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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Gonna test this! Thanks for the work anyway, dude!
  2. Undeceived

    Arma 2 won't recognize TrackIR 5!!

    I'm gonna buy TIR5 in some days too, so thanks for sharing the solution, in case that problem comes for me too.
  3. Undeceived

    Bigfoot...has anyone found him?

    Very interesting. :)
  4. Undeceived

    Peripherals used. (multiple selections)

    Interesting poll! :) Brain :D :p
  5. Undeceived

    Where do you live?

    From a small town in Germany
  6. Undeceived

    Important Fix for the next patch.

    Agreed (and also voted at DH :) ) But please let the right mouse button to go back (or exit) in the options menu! Cool feature. Or do it all customizable at once. :)
  7. Undeceived

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I don't know if they (PCG) talked about the test version (means: the version they will test at release) of about an earlier version of the game.
  8. Undeceived

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    New information about OFPDR. :D A PC Games podcast (in German). From minute 50:20 they talk about OFP: DR. Some rough content summary: - Right at the beginning one editor to the other: "The most important question: Is this still a Operation Flashpoint?" His answer: "If we had a camera here, one could see my tears - It is... not an Operation Flashpoint." - It's not a military simulation but a normal tactical shooter - It's quite solid, not so many bugs - One can play the SP-campaign through smoothly, in the opinion of the editor "too smoothly" - There are AI blackouts, they mention pathfinding while driving and sometimes AI enemies don't recognize the player - Physics of the vehicles are "inappropriate" or "unsuitable" (an example: A vehicle drives over a stone, flys meters high, turns over, explodes, everyone's dead [eehm... Where do I know that from?? :eek: ]) - Combat situations are excellent and tenseful - one can be "pinned down" (supressing fire) - A disadvantage (especially when you're under suppressing fire): Most of the missions have a time limit - The editors speak, what the fans of OFP1 think: "You order a steak and receive Strogonoff" - they refer to what was announced (or expected) and what the game is now - The order-menu is very simple - in the opinion of the editor too simple, while unnecessary commands like ordering artillery are too complex - Other than that there are some things that are not well thought out with the order-menu. For example after have given an order, the menu doesn't close automatically, so if you want to move forwards and press the forward key, thereby you give a new order... [not soo bad in my opinion] - The game looks good, the level of detail however (for example at the vehicles) doesn't overcome Arma 2 - Other than that the soldiers move like they "swallowed a besom" (rigid animations) That's it, gentlemen. :) What we new for months, now slowly becomes oficial. :rolleyes:
  9. Undeceived

    New patch 1.04

    I also have (little) increase of performance. Seems to be a good patch so far.
  10. Hi, I played this mission too and it's a very cool mission! May I suggest some things here too? :) :) I noticed that when the shit hits the fan, other enemy units in the region of the happenings never moved their asses to search for the enemy or at least be on high alert. For example the soldiers at the Russian base right next to the airport remained still and quiet after I blew up the drugs at the plane. They continued their normal, slow patrol up there, while down at the airfield it all was in flames. :) You could put some triggered Search&Destroy waypoints to the airport, would be cool. Also on other units on the island, who don't move after big happenings... Other than that I saw the evac chopper over the sea east of the island, and this all the mission long. An option would be to let it start from the carrier, which is situated south of the island (but I didn't check out if this works perfectly - just try it). Edit: Ah, I forgot it: I think, one or two BTRs or BMPs wouldn't be bad. Because a "obedient" :) player will take out the truck with the crew on time and if this fails, there are more than enough AT soldiers on the island. I really enjoyed this mission (and the first one too)! If you get some action after big booms in both of them, they would be even better! Thanks for the work and keep it up! :cheers:
  11. This is a good mission. Thank you very much, UbiquitousUK. I liked the beginning, where that farmer with the hunter rifle comes out of the village to help the insurgents! You could put in some more civilians there, this was a great moment! Furthermore you could put some more patrols here and there on the fields behind the airport. Other than that the mission is good!
  12. Undeceived

    So Im out on Patrol and.........

    Hahahaha :D Perfectly told, tractorking. :)
  13. Undeceived

    Scripts Collection?

    I also would recommend OFPEC. All of my editing related questions were answered there.
  14. Undeceived

    ArmA 2 players

    Pha... "Main continents"... Not very friendly to those other places. :) Since no one picked "Other" yet, is it possible to edit the poll?
  15. Undeceived

    Language of the Chernurssians

    Someone of BI in one of their 100 interviews said that they speak a little bit modified Czech or something like that. Can't find the source for this though. Is that right?
  16. Undeceived

    Throwable stones for AI

    Hehe, some stone are good spice for every demonstration - good stuff for a mission. :)
  17. Undeceived

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Voters: 0. You have already voted on this poll :D
  18. Undeceived

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Don't worry, I didn't mean OFPCWC. :) btw. I like this name -> OFP:DR Because of the smiley! :) It fits perfectly in there!
  19. Undeceived

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    If THAT really is the case, OFP will grow old very fast (I mean compared to Arma)... But my first reaction also was: :D:D
  20. Of course there is. Select him, then press 4, then choose the vehicle, then select the position (driver, in the back or gunner).
  21. Me About your first question: It seems that it will be both: An addon like Resistance and a single game (for those who don't have Arma 2). But it all seems to be a little bit unsure to me (I didn't get it yet, I think).