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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Don't know if this is the right place for this but it seems to be a general bug / feature which is pretty annoying. I ask myself if someone can confirm it. I played the OA SP scenario Jackal where you have to blow up enemy tanks and stuff. After having placed all satchels undetected I went back to the hills to calmly see the fireworks (keep in mind that the AI didn't see me at any moment!). Distance to the village: approx. 150 m. Then, when I touched off the charges, suddenly a UAZ with a MG began to move and instantly killed me from this distance. WTF?? It seems that touching off satchel charges is the same for AI than shooting a AT weapon, which really is annoying. If I am not mistaken, this bug is there since Arma 2 vanilla.
  2. You have to blow up the gas pump (it's in front of the gas station building). There are two guards standing in front of it. I managed to slowly crawl from behind as near as I thought would be needed, planted the bomb and crawled back. They don't detect you if you don't crawl too near of them. One satchel is enough for the gas pump.
  3. Test on 4players.de Merciless and out for bugs as usual. 70/100
  4. Undeceived


    @ Tonic and SWAT BEGIN! You just have to start and you will learn it! I made a mission as well which took me almost a year, I began with 0 knowledge. This (forums) helped me a lot! You will see that the editor really has addictive influences. :D
  5. Undeceived

    My OA editor doesn't have a preview

    Or if you have more than 144 groups on one side, the Preview button will also disappear. :) But the editor will notify you, if you really have more than the limit.
  6. Undeceived

    OA Campaign: Performance issues

    You don't think it is the amount of AI on the map?
  7. Undeceived

    OA Campaign: Performance issues

    But this is only for Intel CPUs, or am I (hopefully) wrong?
  8. Undeceived


    You are right with this. :)
  9. Undeceived


    The problem with the A2 campaign was that sooner or later everything turned into Warfare style, which caused the focus on single characters to get lost.
  10. Undeceived


    Well, Arma 2 is exact the same, but it is still not the same as OFP (if you look at the characters).
  11. Undeceived


    +1 almanzo, you have no idea of HOW MUCH you hit the nail here, man! This is exactly what I have been thinking since Arma 1 came out!! I am mainly focussed on the attitude that the protagonists show: The deepest point in my opinion was the small campaign in Queen's Gambit where I suddenly heard the main SF-character saying: "Huu. The fun just started!!"... Hello?? I really don't like this "yeah-let's-kick-some-ass" attitude! I miss Armstrong, who had respect and fear. I miss Viktor, who didn't want to go against the Russians at all costs. Because he knew what war was! His friends had a hard time convincing him... I miss the ex-Spetsnaz Lukin (Red Hammer campaign) who knew that as soon as the troops hit the shelves, it would NOT be "fun just starting"... I remember so closely that moment where he told those Russian "COD-player recruits" that soon they would understand what war really is! And this (beside all other characters in OFP) really influenced me of taking distance of such shooters as COD or MOH. Thanks for this lesson, BI! But it is sad that you were approaching the opposite with your following characters (from Arma 1 until OA). Come on, this is not COD where all just want to get to action, where all the gameplay is only focussed on making the kids to thirsten after war! Arma is the Operation Flashpoint CWC sequel! Where first time we experienced fear when we approached enemy positions, knowing that just one bullet could mean your instant death! This feeling has nothing to do with "the fun just started". So please make the protagonist of your campaigns feel the same again!
  12. Undeceived

    OA Campaign: Performance issues

    Same problems here! Very low FPS and additional FPS drops to slide show speed. Sadly unplayable... AMD X4 965 Nvidia GTX 260 4 GB RAM
  13. lol :D This mission seems to need some overhaul. :) Yes. Press LeftShift and - (NUMPAD) together. After that type in: endmission Unfortunately I had to use it too... :( Edit: Too slow. :)
  14. This request may be a bit odd, but it is not a joke or something... Can a gifted addon maker help me? I need an invisible rifle. Invisible means not visible for the player. And it should not shoot bullets nor make a noise nor be shown as a weapon in the HUD (if possible). :o The background is the following: A civilian (player) has to drag / carry an injured person. For this I could use the BI module Battlefield Clearance. The problem however is that this module only comes with the First Aid option as well. But I don't want the civilian to be able to give the injured one first aid -> because he is just a civilian without any medical training. Or in other words: I don't want the injured one to be healed and be able to stand up. Summarizing: The BC module only gives both options: The Drag / Carry option and also the First Aid option (which I don't want). I found no way to take out the First Aid option. Then I tried to use Norrin's revive script. In this script I can indeed choose which options the player gets. So I managed to give him ONLY the Drag / Carry option, which is good! But the problem with Norrin's script is that the dragging / carrying animation does work only for armed persons (persons with a rifle in their hands). I asked Norrin for support in May but so far unfortunately there is no news about it. So a "dirty" workaround could be to try to give the civilian a invisible rifle as soon as he chooses the Drag / Carry option in order to make him able to play the animation correctly. Can someone help? If there are questions or maybe other ideas or thoughts, please send them. Thanks!
  15. Will do. Edit: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11610
  16. 1.07 and 1.52 are on the same level. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1663287&postcount=1
  17. Ehm, I was in complete darkness in cover (by rocks) and 150m away from any enemy. No one could know that I was right there. The lightning can certainly be excluded (at least in my case).
  18. Yes, even both ULBs were alive (I was using one atm). Not a scratch on them...
  19. So were you able to play the mission with some decent FPS?
  20. I didn't finish the mission because of absolutely bad performance (low FPS / stuttering). :) How were your frames? Other than that (when I still was trying to play) I didn't find the POWs at (and around) the position they were supposed to be...
  21. I can confirm very bad performance and FPS drops / stuttering... :( In the last mission of the OA campaign (Zargabad) the frames go down to 7 every five seconds. And the highest I get there is around 25 FPS. Absolutely unplayable. And the odd this about this is: Setting down all options to low doesn't help practically anything. Just as comparison: In smaller scenarios (e.g. the OA SP sniper mission) I get around 50 FPS (sudden drops to approx. 15 FPS too though :( ). And the OA benchmark mission gives me the result of 54 FPS! Scenarios with many AI and activity seem to be a no go (still...). AMD Phenom II X4 965 Nvidia GTX 260 4 GB ram Win 7 32bit
  22. That mission name tells it all. :D Very annoying...
  23. Undeceived

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    What do you mean, Zipper?
  24. Undeceived

    German Misc Pack released

    Great job, Marseille! Thanks a lot!
  25. Undeceived

    The official football World Cup 2010 in SA thread

    Who here is for Germany?? :p ;) We need some more fans!