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Everything posted by thyco

  1. when you attempt to tell them to "return to formation" does itinstead say "All follow 2" ? if thats the problem press 0 then 5( i think) and choose the "done" response ( i think its 1) and that should fix the problem.
  2. there definately a bottle neck somewhere, and i think its something to do with Chenarus, Utes, granted its a very small island grants me so much greater FPS that i can run the game at on very high settings with 200% fillrate and a 2.4k view distance and still have 25 fps while playing the "war welcome" mission in multiplayer
  3. thyco

    ArmA 2 Soundtrack

    ya, though i was kinda dissappoint that there wasnt another version of the original OFP theme, but you right with the "halo factor", i love to see VGS do a version of the OFP to the back ground of some A2 footage similar to the russian faction trailer /drool
  4. thyco

    Autokick for Teamkillers

    dude..the amount of people named PLAYER1 and ADMINISTRATOR that ive seen to continuosly try and jump on the 2 aussie Arma2 servers (gamingSA and OGN) with version 1.00 when both are running patch 1.01 final and clearly state that they are running patch 1.01final is beyond amazing
  5. if your going to do that, then why dont you just use a lower screen resolution? because from looking at what you have done, its as if you just went into the option setting and dropped the fillrate from 100% to 50% thus making the game look extremely terrible. Remember 100% fillrate = Render_W: 1680, Render_H 1050 which is the same as your screen resolution. i play at 1280x1024 because that the max resoultion for my screen (19" lcd) and if drop the fillrate below 100% the game basically becomes unplayable due tot he fact that i cant make out the difference between a tree and soldier.
  6. if thats the case, then ill be getting DR over BC2 after the sheer patheticness that was BF2...realistic my arse ( fires of a 3round burst with a SAW at point blank range and watches as every round just missed the insergent.)
  7. thyco

    Enemy Accuracy way to good.

    ive had that and ive also had it where i can fire off 2 thirds of a m16A4 mag in single shot before they finally found my position becuase they were not looking in my direction ( it was a warfare game and the soliders in question were NAPA though whether this means anything) Was about 250-300m away and kneeling due the fact that were in dead ground and unable to be shot at if i went prone.
  8. thyco

    Manhatten Bug List

    If a reviewer is not spending at least 10hrs playing a game that he ment to be reviewing, especially one on the scale of Arma 2 which is already only for niche market that the general public will not play anyway, then the reviwer is not doing his job. I have played the mission so many times now i and many others are able to complete the mission within 3 hrs despite all the bugs. this game is nothing like other games that come out in the past that are completed in under 6hours of play time. Once again the mission is not impossible or unplayable, not only that but the patches that have come out, have increased the stability of the mission as well, and for the record, i said i probably spent 24hrs on the mission all up doing it twice and most of that was because i refused to restart the mission on the second attempt
  9. thyco

    3rd person view

    i use 3rd person more so in A2 at the moment just because it gives me better FPS and less slow downs compared to first person, and on the idea that it gives you the upper hand, it takes a bit of time to be able to get to the point where you can see over the wall you are behind which can and has been my down fall due to getting flanked many times
  10. thyco

    Enemy Accuracy way to good.

    and the chances are that the 505 version is release and patch 1.02 is released on the very same day that fixes these problems and people will come to the thread and say i told you so when they dont experience any of the superhaman dection AI Edit: in fact i think patch 1.01 final has fixed some of it up for me so far.....havent had any turrets follow my every move behind concrete walls while crouched and no shadow visible for the enemy to follow.
  11. thyco

    Dogs of War bug

    i checked both dogs of war missions and one when i looked, one was for napa and the other was for the CDF, and the CDF and both had prizak alive in them. Killing prizak in Badlands (CDF line) ment that Dogs of war at the start has the 2 CDF Commanders as well as a NAPA Commander in the CDF Base. And after some looking round i found a script command on Cooper that i changed from false to true which started up the alliance, however the NAPA commander still was not at the CDF Base.
  12. thyco

    Dogs of War bug

    the only thing im haaving difficulty with is trying to find out how i can make it so that the alliance is working between napa and the CDF as i took out prizak in the mission before yet the mission editor is working like he is still alive
  13. thyco

    Dogs of War bug

    are you guys having this occur with the CDF and NAPA having an Alliance? Has anyone tried this mission without making the alliance?
  14. ive seen fps increase from going from 2400m, to 2000m, to 1600m and to 1300m...below 1300m view distance just isnt worth it in terms of being able to actually play the game. Sofar through my playthough of the campaign, Manhatten is the biggest fps killer just because its go so many scripts to run and look after thanks to its sandbox set up and the ambient combat ( which is the best thing ever!) This is on Chenarus though, Utes on the other hand because its such a small island i can play with everything up at maxium and 2400 view distance playing an mp version of the mission "war welcome" and have no FPS issuses. i only wish utes was big enough to support 10 towns for more warfare action.
  15. thyco

    Task "United we stand"

    i actually expected to see more people play the NAPA line, because they were closer to novy sabor than the CDF..who were 5km aways where NAPA was only 1.5km away
  16. thyco

    Carry 1 AT round vs 3 SMAW rounds

    im very suprized actually that BIS didnt bring the weight system from VBS2 over to Arma2, which allowed for you to carry a maxium load of 45kg however if you maxed out your load to 45kg you would be effected by the exausting effects much quicker, to the point that even walking would cause it to happen.
  17. thyco

    Manhatten Bug List

    i had that happen once, it happened when we came underfire from some hostile villagers, i think she went into a permanent "fleeing" script and just cowered behind the hinds tail rotor. to fix it i had to just revert to a previous save, though the hardest part ive had with that mission is having the hind not get shot down before it can land xD
  18. thyco

    Task "United we stand"

    I did it the same way as BashT, which is the way it happens if you go to the CDF line in Bitter Chill, instead of going to the NAPA line
  19. im taking that this is first warfare mission? if yes, is it the NAPA version or CDF version? CDF version i just built a light vehicle factory, saved my cash and then built a BRDM, loaded razor team into it ( disbanded the driver) then just drove to the outer limit of Stary Sabor and proceeded to snipe every sinlge enemy i found from a safe distance with the BRDM weapons. Main cannon for the light armoured vehicles ( BTR-90 and the trucks) and the PKT for inf and the machine gun and grenade cars
  20. thyco

    Manhatten Bug List

    Feuer, theres 2 spawn points for the camp that i know off, theres the one main one west of doburkov and then there is one to the West-North-West of krastrov( where the woman goes tot he church) near the dam
  21. thyco

    German 1.01 Patch is final.

    well ive seen another performance boost with this patch and it seems like this patch has fixed some more of the memory leak crashes as well. i just did a 2hr warfare game by myself on the main map and had a noticible increase in FPS in the major cities as well as zero crashes from running out of memory
  22. thyco

    Arma 2 flash game

    hey guys...its the 360 version of Arma2 xD
  23. thyco

    German 1.01 Patch is final.

    has anyone who has installed the the patch noticed any preformance increase over the beta patch?
  24. thyco

    Woobling/bending enviroment

    its not realistic to the fact that move 20 meters and your buggered already, however i cant ell you that after ive run 2.4km in just normal running gear im completely fucked for the next 5min kinda like what the depth of field produces ( and yes i suck very badly at running/jogging/whatever) Edit: Dont forget that you are techincally in a warzone and in singleplayer your amember of a recon team, in any extent your not going to running everywhere, your going to be walking as to make sure that you can carry out recon. and one more point, iirc from my time in aus army, the minimum patrol speed rate depending on terrian is 500meters per hour
  25. thyco

    Woobling/bending enviroment

    thats the depth of field comming to into play after you have been shuffling and sprinting for too long. unlike Arma1 and OFP, the normal shuffling is now realistic ( ie you can not shuffle 3kms with a minimum of 25kgs and not feel worn out/tired/exaushted.