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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. YvAd, sorry for my late answer, I was on vacation until yesterday. Could you solve your problem in the meanwhile? If not, just send a short reply, then I'll try to help you.
  2. Thanks, guys! Das Attorney, I'd be ashamed of posting it here. :o I'll send you guys some text via PM, ok? :D If anyone else wants to help, I'd be thankful.
  3. Hello. Do you have some mods activated (other than the needed ones)?
  4. Hi guys. When I used All-In-Arma and played an Arma 2 mission in Arma 3, I noticed that the A2 anims were working normally with the Arma 3 models (at least the anims I had in that mission - talking anims and so on). Then I tried to run the anims with AiA deactivated, which unfortunately resulted in nothing, which from my understanding means that these anims simply are not contained in A3. So my question is: Is it possible to extract A2 animations and import them to A3 - e.g. in the form of an addon or so? Thanks!
  5. Undeceived

    Patch 1.24 (Bootcamp Update) Feedback

    I really loved the bootcamp campaign. Great atmosphere and immersion! Thanks BIS!
  6. Larrow, you're a treasure for mankind (no kidding)! :notworthy: Thanks a lot, I really couldn't find a solution for this for months!
  7. I closed three doors of a house by putting a game logic in top of it with this in the init line: ((nearestobjects [this, ["house_f"], 5]) select 0) setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true]; ((nearestobjects [this, ["house_f"], 5]) select 0) setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_2',1,true]; ((nearestobjects [this, ["house_f"], 5]) select 0) setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_3',1,true]; Now when the player tries to open one of these, it will show the "locked door animation" (the door kind of shakes a bit, but stays closed). But additionally I want to make the player say something like: "Damn! The door is locked!" How can I do that? What I managed to achieve is to fire a trigger, when the animation of a non-locked door is played. This is how you do it: However this won't work for doors which were closed with the code at the top of this post... :mad: It seems that this closed door animation is not really an animation which can fulfill the trigger condition. Or it is but the door name is now different than door_1_rot? No idea... Any tip what could help? Thanks a lot!
  8. As far as I can tell, that makes sense. :) EDIT: It doesn't work reliably though. If you have a rifle, a pistol and a launcher and then remove the rifle and pistol (or put them in the backpack), the player will stay with the launcher on his back, which means that he has NO current weapon. The result is that the trigger thinks that he's unarmed even though he has the launcher on him. This one from zapat (adjusted a little bit) works fine: ({getNumber (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/_x/"type") in [1,2,4,5]} count [primaryWeapon player, secondaryWeapon player, handgunWeapon player] == 0 )
  9. Hi guys. :) I have this condition here, which is fulfilled, when the player has a weapon: ({getNumber (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/_x/"type") in [1,2,4,5]} count weapons player != 0 ) Unfortunately this will also be fulfilled if a weapon is in the player's backpack... This is what I want to prevent. So, how can I change this condition, so that it only fires, when the player has a weapon in his main weapon slots (namely: in his hands)? Hidden weapons in a backpack should be allowed. Thanks a lot for your time and help!
  10. Thanks a lot, zapat. That one works too (see my edited previous post). I don't remember the author of that condition - can anyone tell me what exactly it checks? What are these 1,2,4,5 for? :) EDIT: I think it comes from Arma 2 times where items, binoculars and NVGoggles were still considered as weapons by the engine, but I'm not sure.
  11. Good ideas, but when I use this code... ({getNumber (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/_x/"type") in [1,2,4,5]} count primaryWeapon player != 0 ) ...I get the error: count: Type String, expected Array EDIT: I'm sorry to bother you, guys. This condition I used is from Arma 2 times where items, binoculars and NVGoggles were considered as weapons by the engine (if I remember correctly). Your suggestions work perfectly. A trigger with the following condition will fire, if the player carries a weapon in his hands (rifle, launcher or sidearm): (primaryweapon player != "") OR (secondaryWeapon player != "") OR (handgunWeapon player != "") A trigger with the following condition will fire, if the player has no weapon in his hands (weapons in the backpack are allowed though): (primaryweapon player == "") AND (secondaryWeapon player == "") AND (handgunWeapon player == "")
  12. Larrow, I tried your suggestion, but no success. I tried it this way: ((house animationPhase 'Door_Locked_1_rot') == 1) Nothing. Or did you mean something else?
  13. Undeceived

    Using Arma 2 animations in Arma 3

    Most mission makers too! Pettka, is it possible for you devs to implement them into Arma 3? (I mean: Could you please do it?) :lookaround: It would help a lot in cutscenes and overall atmosphere! Yeah, same here (no idea how to do it). I would like to use them without any mods (e.g. AiA, which is great!), as it would then be required for my missions...
  14. Undeceived

    Using Arma 2 animations in Arma 3

    dcal, did you somehow get the A2 anims working in A3? I would like to use some of them too (as you say - there's quite a lack of animations in A3 in some degree...). The problem is that I have absolutely no idea how to start. :o Can you give me a hint how to do it? Thanks a lot!
  15. Undeceived

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    Sure, I'll stay tuned then. :) :D Take your time, your work is much appreciated! *thumbsup*
  16. Undeceived

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    I like the marshal clothes. :D WE (I) NEED MORE civilian and resistance (FIA-style) clothes, BIS!!!
  17. Hey guys. :) I found a cool review after having googled after my campaign. It's definitely worth a read! http://taw.duke4.net/2014/04/arma-2-ao/the-black-lands/ Thanks a lot for your time (whoever the reviewer is)!
  18. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    Hello. :) I found a cool review after having googled for my mission. :) It's definitely worth a read! http://taw.duke4.net/2014/02/arma-2-ao/ftloaf/ Thanks a lot for your time (@ reviewer)!
  19. Steam made the In-Home Streaming available for everyone now: http://store.steampowered.com/streaming/ This is actually quite impressing! For a long time I thought about buying a new gaming laptop (beside my desktop) to be able to edit in the family room, while my wife watches TV. ;) But now Arma 3 runs even on my old and crappy notebook and (as far as I tested it) it seems to be quite fluid. One thing though I couldn't get working - maybe you can help me with that... Since I make missions (editing), I use Notepad++ and the windows explorer besides Arma. Up to now I couldn't get OUT of the Arma stream on the laptop, since the game runs there in FULLSCREEN only. If I press ALT+TAB, the laptop recognizes the key-combination (not the host where Arma and Notepad++ are running) and will leave the stream. Solutions which didn't work: To run Notepad++ on the laptop makes no sense to me, as the scripts need to be right where Arma is (that is: on the host :) ). I tried the Windows remote desktop control, but as soon as I start controling my desktop PC from the laptop, the desktop's screen will lock, resulting in the Steam-stream quitting. I tried TeamViewer and it worked as I wanted, but the Steam-stream's quality went from good to crappy since TeamViewer demands a lot of traffic (it also streams Arma after all). So this is not a good solution as well. The best would be a command in Steam-stream to exit the fullscreen, but AFAIK this is not possible at the moment. Any ideas how to stream a full editing workspace via Steam? :)
  20. Thanks a lot for the tip with the (vehicle _unit)! *thumbs up*
  21. Undeceived

    Steam In-Home Streaming and Arma 3

    Yeah, that's how it works. I set up the old laptop in the living room yesterday, but somehow the delay / lag was bigger than the day before, when I tested it right next to my PC. Do you think that that the length of the network cable could be related to that? The ones I used for the living room, were much longer..
  22. Undeceived

    Steam In-Home Streaming and Arma 3

    Great! Thanks a lot for the idea!
  23. Hello guys, I'm trying to remove a certain cap from the civilians at mission start. This cap is reserved for a special occasion in the campaign I'm creating, this is why no one must wear it. :p And there are dozens of civilians in my missions - this is why I simply can't edit everyone of them. To do this I want to check at the mission's start if someone is wearing this cap: H_Cap_blk_CMMG It seems I'm still a noob when it comes to conditions or code which goes further than unit1 dofire unit2; or something like that... Can you please help me with that? I want something like this in my init.sqf: {check if someone is wearing "H_Cap_blk_CMMG"} for all civilian units; removeHeadGear from these units; :) This may sound a bit stupid, but I really have no idea how to "convert" it into sqf... Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot!! :)