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Everything posted by th3flyboy

  1. I personally expriemented with this in ArmA 1 and I found a problem, when the helicopter gets destroyed, the bodies inside it dissappear. If someone can figure out a way to bypass that, it may very well work. You would have the player ejected on impact on the ground with a random damage amount added, and then there you go...
  2. th3flyboy

    Game physics

    I would like to see some better damage modeling physics in armor combat. Things like angle of impact and deflection along with slope of armor make a major impact on the damage of a impact on a tank. Please fix the armor combat with improved ballistics on the vehicles.
  3. Hey, I was wondering if it was possible to assign certain parts of the models a name, for instance, say assign a portion of the vehicle the name "fuel_tank" and then have it so with a bit of scripting magic, if the fuel tank gets hit, then it lights up, or if it was possible to define parts of the armor on a tank, such as the rear armor, reactive armor areas, things like that. This is all for determining the feasibility of a mod I want to do.
  4. th3flyboy

    My Arma2 game is only an hour away!

    Simio, i'm pretty sure your gonna get ether warned or banned for that one...
  5. th3flyboy

    Articulated vehicles?

    3rd FACEPALM today, i'm sorry, I thought you meant articulate, as in detailed..... I guess I must be losing it waiting for my copy of a2 to come in the mail...
  6. th3flyboy

    ARMA 2 Adult content

    *FACEPALM* Boy I'm dense... LOL!
  7. th3flyboy

    Articulated vehicles?

    It's possible, however it's a ton of work. A good ArmA 1 example is http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2885 which is probably the best aircraft addon for ArmA 1.
  8. th3flyboy

    Wondering about a capability in O2

    OK, cook, thanks Gnat, that will really help with the mod I want to do.
  9. th3flyboy

    ARMA 2 Adult content

    *FACEPALM* I was referring to the events of black hawk down where the locals would get all drugged up and be harder to kill because the pain didn't stop them...
  10. th3flyboy

    Ambient Combat Module

    With this module, I can see some VERY interesting possibilities to revamp maps like EVO and DOM.
  11. th3flyboy

    ARMA 2 Adult content

    Just the subject matter in general is rasing an eyebrow to me, At first I thought this was a thread more asking bout the descriptors on the back of the box from ESRB, then I read the post.... This is a milsim, the closest thing you'll see to what your asking is the prostitutes you can question about the enemy's location. I DO NOT support any sort of adult mods for ArmA, as that would ruin the point. The point is an infantry simulator, we don't need sex and drugs (OK maybe drugs if you researched the Mog incident in 93 at all...) and stuff like that to be implemented, even in mods, because this is a program designed as a combat sim, go back to FO 3 if you want that kind of stuff, because then it kind of fits. That kind of stuff would be just unneeded here. The closest thing i've seen in ArmA 1 mods to what your asking is a pinup on the insides of various modded vehicles, and thats the maximum I want to see.... This is Armed Assault, not Sexual Assault.... LOL! POTS, that idea was just a joke based upon adding an extra 2 x's to our project's name... It wasn't serious... geez..... Although I fully support calling you the nickname we came up with for you....
  12. In other words, CM = EPIC FAIL!
  13. th3flyboy

    What exactly is this game?

    Mine is similar for FPSes Eradicator Delta Force Delta Force 2 Battlefield 1942 Rainbow 6 Rouge Spear Americas Army Joint Operations Typhoon Rising/Escalation and Americas Army Battlefield 2 CSS UT2004 Halo 2 Joint Operations SWAT 4 Red Orchestra Ostfront ArmA <-- Realized I should have bought OFP GOTY instead of Joint Ops way back when ArmA/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SHOC ArmA/COD4/Crysis/UT3/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SHOC/TF2 ArmA/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. CS ArmA/FarCry 2/Fallout 3 ArmA/OFP:GOTY (Bought GOTY off GOG.com before it got pulled from being purchasable because of the dispute between CM and BIS about it being on the site) ArmA/Americas Army 3 ArmA 2/Americas Army 3 Although if you look at the same timeline except factor in my other games I've played, you'll see a much longer list... As for the OP question, it's a matter of try the demo, see how you like it. There's a major difference between a person telling you what it's like, and experiencing it yourself. I personally believe if you want me to buy your product, put out a demo for me to see if I like it, videos, text, and screenshots only go so far. You won't know if you actually like it unless you try it. That's something I try to emphasize in the reviews I do. ArmA 2 is NOT BF2, it's much more detailed. In ArmA 2 for instance, if you get shot in the legs, you can't walk until you're healed. A chest shot normally = death unless the round is pretty much an airsoft round in strength. There are some things I personally hope get improved down the line, such as implementation of Tank FCS and realistic tank damage (if what I've heard from my friends who have it is correct, i'm waiting on my copy in the mail from the UK Import FTW!). I'll say this, the infantry aspect of BIS games have always been pretty good, but the vehicle stuff, if history teaches us anything, will probably still need work. I ultimately dream of a version of ArmA which is a cross of VBS 2, Steel Beasts, and DCS, but I know that will never happen. VBS 2 is the Infantry training tool the military uses, made by Bohemia Interactive Australia, Steel Beasts is a military grade tank sim, and DCS, well that's the best CFS currently available for helicopters. I know this will never happen because that would screw the military versions and would be too expensive to produce, but we can dream right. Anyway, ArmA 2 is probably the most realistic Infantry Sim you can get without shelling out for VBS 2.
  14. th3flyboy

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    Meh, I would rather see a female in civ clothes that can carry a gun. (I would love to make a mission where you link up with a female merc or Secret Agent....).
  15. Is your Q6600 water or air cooled? I'm thinking of OCing mine, and I was wondering what kind of cooling would be needed to get high enough OC.
  16. actually, Visitor is the name of the tool you're asking for. I'm not sure though if the current publicly released one is compatible with arma 2 though.
  17. th3flyboy

    Who's going to resist buying on the 19th?

    I already ordered my copy... I'm in the US and I'm getting a 505 version...
  18. th3flyboy

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    theres a reason why... females are prohibited from being infantry in the US military. As such, it would be unrealistic, and because ArmA 2 strives for realism, guess what... If you want to play as a female soldier, there will be mods that allow that, there have been screens of them in development. What you don't seem to understand is that it's just unrealistic to see female infantry. Now I would suggest to BIS or the modders to add females to the sides, however females would not realistically be infantry.
  19. th3flyboy

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    This isn't an RPG, so there is no real need for character customization. If you want a female character to play as in custom missions, wait for some addons to be released. As far as the reason why there isn't a female soldier by default, it's realism, you don't generally see women on the front lines, if they are then their in convoys and such.
  20. th3flyboy

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    You probably won't see female soldiers by default. Its against the Geneva convention to use women and children on the battlefield as soldiers. Doing so would be considered a war crime.
  21. th3flyboy

    Linux Port for BI Titles

    I personally would like to see OFP, ArmA and ArmA 2 ported to linux myself. I feel that that would tear away one more chain holding me to windoze.
  22. th3flyboy

    ArmA II silly ideas and ways to play the game :P

    Honestly, I would give the rabbits a melee attack that was an instant kill... Then I would create a grenade called the "Holy Hand Grenade", and well, you know the rest, if not, youtube the killer rabbit from monty python and the holy grail....
  23. I personally would be happy just with the missing gear and vehicles from ArmA 1 ported to ArmA 2 (and I would get really happy if they were at ArmA 2 standard)
  24. IF the A-10 sounds like it does in the vids when it flies by, with that roar, that's a killer of realism right there. That roar is usually only heard on afterburning aircraft, which the A-10 ISNT. Same with the AV-8 and the SU-25. I don't know if its still there right now, i'm waiting for an english release. Those sounds though sound messed up on two counts, first of all, airshows are never the place to go for aircraft sounds, they put stuff in the fuel to make the engines louder than they actually are. Also, that sound would only really go with afterburning aircraft, not anything else.
  25. th3flyboy

    transporting vehicles with the hercules

    I think BIS isn't going to implement that, it's something which is a SELLING POINT for VBS. Even though this is something which should be implemented in A1 and A2, It most likely never will. If they start adding all the cool stuff from VBS into ArmA 2, why would anyone buy VBS?