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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. vengeance1

    Horrible Graphics/FPS

    Then I guess this is as good as it gets. Thanks for the reponse. Disappointed, but I love the features over ARMA1
  2. vengeance1

    Horrible Graphics/FPS

    Blurry View disappointing. I am running a Dell XPS720H2C Liquid Cooled Q4 3.0Ghz SLI 8800 Ultra 768MB each. I can crank up the Fillrate without issues and I have great FPS but it is still blurry, unbelievable! I have changed the settings until I am blue in the face and can not get the game to be as sharp as ARMA1. I have no idea why this game has such bad graphic detail at medium to long distance. Up close it has great detail, hell you can see the bugs on the bark of a tree but distance is blurry? Wierd. Any Ideas?
  3. vengeance1

    ww2 warships addon released

    Very Nice Work! Are they MP compatible on Dedi Server? I know others have found it very challenging to get them to work in MP. Anyway well done.
  4. ""LHA inside The LHA Inside, is basically a static (invisible) car that is placed when the LHA is placed. This allows you to spawn people directly onto the LHA when you place it. I did this because ArmA is a bit screwed up when trying to spawn things ontop of objects above water."" Makes sense, Thanks Rocket
  5. Ok tell me how I can help, what can I do to isolate the problem?
  6. Any word on why we are getting these errors on Dedi Server's? Would like to add back the Cargo and Flare Systems. Thanks
  7. Something called the USEC_LHA_INSIDE? How do we use that?
  8. Can't wait to try this cool stuff. You mention that things might not work right if not setup?? "It's all setup entirely for USEC, so if you don't have it all setup right - it doesn't work so well." Is there a documentation file we can get for proper setup?
  9. NORRIN, how would we script the RAMP and DOORs to work as a AddAction when you approach it. Like ARMA C130 etc.
  10. Nice Job NORRIN good to see you diving right in on ARMA 2. Looking forward to see what you come up with. :)
  11. vengeance1

    Warfare BEA 1.26

    How do I use this? Doesn't come up on Respawn? Added: M113 Ambu/ BMP2 Ambu act as Forward Respawn point.
  12. vengeance1

    USAF F-16C Falcon

    Wipman not sure either but my F-16's work fine and I am using a ton of mods.
  13. vengeance1

    HiFi Novus Aevum - modular sound conversion

    Mark, your sound mod is a great add to playing, thanks for continuing to improve it.
  14. vengeance1


    Tony thanks for responding, really like using the FFN Mod just want to make it work on the Server. I was running it alone with Warfare, no other Mods and No ACE. I have my own Dedi Server so if you would like me to try other configurations just PM me and let me know. Thanks
  15. vengeance1


    Manzilla, are you refering to SP mode or MP Dedi Server Mode? I ask because my Server (example posted earlier) will eventually crash the Server, love the mod but had to remove it on Server and Client. Maybe it is just my Server, I am running Warfare on it. PS. Still looking for a response on my Server.rpt example if anyone knows.
  16. Sure, do you have an email you can PM me?
  17. vengeance1

    Working With Warface 1.1.8a

    When I am running this version on the Dedi Server I see these errors repeatably can you tell me what is causing them? I only have your mission and ACE Addon. Server: Object 3:5 not found (message updateDamageObject) Server: Object 3:8 not found (message updateDamageVehicleAI) Server: Object 3:9 not found (message updateDamageObject) Server: Object 3:10 not found (message updateDamageObject) Server: Object 3:11 not found (message updateDamageObject) on and on and on Eventually Server will crash ARMA
  18. Oh forgot as reported by Bear these errors happen when including rksl_arma.pbo
  19. UPDATE: While now I can get RKSL to work by itself without errors, HOWEVER I am still seeing this problem of multiple missing AddOns that ARE present and this error in my mission when I add back just RKSL Addons to both Client and Server but use no RKSL objects: Timed Out: Object 89f672:rkslbisabox.p3d did not return valid sys index in ....... Hope this helps.
  20. vengeance1

    ArmAlib v1.0

    Figured it out, it installs in the Beta Directory as well as Default, dsound.dll was in the Beta Directory.
  21. Thanks Bear, at least you have confirmed it isn't just me. I have spent hours trying to figure out AddOn conflicts. UPDATE: I think I figured it out. I REMOVED ARMALIB (dsound.dll in Beta Directory) from my CLIENT and did not get error on above sample mission. I will now try putting back RKSL AddOns in other missions and test.
  22. No problem I would love nothing better than to figure this out. And yes I do believe I have loaded the latest, I even deleted everything and started over. I hope this link works have not tried it in this forum. http://files.filefront.com/RKSLIntropbo/;13805126;/fileinfo.html In Test: Client AddOns: RKSL, XEH, DBE1,Beta 1.16 (ARMALIB) Server AddOns: Same as above I also had to remove RKSL Lynks Helos as it saw them as deleted addons as well. This ONLY happens on Dedi Server not Local MP. Thanks for your time. Vengeance
  23. Is it just my machine? With the new update using all RKSL Addons I get errors on the Dedi Server. If I run a simple mission with nothing by RKSL objects/vehicles then no problem but if I add a AA launcher I get missing addon warning Warfare bla bla Addon deleted. If I remove the rksl_arma.pbo then I can make it work but can't use a RKSL UH60 or I get a rksl system error. I am not sure why, but all my missions with old RKSL Addons had errors in Server Rpt about missing addons not RKSL. I assume conflicts, had to remove all RKSL items, real hassle any ideas?
  24. vengeance1

    Project 85 release thread

    I agree with Wipman.
  25. vengeance1

    Project 85 release thread

    Has anyone done a P85 Warfare?