AFAIK, there's always some guessing in the numbers you put in a cpp, one can't know everything about tank material IRL smile_o.gif )

  9. @Avon :

    How few is a few? Can you quantify the number of Muslims worldwide that support/not support Islamic Jihadism, even passively?

    First of all, this remark : why adding "even passively"? Do you imply that muslims not shouting against Jihad are then promoting violent islam? oO

    Now more on topic : do you think original interpretations of Bible were, from the beginning, about peacefull relations? Or have there been changes in, let's take catholic behavior, making it a more peacefull religion?

    There has been changes. Some people were crying against them, stating they were against catholic religion, that the moderate catholics were not true catholics.

    You're doing the same : you're saying moderate muslims do not follow their original laws, they are not true muslims.

    You deny them any chance to change (cause otherwise, "they are not muslims anymore").

    And indeed, many, many (vast majority) of them are seeking a peacefull islam. Why saying they are not muslim anymore? Do you think it will bring us any closer to a solution of current issues? Strange line of thinking.

  10. I read the essay by Mr. Kagan. It is alright, but I'm not sure that I can agree with his assertion that the European philosophy of wait, talk, wait, turn a blind eye to the fact that the current problem has shown no progress, talk, wait some more, and then poll the world to get their opinion is a more "sophisticated" method of diplomacy. It's more of a "peace at any price" way of doing business. Peace is great, but hardly an expected state of events whenever humans are involved.

    IMHO European "peace at any price" way of doing things comes from intimate knowledge of war, and its effects.

    War is something we know from a long time, on our own soil and against our people. We (civilians, and mind you, not the modern civilians) faced first hand many wars.

    For example, here in France, I don't think there is a single cemetary, even in the most lost village in countryside, where there is not this commemorative stele listing the young soldiers this very village lost during WWI. In every place. Hundreds of thousands of forgotten soldiers, listed all around the country.

    This kind of things forges the conviction that we don't want to see this anymore. I don't know if US has the same kind of permanent remembrance of war everywhere, but it has an impact, no doubt about it.

    + the very vivid memory that our own people can become ugly under the wrong circonstances (ie war, or threat of...).Things that must be avoided.

  11. After "any Iraqi with a gun is a terrorist and isn't a human, he can be shot at will", DofRay hit another all time low : "any muslim following his religion is a bad guy".

    So, you've read these nice KKK translations of Quran?

  12. We are the "good guys", but to win a war, you can not act like the "good guys". smile_o.gif
    You speak exactly like a terrorist.
    These people are terrorist, nothing more than animals. They have no compassion at all. They are full of hate for America, like it or not this is a FACT, not just my stupid opinion. These people would kill any American in a second, and anybody who might seem to support the War in Iraq. So when I heard about this I felt no compassion or sorrow for the terrorist. I probably should have, but these people have done way to much, way way to much to us. I don't want to bring freedom to the terrorist, just death.  mad_o.gif

    Many of these so called terrorist were Iraqi civilians some days/weeks/months ago. They became "insurgents", you label them as "terrorists" and deny their humanity. Once more, you're talking like a true terrorist.

    You know, (I gonna say something truely horrible, but it is to really underline the argument), probably, some of the guys in the 9/11 planes was saying "I'm not 'them', but personnaly, I better be dead than living under such a corrupted government!".

    There have been many, many wars in the past. After having seen the horrible effects they have on civilians, and also on soldiers, rules have been edicted. Like Geneva convention. They are not there to make things clean or give automatic bless on one's army actions, but they are their for everyone to comply to them. Once you begin to think "screw that, my ennemy don't respect them, I won't", you're just acting exactly like your ennemy.

    The issue is not that a soldier made the wrong decision and did something again these rules. Mistakes happen, and sometimes, you react to extreme conditions.

    The issue is that people in his society begin to find this normal and don't take any action against him. This is not a normal and right decision in war and should be punished.

    If you condone this, you approve this. You're "forming terrorists".

  13. Unfortunately, the more I think about it, the less I understand it.

    The guy who lied to his people, made a huge campaign based on wrong facts to put fear into hearts of Americans and members of UN for his own agenda, never listened to people trying to show what was happening (remember Hans Blix and the huge denial campaign against him?), the guy that can't admit he did even a slightest thing wrong, this guy is elected for is moral values? If this is america moral values, it makes me puke.

  14. Quote[/b] ]It's not. First of all it's directed at the people that voted for a specific candidate. It's not against Americans or America.

    Second, posting that image is not necessarily showing the opinion of of the poster - it is just a reflection of what UK media is writing.

    So, why did the person who posted the 50 thingy got banned? He was posting a reflection of what a US person wrote. It is still flame-baiting because I voted for Bush and a piece of shit mag is trying to insult me. Should I talk about their teeth or something? The people who voted for Bush are americans.

    How does one dare touch America! In newspaper!!! Shock! Horror!

    Once more, plz refresh your mind, I've seen exactly the same thrown at my country (France) some months ago (and many were finding this very funny), on US newspaper and references to them put here.

    I bet at this time, country bashing was ok?

  15. Quote[/b] ]Like your medias and even politicians did with my country?

    Do I post that stuff on this forums? No because it is country bashing and flame baiting.

    Neither do I, just wanted to point that some pple are less regarding, and not only on a little gaming forum ;)

  16. Quote[/b] ]How do you figure? It's a news paper cover. Like this one better?

    Who cares because it is flame-baiting. It insults a lot of americans. You do not want me to piss all over your country and you.

    Like your medias and even politicians did with my country?
