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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Thanks, wiki. Variable, actually I never was gone, apart from a month here, some weeks there, etc. I just need too much time to finish something 😜😜 (until my "wishlist" for the project is complete, but also due to RL time limits of course). But the ideas for missions are there, even that much that I'll probably never be able to realize most of them in the time available. But there is more in the pipeline.
  2. Undeceived

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Does that mean that you can't miss campfires anymore when walking by them? :D
  3. I'm having this too - I have to press login every time I open the browser. It logs in automatically (which is a progress compared to earlier), but it sucks to have to do it every single time... It's the case in every browser (FF, Edge, Edge on mobile). Cache cleared, logged out, etc., all tried.
  4. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Wow mate, not in my wildest dreams I would imagine that one can spend over 6 hours in this mission! :D :D Sure, send over the media, I'm looking forward to it!
  5. I also finished something - my mission Evil's Last Will, ported directly from Arma 1. This is the mission why I desperately waited for the CUP Russians (among all other stuff, of course). :D In case someone wants to go for a trip to good ol' northern Sahrani (more likely a march), give it a go. It's a CUP project through and through. Thanks, CUP team for this opportunity! It was only possible because of your work. Evil's Last Will
  6. Undeceived

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    I agree, these days I moved through a group of trees at night and suddenly I heard (!) a camp fire right next to me. I didn't see a thing before that, only noticed it when I heard it. Looked at it and "Oh, a fire." ☺This was on CUP Sahrani, but it's the same on Stratis and Altis. Didn't test Tanoa. My brightness settings are normal, the cross isn't visible, the tick is barely visible (or the other way around, I don't remember, I'm not at the PC atm). My overall opinion is that the visual update looks cool, the colors are more powerful. As it looks for me, they increased the contrast a bit, but the night colors became too dark and light sources do not shine enough. This breaks my night cutscenes, as my background light sources are useless now and this is something where I have to say this should not happen on stable at all! I could update my projects, put more lights in, but then again BI changes it again and I can patch again... Edit: To be honest, I don't know which of both is the case though: Are the nights too dark or the lights too weak? I'd rather say it's the latter.
  7. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    It's never too late to start something! :) Good to hear from you, Clayman!
  8. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Very interesting description, it could be that you went to parts of the map which you weren't supposed to go - which of course at all is not your fault, but the mission designer has to design so that this is taken into account. Depending of the stage of the mission (tasks) I enabled and disabled certain regions to get a better performance, but I think this system doesn't take the player's movement into account sufficiently, as it should. Another possibility would be that the freezing could be related to your other used mods (on those cool screenshots I saw what appeared to be that NVG mod and you had a Cyrus), and you also described other mod problems. But still I tend to the first theory, but it would be important for me to know, what your exact route looked like, because looking at your screens I didn't recognize the places... Could you help me with that? Thanks a lot for your great feedback! EDIT: Damn, cosmic, I know now where you went! :lol:
  9. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Hhmmm, not sure. I work with enableSimulation for performance purposes, but never had this. Where exactly do they freeze? You died and then reloaded? Oh, and where did you reload? And did you solve the issue for yourself or is it a gamestopper for you? (if they keep frozen, it will be.) Thanks for reporting!
  10. Btw guys, here's the entry in the bug tracker. Come out and help us (post details), in the hope that BIS has their eyes there. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T119273
  11. For me it also was the World parameter. I unticked it and the tasks were there when resuming mission or campaign. This bug happens in 1.62 with and without Apex, vanilla or modded - doesn't matter. I tested it with the mission Wet Work (The East Wind) ​BI, are you aware of this?
  12. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Steam workshop subscription is now up.
  13. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    In case someone gets lost in here :D I ported the mission to Arma 3. Evil's Last Will (Arma 3)
  14. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Hello and thanks for the comments! The download is in the first post now. PLEASE report bugs, there might be some (or many? :huh: ) left... Haha johnnyboy, :D you know how much time I need for each project... Tanoa missions are in queue for Arma 4 times.
  15. Yeah, same here. I have this problem too but I don't use the launcher parameter skipintro. But the bug seems to be reproduce-able - at least for me: Save game, exit Arma, resume the mission -> no tasks.
  16. Hmm, seems you're right, it really is random. Damn.
  17. That's too sad. That said, the game does change the config itself, as it seems (might be a bug). At game start the edited/changed button is there and works finely (apart from this), but when I start a mission resp. load another island and then get back to the main menu, the button is now the original standard BI button (Apex Protocol campaign).
  18. Hmmm, no clue how to do it. I ran this in a main menu cutscene, but nothing showed in the radio chat, unfortunately. while {true} do { player sidechat format ["%1", allDisplays]; sleep 1; }; Can someone help with the right script or another way?
  19. Wow, thanks a lot, Haleks, that made the trick! Do you think it's possible to execute this deleting code only on a certain condition (e.g. after a certain island is loaded)? Because I'd like to take a closer look at customizing that middle spotlight button and my favorite way would be this one: 1. The three spotlight buttons are there on game start (the middle one leads to my mission) 2. The player starts the mission, plays it through (or not, doesn't matter) and exits back to the main menu 3. The three spotlights are deleted so that the player can watch my main menu cutscene which plays on the mission's island (Sarahni) So the condition to delete the buttons would be, when Sarahni is loaded.
  20. Hi ineptaphid, as you saw, I'm currently converting my mission Evil's Last Will from Arma 1. I began converting Black Lands too, but right now I'm busy with ELW and another (new) Arma 3 campaign. Thanks for your interest.
  21. Guys, is this still present in 1.62? I was experiencing it too when I last played (two months ago). I played with many mods, but I have to say I'm "glad" that it is in vanilla too. I could solve it by exiting the mission back to the main menu and then resuming the mission. But this bug is absolutely annoying! EDIT: Yes, still present in 1.62 (and Apex too). Playing a custom mission with mods (CUP and CBA). Skip Intro is unchecked in the launcher.
  22. Somehow I have the feeling that the mission's intro / outro sections are... a bit "special". It might be a silly question, but: How can I implement a radio chat in the intro of a mission? Something like a sideChat "asdf"; or a sideRadio "asdf"; or even a kbAddTopic ["conv", "Sentences.bikb", "", ""]; a kbTell [player, "conv", "asdf-sound", "SIDE"]; (with all kbTell files set up) None of these codes works. Thanks!
  23. Haha what the heck - did you script that eagle catching the snake in?? :D
  24. No no, it's even older than that! Haha :D I should make a continuation of For The Life Of A Friend, where the guys hunt down that bastard that ran over the dog.