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About tribun83

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    Private First Class
  1. yeah, pleease!!! that'd be something... savin all our time...
  2. tribun83

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    reeally good point, sluggCDN!!! I'm waiting for a demo too! That's just a fair way of giving an impression before spending money... plus different release dates are retarded! isn't that increasing the workload for the title? To build different versions?
  3. At the end of VG247's article it says: "ArmA II will be released for 26th June exclusively for PC. For all the latest information please visit www.arma2.com" I bet they wanna put out the PC Version first and get that one right and not spend more time with putting it on consoles until it is released... Plus the community wants the PC title baaad and it's easier to fix a bug on the pc, i guess... Getting console players later is nice for the money but they can wait a little... something else: International cover looks waaay better!!! looks crappy that the guy in the german version is shooting and it's too much text! I like it just being Arma II on the international one... plus that there is no flag in the background...
  4. first: "bad" press is better than no press... second: it's not that bad! they just suppose to take some extra time for this and that... thrid: I'm hopeing for a demo quite soon cause that's what that press release version sounds like... hehe maybe they just got it "exclusive" to make them feel special and let them beta test the demo version... :D
  5. Haha, yeah! Nice ground textures! Nice round edges on the ground! And the water is still the old version...
  6. no new videos? okay, no problem! i'm patient... i'm checking the website like every 5 minutes but i'm patient... plus i know that it's hard work... take your time boys! so far you're doing a great job!!! we'll see what you come up with next week
  7. tribun83

    ArmA2 factions: What's the NAPA faction?

    well, since some people mentioned parallels to the war in georgia, looking up there might explain what NAPA is cause it might be inspired from an existing force... we know about russia, we know about georgia, the civilists and the us/nato. now if i'm right we might have two groups of separatists (ChDKZ and NAPA) in georgia there are two groups of separatists... one of them wants south ossetia to be an independent county the other want to join russia (an be together with north ossetia which belongs to russia) i guess this could be close to the truth... everybody can do the math by himself... makes it interesting cause NAPA and ChDKZ have similar goals but with differences in the results... I'd say ChDKZ wants south zegoria to join russia (same flag as russia but with a red star, brutal leader, same row as russia in the factions section) and NAPA is closer to the civilians... (same row, independent flag for an independent country) maybe we can become friends with NAPA and convince them to stabilize the situation... but if we act brutal they will move closer to ChDKZ...
  8. tribun83

    "Arma" brand impeding on Arma2's success?

    if they put out a nice demo on xbox live or similar that might interest people. i wouldn't mind if the marketing is bigger for consoles... that should help to push up the number of sales and if it gets attention on consoles that will swop over to pc's! i don't play consoles but if i'd see this on the xbox of one of my buddies i'd go and buy it for pc!
  9. it is just awesome!!! difinately made my day after todays opf 2 disappointment...
  10. tribun83

    Animation suggestions thread

    don't know if it was mentioned before but during the HALO (cool feature! ) in the preview video the guys drop like stones... no flutter, no nothing... looks pretty wired
  11. tribun83

    ArmA2 factions: What's the NAPA faction?

    haha, i really like this post! and i like the mercenaries idea!!! some strange foreigners with fency/unusual weapons and tactics for this scenario? but i doubt it... @ heatseeker: with your description of akula it sounds like he is the right person to have endless discussion with some people around about things that are subject to change... he's got some brownish tan, don't you think?
  12. tribun83

    ArmA2 factions: What's the NAPA faction?

    can't wait for the update!!! still not out... i'm starting to worry if they'll put it up before the weekend... with the first it sounded to me like every week one vid/faction until release... which would have made it in like 4-5 weeks...