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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. Ok now its there, under Groups and Custom. However when I put it in Eden it is all separated and not consolidated?
  2. Thanks again I did put them in the compositions folder so I'll look further I use ARMA3 - Other Profiles that could be a problem. If you have it working then it must be a path problem.
  3. Thanks Private I did that but you can't seem to walk in it or place a ship? It says Decoration Only. How do I get the Final Dawn so I can put vehicles in it and walk around like the video shows? Do I have to build it from pieces and then make it a saved composition? If so has someone already done this by chance?
  4. Awesome Update! Any idea how I get a Final Dawn in a mission like the video and use it? Thanks
  5. The donation button can be found at http://tetet.de/arma...itz/donate.html. Due to the involved transaction cost small donations (1 USD/EUR or so) are not very effective. Done! Thanks for continuing this very important part of Arma!
  6. TeTet, Glad to hear your talent is continuing this very important mod. Thank You Vengeance Now John Spartan, about those secret projects.... :)
  7. vengeance1

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Vicashh29, Go here and check out the training video and read the manual, then check the forum there are tips on how to get started without getting frustrated. http://www.a3antistasi.com/mod
  8. Firewill, All these fantastic new skins and features, are they released yet or a coming update? Just what to make sure I'm not missing out! Thanks, Vengeance
  9. vengeance1

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Yes I did, the following code just looks for LHD addon and if so then still uses all the same stuff on Nimitz, just place the Nimtz in mission, then I just modify the offsets for spawning that already exist. Then manually adjust all your LHD Deck items as needed in editor. atlas_manager.sqf if ( _isAtlas ) then { //Vengeance //[ lhd, [ 'ATLAS_LHD_1','ATLAS_LHD_2','ATLAS_LHD_3','ATLAS_LHD_4','ATLAS_LHD_5','ATLAS_LHD_5a', //'ATLAS_LHD_6','ATLAS_LHD_7','ATLAS_LHD_house_1','ATLAS_LHD_house_2','ATLAS_LHD_elev_1', //'ATLAS_LHD_elev_2','ATLAS_LHD_Light2','ATLAS_LHD_Int_1','ATLAS_LHD_Int_2','ATLAS_LHD_Int_3' ] ] //execVM "ATLAS_Water\scripts\large_object_attach.sqf"; //[ lhd ] execVM "ATLAS_WAter\LHD\scripts\initlights.sqf"; //lhd hideObject true; huron_manager.sqf //Vengeance //huron setposasl [(getpos lhd select 0) -9, (getpos lhd select 1) + 62, (18.5 + (getposasl lhd select 2))]; huron setposasl [(getpos lhd select 0) +25, (getpos lhd select 1) -20, (18.5 + (getposasl lhd select 2))]; start_game.sqf //_fobbox setposasl [(getpos lhd select 0) + 10, (getpos lhd select 1) + 62, (18.5 + (getposasl lhd select 2))]; _fobbox setposasl [(getpos lhd select 0) + 20, (getpos lhd select 1) + 0, (18.5 + (getposasl lhd select 2))];
  10. Kremator, Ok, thanks NICE add on the R3F! You going to post that? ;)
  11. Zonekiller, I thought the mission was CBA compatible? I see I had to remove it when I joined your server? Vengeance
  12. Thanks TeTeT, your Carrier has become a requirement for me to even play ARMA 3 anymore. Thanks for keeping it alive! Vengeance
  13. Yes in APEX not only the 3D editor but if you run a Mission with either the LHD or Nimitz (like Liberation) it seems to crash server and Client.
  14. vengeance1

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Nice job Vdauphin!
  15. vengeance1

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Are you using the Dev Build? If so I have already seen that and had to go back, they then started working again.
  16. I loaded Dev Build but don't see your server for Zonekiller?
  17. vengeance1

    F.R.O.G.S -- Combat Diver Project

    Sounds like a great addon but can't make heads or tails on how to make it work even after reading the txt file. Is there any kind of example mission? :unsure:
  18. Eggbeast, Do you still have a mission that uses the Nimitz? Thanks, Vengeance
  19. Awesome job guys! Very well done and the landing at the Airport works great! ;)
  20. vengeance1

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Is there any fix for this "Unlock" issue where Ammo is Unlocked and Weapons are not? So now I have weapons I can't use because I have no ammo for them? I open the Arsenal and weapon disappears so I can't get Ammo, catch 22?
  21. vengeance1

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Barbolani, Is it possible to recover the CSAT UAV? Can FIA still get a NATO UAV from the Ammobox? I have not yet seen one? Thanks,
  22. vengeance1

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Based on any new features in 1.0 should we start our progress over? Or can we continue with what we have saved? Thanks, great looking new Website by the way! http://www.a3antistasi.com/mod