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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    Hi cryion, 1: I'm not sure about those first aid packages :D but I think that only when you as player get injured, the medikits are usable (resp. the action to heal appears in the action menu). 2: To give your buddy a gun you have to send him to the gun, then, when he is there, select him with F2 and press 6. A list with different actions should now appear. From this list you now choose "Gear". The gear windows should appear and the weapon you want to give him should appear in the weapons list. 3. Select the buddy (F2), press 4 and select the right vehicle on the list which appears. In general I suggest that you play the Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Tutorial missions first. Have fun. :) The new campaign is not released yet, but is are available at OFPEC for betatesting (at the moment 11 of 19 missions). They are already in a playable status, but IF you play it, PLEASE give me a beta test feedback as well! :)
  2. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    Allright. :D Have fun! Khaki - thanks for your feedback! :)
  3. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    Kommiekat - I began that mentioned mission in Arma 1 already on Schmalfelden and I will try to port it to Arma 3 then when a good German landscape map addon is released. Yes, the story and concept etc. are there already. Maturin - ok, that would be possible, yes. :)
  4. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    Maybe, but I think that story-wise it would be difficult to make it as a coop mission, since there is only one main character at the beginning and others are only introduced at a later point. But I have another mission in the make which could be developed as coop as well, but this will only take place in Arma 3 - need to finish my (also only SP-) campaign first (which btw. is making quite a good progress - all 19 ;) missions are finished and I'm currently improving the first four missions for the first partial beta test release).
  5. Congratulations for the release, King Nothing!
  6. Undeceived

    ARMA3 banned in Iran

    while {banned} do { _hand switchmove "FPDR"; sleep 1.5; }; _head setdammage 0;
  7. Hello. Does anyone know a way to make the AI target the head, instead of the body of another unit? I used dotarget. And if I command the bandid to dofire - will he shoot the hostage in the head or will he take his time to aim to the chest again? Thanks for your help!
  8. Thanks for the suggestions. I guess it's better to leave it as it is and be happy with it, as it is just eye candy... :) - it isn't worthy the work.
  9. Undeceived

    Skoda Octavia Addon

    Dude, I LOVE that UAZ 451! :D I began a civilian style mission using it (Vilas' version) back then in Arma 1 but didn't have time to finish it. Won't have time to finish it in Arma 2 as well. :D But would be great if you could port it to Arma 3 later! ;) Thanks for your work!
  10. Undeceived

    How ArmA III should really look like

    Haha :D That video is brilliant! :)
  11. Good to see some hard work being put in this great mission! :)
  12. Yes, I know about that. :) But I consider this only as a workaround, not as a fix. In many of the given situations you need the team members in formation (following you).
  13. Yeah, good idea. And also, I suppose (resp. HOPE) that as commander we can order the AI do lay mines, just like we can order them to lay a satchel.
  14. Undeceived

    Arma 2 on Windows 8

    Thanks for this, FedaykinWolf. Much appreciated.
  15. Undeceived

    ArmAIII languages

    I disagree here! My English is quite good for a non-native speaker but under fire or having to command your group you quickly get lost reading the radio protocoll. Just imagine HQ giving a medium sized order or information in 2 or 3 different sentences while the group members are reporting tons of enemy contacts - there you have the wall of text! It is just not a wall of text because the text disappears on the top of the text box as new sentences come in from below! ;)
  16. Undeceived

    ArmAIII languages

    Well, the game itself is available in German (besides Polish, Russian, Spanish, Italian, I think), which means that the menus, subtitles, etc. are in those languages. But for the different fractions in Arma (since OFP) it was not just English! They speak their own language. Russians speak Russian, US and BAF speak English, etc. And this is good and should NOT be changed! And I'm sure that it will stay like this in Arma 3. I feel with you as sometimes one can't get reading the wall of text which is being spoken, but if you have the game (the subtitles) in your mother language (e.g. German for you I guess), it should be easier to read. By the way... Would be great to hear Germans (KSK) speaking German too. :)
  17. I tested what you said but it doesn't help. When the AI is in combat behaviour, it still remains a pain in the ass to get away from the current position! This somehow has to get overrideable... Please, BIS, hear us!
  18. Hello, I want to activate the First Aid module for two members of my (player's) group only. They are quite important for the story and should not "be able" to die in the mission. The rest of the group can die. :p Is this possible somehow? I tried by syncronizing only the important group members with the modules, but as soon as I sync one group member, the module is active for the whole group. Thanks for your help!
  19. Yes, use the Animation Viewer by Clayman. There are lots of those cheering animations, with the tool you should find them in 5-10 minutes.
  20. Undeceived

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Or - remove leaning from Q and E, - put sprint to E, - (now it comes! :D ) add analog (fluent) leaning by swaying the mouse to the right or the left while pressing CTRL or something like that! ;) I play with the arrow keys anyway and my sprint is on the End key (the one above the up arrow key). But fluent leaning would be a damn cool thing. :)
  21. Undeceived

    Development Blog & Reveals

    If I heard it right (I watched it only once), Jay said that the radio chatter is disabled atm because they're working on it. EDIT: YEAH, for the first time I ninja'd someone!! :D
  22. Undeceived

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    I understand your point of view - apart from Steam I also don't like to install other launchers like Origin or something like that. :D The reason why people recommend Sprocket here (not sure if you knew it) is because a buy from there directly supports BIS. And it's good because (as mentioned) you become only the game file and can install it as it was from a DVD. About the Alpha through Steam... No idea if they release it there.