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Everything posted by vektorboson

  1. vektorboson

    Save The Internet

    The idea of E-Mail tax is not only stupid in a community way - it's also stupid in a technical way... They seem to forget, that there many more means of communication in the internet world. Take Private Messages in the Forums; take ICQ and others, take chat-rooms, take VOIP. E-Mail is getting rendered useless through Spam anyway, and if they would really want to tax E-Mail, someone would invent a new communication system. Btw. politicians would have lots of problems defining what E-Mail is anyway... Everything that is delivered and accessed by POP3, SMTP and IMAP ? That's just stupid and ignorant...
  2. vektorboson

    Drago Island 2

    Looking at this picture: http://usera.imagecave.com/system....=Drago2 On this picture I see a lot of stuff that would be quite disturbing if I was the manager of this site: Placing gas tanks (and warehouses) directly beside a steep and rocky area (obviously there are some rocks...) is not very advisable. I'll never never place helicopter landing pads 50m away from my refinery, which may contain flammable gases or fluids. Also I would not place a landing pad 20m in front of a warehouse; just imagine you are the chopper pilot...
  3. vektorboson

    File read/write capabilities In ArmA?

    Well in OFP there is already the loadfile-command, which reads a file and puts it into a string. Basically you can even abuse SQS-files to store data that is relevant for your mission. The only thing that is missing, is the file-write support, which is indeed only available through fwatch for OFP. AFAIK in VBS, there already exists such a function. I asked Rastavovich at the Mapfact Workshop specifically for this functionality, but he could neither deny nor confirm such a function exists in ArmA. Anyway, we need some means to let ArmA communicate with external applications; at least for me, this functionality is essential.
  4. Select the muzzle flash, hit 'E' for face properties, deselect "enable shadow".
  5. vektorboson

    P3D MLOD Format Description

    Hm, I see now, that named selections are not completely described in this document; they are basically like #selected#; but instead of being just boolean values the bytes are weights to each selection. Otherwise the document was fairly accurate for me (I've got a working MLOD-viewer along with textures). Perhaps you mean the 4WVR-document which was false in some parts.
  6. vektorboson

    ArmA Progress Updates

    That's a problem with the proxies; the Abrams had the same problem with heads sticking out, where they shouldn't, but they will be fixed. Basically: BIS already knows all the problems that are seen on the screens and will try to fix them.
  7. vektorboson

    P3D MLOD Format Description

    if you got any questions, you may PM me; but anyway, here you are:
  8. vektorboson

    CPP making no sense

    That looks more like PBO-compression, than a corrupted file; which tool did you use to extract PBOs? I'll recommend you use WinPBO, PboX or the DePbo from Mikero.
  9. vektorboson

    Shilka placement?

    That's an issue with sound drivers. After I upgraded my sound driver, the firing Shilkas did not create any lag anymore.
  10. lol, not quite. I preferred the old head-models, but its nothing I can't fix for private use. Same here... I just hate that one face from Llauma's heads...
  11. vektorboson

    Latest screenshots available

    http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.p....al_Maps Look under Examples, Render of the Normal Map and Render of the Bump Map. You will notice that the normal map rendering has more depth then the rendering of the bump map.
  12. vektorboson

    Latest screenshots available

    Wrong. Bumpmapping and Normal Mapping are both techniques to let look a 2D Surface like a 3D Surface. The difference is: Bumpmapping uses greyscale images, thus it contains less information as full color images. Normal mapping uses full color images, where the Red, Green and Blue values specify the components of the Normal Vector to the Fragment/Pixel. You can use both to reduce the polycount of a model, but Normal Mapping gives better visual results.
  13. vektorboson

    JAM and CAVS

    Regarding ACES, here's some type of mini-update: (It's the KEPD-350 'Taurus' in experimental colors) Of course this doesn't mean that ACES is completely vital;Hardrock and I are going to meet at the Mapfact-Workshop, so I'll talk to him on the future of ACES, which I'd be willing to take over. And I am indeed a fan of JAM and I hope that CAVS will take off (are there any addons that use the CAVS system, except JAM?). What I hope for JAM (or CAVS instead) is, that it supports a wider range of mounted weapons, even if they're only base classes to derive from. It already introduced the mounted PK and M60, so why not go further?
  14. vektorboson

    RHS Releases: T80 MBT Pack v.1

    Basically OFP has turret on turret since 1.0; you forgot the commander turret which can rotate around its own axis additionally to the main turret. At least the code for turrets on turrets is already there, and now we get multiple gun positions. I hope it's not too hard for BIS to make the next logical step Â
  15. vektorboson

    Faun Franziska SLT56 v3.0

    Hi Gökhan, you should know that I am one of the people who advertise no compression in addons. But nevertheless 18MB is very much for a model, that can be only 1.8 MB  I've sent you a PM with the much much smaller Franziska.p3d. Cheers
  16. vektorboson

    Faun Franziska SLT56 v3.0

    The Franziska.p3d is right now 17.5 MB big. With method a) (method 'b' somehow didn't work very good???) the size of the franziska.p3d can be reduced to 1.80 MB. That's about 10% of the original size. Now imagine, that every addon would be 10 times as big as it really needed to be. All my addons-directories weight together 1.29 GB. Now multiply this with 10: 12.9 GB. I guess this is not what you want, do you?
  17. vektorboson

    Faun Franziska SLT56 v3.0

    Just some small nitpicking: The Franziska.pbo is 24.7 MB big, that comes from the franziska.p3d, which is a whopping 18 megs! I don't know how you managed to do this, but this comes from the fact, that the model is using the Animation-section of the P3D. So my suggestions is: a) Create a new empty P3D, and copy the LODs one for one into the new one. or b) You can download my replacetex-utility from my homepage (click on my WWW). It is a command line utility that replaces textures. You can just type in some texture that does not exist and it will fix your P3D (it will say something along "animations not supported"). It will create a new P3D that is as big as a). Beside this, nice addon Â
  18. vektorboson

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Am I the only one who likes his haircut?
  19. vektorboson

    What Atomic Bomb is this?

    Well, you can play that game with every aspect of a game that simulates violence. For example: What about all those innocent people that died of "Smart Bombs"? What about all those civilians that die everyday because of bomblets from cluster bombs  that did not explode and turned into landmines? As you said, it's only a game and in the end nobody and nothing gets harmed (except bits and bytes). And I think that even those people who "admire" the look and effect of a scripted nuke, never would like to have a nuke detonated in real life.
  20. vektorboson

    An Observation

    Even if the rotors are not spinning, the same calculations have to be made; so there is no difference, whether they are "static" or spinning.
  21. vektorboson

    Research on OFP preprocessor

    @Q The values of properties are simply said "strings" which are evaluated through the scripting engine. Following example, make a dialog, with one control, and place for the x-property <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> x = " hint ""x-property gets evaluated!""; 0.1 "; But this is only possible for properties that are not really strings. The text-property will display the string that is assigned to it. @CrashDome I agree with you that we need better facilities to change game/config values; one such thing can be done with the scripting language. I like the current Config-system, though I'd wish that BIS would write a less forgiving parser. Also I think that inheritance is a really nice feature; I don't like looking on XML-code, but that's a personal preference.
  22. vektorboson

    ArmA Progress Updates

    No, actually it were Oscilloscopes that started the game industry SCNR
  23. vektorboson

    release over steam

    You just don't get it, do you? If everyone thought the same way as you (especially the developers), if everyone thought that his system is average, then nobody would write memory saving, CPU-saving applications, that would run your virtual memory up to 100%, and your CPU, too. Imagine Notebooks... Would be pretty nice to see that battery down in 5 minutes. Think about it one minute: Why do so many people avoid the Norton Security suite? Why does it seem that many computers are not any faster than 10 years before? Instead of getting back to code memory- and CPU-saving applications, we get stuff like Java and C#. Develop safe applications quickly, that are slow and memory hogs. You can imagine that there are text editors that freeze because they need time to allocate memory? Or think about this way: I've got a 6 GHz CPU with 4 GB of RAM and 512 MB of Video-RAM. Now I develop an addon that uses 10 4096x4096 textures, has 90000 triangles and lots of scripts running. Now you with your shitty average Computer are complainig about a slide show when using that addon. I say: F*** off, buy a better comp, it's the year 200x, everyone should have a better rig by now. So what do you do? You can't afford a new PC, so you try to terminate every unnecessary process and application, oh, but there are those applications you shouldn't turn off. And now comes the twist: I could have done that addon with 2 2048x2048 textures, 8000 triangles and a few optimized scripts, without any noticeable difference. But hey, it's the year 200x... And you are technophob because you can't afford a new PC every second week. Go eat your cake yourself, but don't promote complete unnecessary programs, that consider you as a potential thief. I don't know what benefit you get from it; I know I wouldn't get any, but have to be afraid that it locks me out from playing the game that I have bought with the money I earned hard.
  24. vektorboson

    release over steam

    I wanna see how anyone couldn't find a workaround... Do you really believe that such measures will prevent unauthorized copying? You really want to be treated as a potential thief instead of "king customer"? You really want to be in a worse position than those who use cracked software? I consider buying Galactic Civilizations 2 just for the fact that they don't use any anti-piracy measures (and because I am a great fan of Master Of Orion 2, and it looks pretty similar). And despite lacking copy-protection, the game is a commercial success! And the game comes from a goddamn independent developer! If you're happy with it, go, use Steam, and be treated as a potential thief and cracker. So the 21st century consists of applications that may take away as many resources from my computer as they like, leaving little for the applications I actually want to use? You think that it's OK, those applications are taking away CPU time, memory, hard disk capacity because they are assumed plentyfull? Well, then it's OK to buy a new computer every half year because it can't cope anymore with the software because the programmers assume their app may take as many resources as available, since, well, it's 21st century. Everyone has an up to date computer, with plenty memory, plenty hard drive space, a superfast CPU. So where should we stop? Should my app use 5MB? But hell, everyone has 1GB of RAM and there is probably no other memory intensive application running... So why don't use 10 MB, or 20?
  25. vektorboson

    Internal addon scripts

    I'm not sure exactly what preprocess does apart from the obvious. How OFP stores a pre-processed function compared to a regular script, is a mystery. Well, it's not really a mystery. Only difference between preprocessfile and loadfile is, that it runs a C-preprocessor on the file, whereas loadfile returns the contents as is. Both return a string (just a simple string); and 'call' interprets a string as OFP-script-code. The speed improvoment comes from storing the function in a string variable and calling it when necessary. Btw. all those values in config and description are nothing else than strings that are interpreted as script code. Then there are those SQS-scripts. They are line-oriented, and are loaded into OFP as a list of lines. Look into a savegame (which is a simple config.bin). But every line for itself should _basically_ act like a function, with the exception, that special functions/tokens like '~', '#', '&' and '@' are allowed (and of course 'goto'. Does not run any quicker than? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_XVel=(Sin (GetDir Player))*1000 Of course the latter should run faster, as the former has to parse the 'call' command, which then executes the string and returns the value.