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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. __+1__ But this scenario seems to be pretty tenseful! Looking forward to finally receive my copy... Damn exams! :-(
  2. Great news! Seems that 505 version is a good improvement over German version!
  3. Undeceived

    Buying online for download?

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74654 Search or look the stickys, my friend! :( Otherwise welcome to the forums.
  4. Undeceived

    Enemy has great vision at night? Mythbusted!

    Nevertheless I don't know if it's ok that the mods just modify thread names - this could also be abused. And I think that the reader (me included) would automatically see the "myth being busted". But the mods here are allowed to do all, so it's ok then. About the video: Dammit, this last video is just breathtaking! Very tenseful. Looking forward to see other videos like that. Maybe the vision of the AI indeed is a problem? Llauma, can you give the enemies NVGoggles to see if they detect you?
  5. This is very interesting! This discovery and also the crysis.exe one show me that in fact the engine really can perform more! I hope and expect that BIS works on that to unleash the performance and to set the engine free! I want all these performance boosts in a patch, not by using these "detours"! Great news!
  6. Undeceived

    Gore effects

    PWND :D ;) Yes, I never heard anything about the German version being censored (and I really looked after such an information). It wasn't in ArmA too, German ArmA version hasthe same effects on the face too.
  7. Undeceived

    VopSound 2.1

    Yes, a video of the mod would be appreciated.
  8. They know what OFP was! I don't want to say that Arma 2 was hyped, but it was anticipated. And the press attention to the game is so big because the game itself is so big and extensive. And I said it already, this is the sadest of the situation: Such a big press echo but such a miserable and crippled beginning... Another reason for the game being covered so much (but this is pure speculation and probably not true, but who knows...): The game magazines have enough of unfinished games being released (in the tests of the game they also say this some times) and maybe by reporting so devastately and extensively about A2 they want to make sure that this is absolutely unacceptable (which I absolutely support!).
  9. That's not correct, unfortunately. If you can read German, to to www.gamestar. or www.pcgames.de and look after the tests of the campaign and the AI and you'll see that okarr is absolutely right in the listing of these bugs!
  10. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 German Release Thread

    Sounds good! Didn't want to look through more than 30 pages, thanks!
  11. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 German Release Thread

    Can anyone say if after the release of the 505 version or a certain patch the German version will be in German and in English? Or inverted, will the 505 game have a German translation apart from being in English? Thanks.
  12. I hope that someone in Prague understands German...
  13. Undeceived

    Resistance Units

    This is one last desperate call for a fix of the units... :( Can someone "adopt" them and fix them? They're truly worth it, Wolfrug is right, they still are the best in their style! Please!! :) If you need a little bit of motivation, go here and play this (you'll need some time to play it, it's pretty extensive), the resistance units are an essential part of this mission.
  14. :) I got it, thanks. :) Just was the anger about the controversial release, nevermind. Hm, I'm not sure about it but it can be that the test was made with the patch already applied. The video definitely is with the patch, the editor says that at the beginning.
  15. Yeah, look at page 446, the frustration begins already there... :)
  16. Undeceived

    ARMA 2 Launch Plans

    After the frustration I let out in the press coverage thread about the test of PC Action and PC Games, i need to be fair and congratulate you for the release! I believe that the last years were hard work. The next years are going to be hard for you too, so Godspeed! And thanks for being the a developer that makes military simulations! I'm sure that you're going to patch the game up to a GOTY, even though it's gonna take some time.
  17. I think that the video proof speaks for itself' date=' doesn't it? And the video is [b']inclusive[/b] beta patch!! Of course, no doubt! But such a beginning doesn't really help to promote the game.
  18. LOL, Morphicon is just sweet!! Here they offer the Arma 2 download version. But after a year you can't download your game anymore, unless you pay 7,95 EUR. Yeah!! Or is this common? Never did download a game.
  19. Arma 1 received 78%! I don't know though if this was the test for 1.0...
  20. Maybe I should think a little bit like that now too. Didn't play so far too. I wanted to wait for the tests. But as you see... :) At least so far they do not encourage me to buy the game. I really hope the best for the 505 version! It's sad that I think that most of the magazines won't test it again when Arma 2 reached let's say 1.92. I hope it of course but the first impression often is crucial.
  21. My coment about the latest press coverage on PCAction (4/10 points). Let's see if anyone can recognize the mode, I'm writing this: [?]Well done, Morphicon! Well done, BIS![/?] Sorry but... This game seems to be a desaster! If I never played OFP and ArmA in my life, I certainly would not even more waste a thought about this game. How can a retail version be so unfinished?? It's just sad... Of course I know that there will come patches, one after the other. And I know BI, they have one of the best customer support, but... Why again... Why? Let's see how the 505 version will be. But here for Germany I think that you and especially Morphicon messed it up... My friends (not OFP / ArmA active) never will buy this game, I'm pretty sure of it. And I wouldn't too, if I didn't know BIS products. Now you can ban me, give me warning levels, bash me as much as you want... Or disagree completely with me. I'm just completely disappointed... :( No, I'm shocked (really am). I'm sitting here and just can't believe what's happening. I'm shocked after watching this video of PC Games and listening to the coments of the editors... Edit: Another sad thing is that Arma 2 is getting such a huge press coverage in German gaming magazines! Gamestar even is doing a testing serie throughout the whole week, if I understood it right (every day one chapter of the "testing diary"). I'm looking forward to read about their impressions of the game but if the game should really be messed up like PCG and PCA claim it and this should be shown the whole week... I think that Arma 2 will be very well known here.
  22. Undeceived

    Arma 2 - Dont start :(

    When you install, change the installation path!