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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. vengeance1

    SQF revive script

    NORRIN, Testing went great with Beta Script. Wash Ashore was super fast? Don't know what you did but it works great. Heavy multiple players this weekend. Like the new Map. Vengeance
  2. vengeance1

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    That's nice, hope to see something we can use in a mission soon.
  3. vengeance1

    USAF F-16C Falcon

    Sorry I am confused: The USAF F16 (not Belgian) that I thought we were downloading would have the same look as the Belgian? But the download I am getting form Armaholic looks the same, no instruments color and no AIM's on Wings from Cockpit? Can't we get the US Version with all the Eye Candy?
  4. vengeance1

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    Request: Somebody PLEASE make some Ships that work for ARMA! Especially an Aircraft Carrier that is fully functional without errors in both the Carrier and the F18's. Thanks
  5. vengeance1

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    ahhh, feels like waiting for presents on your birthday!
  6. vengeance1

    EricM Hind Pack BETA1

    This is a GREAT AddOn, any progress report on it? Nice Work!
  7. vengeance1

    SQF revive script

    Norrin, How would we configure the above if we wanted to have the Start (or other stationary spawns) show up all the time but not have the Mobile show up unless it is Deployed? Vengeance
  8. vengeance1

    co12 Tied Up

    Hey Rex I made a AI-Enabled Version for myself and it works pretty good, you may consider producing one. Great mission by the way. I like your single spawn concept better than the two we discussed. Well Done! Vengeance
  9. vengeance1

    JTD Smoke Effects MP Beta 5

    Question: How do I get rid of the Wind Info? Can I turn it off? Thanks
  10. vengeance1

    VFAI - AI Extension

    Isn't that DMSmokeGrenade? EEK! Thanks I didn't know where it came from, I will ask them.
  11. vengeance1

    VFAI - AI Extension

    Quesstion: Can you tell me how to Disable "Wind Info"? Thanks
  12. vengeance1

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    Gnat, How about a progress report? We are all dying out here to include the Osprey in a Mission!
  13. vengeance1

    SQF revive script

    Norrin, I figured it out, the mission I was Modding was moving Respawn_West dynamically. Â I removed it and it works fine now. Vengeance
  14. vengeance1

    SQF revive script

    Hi Norrin, Any reports from others that when using latest AI-Disabled some of the players respawn in the ground swimming? We had 10 players online at the time. Thanks Vengeance
  15. vengeance1

    XtraMod for patch 1.14

    Thanks man! Appreciated.
  16. vengeance1

    XtraMod for patch 1.14

    Karaya1, How about adding back the V1.01 Woodland Units to the pack as additional units? Vengeance
  17. vengeance1

    SQF revive script

    As Always NORRIN, thanks for all your hard work and the updating of the Script! We Appreciate it!
  18. vengeance1

    ArMaTeC Dedicated server

    Sorry to ask an ignorant question but where can I find explaination of? Param1 = Mission setting one Param2 = Mission setting two Thanks
  19. vengeance1

    XtraMod for patch 1.14

    Great Mod, really like the changes. I did notice one thing however, if you open any mission while using this AddOn it adds itself to the AddOn in the SQM even if you don't use any of them. This causes previous missions to not work if your AddOn is not loaded? Vengeance
  20. vengeance1

    SQF revive script

    Matt, Script works Great! Tested for several hours You spawn right on the Deck of the Nimitz next to the M113. Not in it(M113) but next to it which is perfect. Thanks Again!
  21. vengeance1

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    Nimitz, Just curious, is this Project still alive? Is there another thread on it? I am using it in a mission but want to keep up on progress. Thanks Vengeance
  22. vengeance1

    SQF revive script

    Matt, Thanks a lot for doing this, much appreciated. Vengeance
  23. vengeance1

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    Very Nice, looking forward to using it on the Nimitz.
  24. vengeance1

    F-22A Raptor

    Nice looking Model, Be looking for an update! Noticed in Autolanding it landed in the ocean? Keep up the great work! Vengeance
  25. vengeance1

    EricM Hind Pack BETA1

    This model is very well done, we tested playing it in a MP Mission last night without any issues, everyone thought it flew outstanding. Well Done, one of the nicest models produced for ARMA. Vengeance GA (Global Aliens)