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About talc

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. talc

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    1st, it not a fricking pigeon, it is a seagull 2nd, you really have only yourself to blame for using hacked or pirated version of the game. If you think I am wrong and you are sure your version is a legitimate one, just send me a PM and I will be happy to check what could be wrong. only in pirated haa... I guess Im screwd.
  2. talc

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    Yeah it was solved by itself somwhow. but there is another thing that bugs me, that "bird" thing. Im playing, and than suddenly I become a fricking pigeon! "good birds dont fly away in this game, i have only myself to blame" my ass! I didnt even died! I just walked around with the team and all the sudden im a bird. why does it happen?
  3. talc

    SLX MOD public release

    and another thing, it sometimes gives me an error that goes like this: No Entry '@SLX\bin\config.cpp/cfgvehicles/T72/Turrets/Mainturret/turrets/commanderoptics/viewgunner.initAngley.' does the same thing with the abrams tank. Any idea whats the problem?
  4. talc

    SLX MOD public release

    hey , there seem to be a problem with other mods working with the SLX, like the lost brothers mod, that when you fire a gun it says that there is no recoil or something. only happens when the SLX mod is working.
  5. talc

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    I have the same problems with older patches, and i dont think anyone here answerd the question -_- please help
  6. Where am i supposed to place them? in the "Beta" folder? in the game folder? thanks.
  7. its all good, after i download them, i get like 2 more folders that are called "addons" and "DBE1" that i have no idea what to do with them. and than when i lunch the beta it gives me an error window like :" addon 'CA_Hotfix" requires addon 'CAA10", and than my game is all buggy. what should i do with it?
  8. I didnt knew you need 1.09 for the mod, how can i get it?
  9. talc

    Shawk al Tarif - V0.99 Beta

    Whats wrong with your official forum?
  10. vilas mod is out, please release yours
  11. will you be releasing the S13 soldiers and Golani soldiers too?
  12. talc


    Hate to bump, but is there any progress? this tank is my dream right now... thanks.
  13. talc

    SLX MOD public release

    After the install, what am I supposed to do with the Addons and DBE1 folders that are extracted from the RAR file?
  14. talc

    SLX MOD public release

    You can download the 1.12 beta patch at http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3012 Am I supposd to delete the 1.09 before I install the 1.12?
  15. talc

    SLX MOD public release

    The 1.09 patch is a beta too. If I read correctly this mod works for any version 1.09 or higher. You can find all patches listed here. Â (I know, I know ) thanks, but when i try to start the normal 1.09 beta it tells me that "addon CA_HOTFIX requires addon CAA10" and than the game is buggy, like no recoil for guns and stuff...I have the 1.08 version, so should i delete the 1.09 beta and install a higher version? (what version do you have BTW) Thanks.