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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Wow, it looks so simple! :D Thanks a lot, Tajin, it works perfectly! Much appreciated! :) There was a "then" missing - I added it: { if (side _x == civilian) then { if (headgear _x == "H_Cap_blk_CMMG") then { removeHeadgear _x; }; }; } forEach allUnits;
  2. I'd like to extend the question to ALL Arma music (not only Arma 3). And... A bit related to this question, Edge, could you take a look at that one? Thanks a lot for all the information! :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176927-Questions-about-copyrights-%28sounds-music%29&p=2685338&viewfull=1#post2685338 If I'm not mistaken, it is ok as long as the player won't need to download the clothing additionally to your project. The "addon" has to be part of the project file.
  3. This might sound like a strange question - it's not meant as a joke or something. Is it allowed to use sounds which were recorded from Arma 3? I mean: Record sounds with Audacity, export them as .ogg, implement them into description.ext and playSound or say them. Thanks a lot for clarification.
  4. It seems that this unfortunately is an effect of BIS' decision, how to run the competition. However one question remains for me: Do the 20 projects with the MOST votes enter the show?
  5. Are they allowed / forbidden? I'm thinking of 3 categories of custom music: 1. Music of soundtracks, movies, etc. 2. Selfmade music 3. Music of previous Arma games (OFP, A1 and 2) While I believe I know the answer for 1 (guess they're forbidden :( - or what do you think?), I really would like to know if we can add old BI game songs to our missions!
  6. Thanks a lot, Fett Li! Does this also make AI units and vehicles editable/manageable, which I placed in the 2D mission editor before starting the Zeus mission? I'm having the trouble that I (as Zeus) can't do anything with them. Or am I missing something important? Edit: Or can I only ADD new stuff as Zeus, but not control existing things? Edit 2: I found out how to do it, nevermind and sorry for hijacking your thread. :)
  7. Undeceived

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    chopper setMimic "grumpy"; :D
  8. Hey guys, first of all, thanks Jety for the fix (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150333-Arma-3-ai-first-aid-support&p=2620653&viewfull=1#post2620653) Now my question: How to prevent dieing? Do you know how it's possible to make a unit enter the unconscious state EVEN getting a headshot (or deadly amount of bullets)? At the moment, if I shoot the unit in the head, it will die... Which I want to prevent. Thanks!
  9. Undeceived

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    I totally agree! VERY good! Kydoimos, what do you mean with this?
  10. player addMagazine "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"; For me it won't work since the new patch. My mission is broken now since 1.12. Does this work for you? The command addMagazine itself works - I can add rifle and pistol magazines. Only the charge doesn't appear in the gear menu resp. in the action menu ("Put charge"). Btw. I tested it and none of the "put" items (bombs, mines) seem to be added with addMagazine. Is there a new command to add these?
  11. I found out what the problem is... There's simply not enough space for bombs in uniforms (at least in Stavros' uniform). :) :) When I have a backpack, it works... Strange enough though, as it worked without backpack before. Maybe they changed / tuned the weight system. Thanks anyway Na_Palm!
  12. Yes, but depending the structure of the project (e.g. a campaign) and the scripts used, ENDMISSION would definitely screw up everything.
  13. This is really a fatal point, Edge! Project released near to the deadline certainly won't get as many votes as other projects which were released around april or so (even if the later projects in some cases might potentially have a better quality, as the author took more time to expand and polish the mission/campaign). Please think about this again, BIS... This is not good.
  14. Does anyone know if there's a way to make the AI use the stealth type voices / radio protocol without needing to set the behaviour to "STEALTH"? What I want to get is: 1. AI uses these voices 2. AI gets straight to the given waypoint, without being in the stealth-behaviour (tons of stops, watching, waiting, saying "Cover me!", going into cover here, going into cover there, stoping again, etc. etc. etc. etc. ... :( ) I want the AI to move just as quick as in the AWARE behaviour, period. :) Can you help me? Thanks a lot!
  15. Yeah, that's not what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway. Guess I'll just switch them to stealth behaviour.
  16. Hi tryteyker, no I didn't try it - no idea how to get the variable... :o Can you help me?
  17. After YEARS now finally this issue seems to get a bit more of widespread attention and significance. Let's hope BIS see it this way too... Because one thing is clear: It really is a PITA!
  18. Undeceived

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    This is so true! It is one of the most frustrating things in situations like the one you described... :( Please BI, have mercy and find a way to solve this! There must be a way to make the AI run if the commanding player \ mission designer decides so. In OFP you still could solve this by setting the behaviour back to AWARE and they would really switch to it and thus keep tight formation. But today they change their behaviour automatically, which is good of course. But if under fire or if they were under fire and still know about enemies (even if they're far away) there's no way to make them stick to you. Btw, there is an open ticket for this issue already: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3920
  19. Cool, good to hear! Now you can play it again from the beginning. :D :P Thanks for your feedback!
  20. Undeceived

    Tonal Island for Arma 3

    IceBreakr, these are GREAT news. Really looking forward to it! All the best for you and the team for this hard piece of work!
  21. But Pierre79, the idea with the teamswitch is good too. I could enable teamswitch until they are out of the barn, then deactivate it again... Will think about it. But on the other hand I never had trouble to get them out, it only was difficult to make them survive outside. :)
  22. Well, to be honest, I don't know... I know that I had a DayZ phase in November, but since then I guess I only banged around in the editor. :D But when I finish a phase in my projects, I sometimes love to play other missions and provide feedback to the creators as well.