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Everything posted by telejunky

  1. graphics card is okay :) i got a 4850, too. But consider that AMD /ATI is are releasing their brand new 5800 series in the upcoming two weeks. Even if you don't want to buy a 5850 card for maybe 250-300$, once they are released the old arma2-capable graphicscards will cost even less :)
  2. @mon_diesle Take the pcie 2.0 modern cards will profit from it. In fact older cards only drop some fps using pcie 1.0, but newer cards like upcoming 5000 series or gt300 by nv will gain more performance trough pcie 2.0 - or better said they won't be slowed down :)
  3. So i uninstalled ati drivers, started in safe mode and used driversweeper. And then i installed catalyst 9.8. powered the fans to maximum, tried vanilla arma 2 and beta version. Looks really weird, happens even walking in chernogorsk. Sometimes it also gets that weird while being in the middle of the land. FLUSH definately helps for a minute, but this could not be the solution forever flushing every minute. Unfortunately i have not the time to change every setting/ resolution to look where and when it happens. Setting the videomemory to the lowest may help, but i just could try it a few moments and ArmA seems to look more ugly (very ugly lod...). I have to learn for my exams like mathmathics and technical thermodynamics. If i have the time, i give it a try :) Edit: Looking at the sky sometimes it gives a clear view without any triangles, the other times it stops the flicker and just show them, but they don't move.
  4. @InFireBaptize I give it a try with the driver sweeper. I never changed from NV to ATI, only X1950pro -> 4850. But even before ArmA 2 hit the shelves i already got my little baby :) Due to my silent system I am using an Enermax Modu82+ 525W which should be more than enough :) Powerconsumption at gaming around 200W, so it stays cool. my system XP Prof 4GB DDR2 800 Mhz Phenom II X4 3 Ghz (95W) HIS 4850 512MB DDR3 Enermax Modu 82+ 525W This is a very silent system. Using windows you can't hear the machine due to its 935 r/min cpu fan (scythe samurai z). Even my WD 6400AACS with its 5200 r/min decoupled (no accesnoise) is not audible, but more speed than my old WD 2500KS.
  5. But who should fix this? Who did make the 'fault'? I really don't know if i should be angry about ATI or BIS. It really gets on my nerves flying helicopter in an important moment and then i have to type FLUSH and wait 5 sec until the screen reappears...Never saw this prob in other games... :( In the early days of Armed Assault there was it, too. But somehow he disappeared with third or fourth patch... Unfortunately this curse came back :(
  6. What i think about it: If you primary play singleplayer missions/ large coops on you own, then you need a very powerful (and maybe overclock it a bit) cpu and graphicscard. But playing MP where pvp, coops are hosted by the server you don't really need an overclocked i7 to get about 50 fps. Considering these facts for mp games, then take a "slow" (compared to i7 in arma 2, but the phenom can easily be overclocked) phenom 955 or so and a high performance video card (if you got the time wait for new ati cards). MP is not that cpu demanding.
  7. Then go to a computer shop. They often will build a system with the components you wish for a fair price. :) I think there are many configurations as an example. If you are not clear which components in detail, just ask again :)
  8. still there (9.7). I am using 4850 with 512. Even on Utes (the first mission)...I wait for 9.9
  9. telejunky

    Arma 2 Loves Windows 7!

    Seems to be interesting. I can download windows 7 via msdnaa but i always thought that there is a better performance on xp pro. If this comes true to multiple user then i will change to 7 :)
  10. telejunky

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    I am satisfied with the beautiful island and its new capabilities for modding. But i would love to see some improvement over performance (cpu! Phenom II X4 945 doesn't seem to be enough...). Then i will be happy :)
  11. Yeah that the other thing: it should run very good with high fps, but there are only 23 fps with lowest settings... Edit: read on the web that choosing an other energy profile which deactivates C'n'Q could help, and yeah, there is an improvement over 4-6 fps on the first mission :) In fact 5 seems not to be a lot more, but now I play with 28 fps instead of 24 and this is good for me :). Anyhow i wait for a patch increasing the performance like 1.08 did :)
  12. Mmh i think it is not the vegetation itself. If you have a problem in the editor, then the graphicscard is too slow. But the 4870 is not worst at all. Look at me. I have a HD 4850 with 512 MB and I can get 40-60 fps in some mp missions. But when i play sp with ai, I have to play 80% with the fps like you have: 24 fps...although i got a phenom II X4 945, 4850 512MB 4gb ram and XP... Wait for patches or get a faster cpu. Even on lowest settings, where the 4850 shouldn't hold the performance back, the cpu seems to be the bottleneck. But my mainboard only allows 95W cpus and i won't buy a 140W cpu! I hope BIS will "fix" or optimize the engine.
  13. I made a small test: For better singleplayer i definitiv have to wait for AMDs Phenom III with 4.7 Ghz and 12 Cores if it is going to consume only 95W... I decreased all graphic settings to "very low" and if aviable "disabled". It looks a bit better than flashpoint despite of the resolution. But i only get 23/24 FPS! Hell yeah with Phenom II X4 3 Ghz. There must be something wrong programmed or it is really a game which should be released two years in future. I hope the patch will "fix" this. Did not tried MP with these settings. I think most times arma 2 mp is performend well with this cpu and a better graphics card than the 4850 512MB... Hope the Patch 1.04 will be like the 1.08 for Armed Assault in case of its performance boost.
  14. Ohh don't take this, the i7 series is a really nice cpu series, but in combination with only a GT 220 ArmA 2 won't be happy. If you get a chance then take a GTX 260 instead of a GT 220... If you haven't enough money, take a slower cpu and a better graphicscard like mentioned above :)
  15. Hey folks, due to my low performance i purchased a Phenom II X4 945 with 3 Ghz. Rest of system: Xp 4gb DDR2 ATI 4850 with 512MB WD 6400AACS with average transferrate of 70MB/s But there are some times i get low fps (<30fps) mostly in cities or forest. What is the bottleneck of the system. I always see everyone ocing his cpu to maximum, but i can't oc my 945/ buy better cpu because my mainboard only allows cpu with maximum tdp of 95W. What do you think of getting a 4870/4890 when the 5800 series is released and the prices of the older cards get cheaper? Or wait and buy a 5850 for 250 bucks (maybe more...)
  16. Why is the issure about the blurred mirror of btr rejected? http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/2919 "Arma2 engine is not able to draw mirrors picture, only way is to cut holes in model, which is not possible in all vehicle interiors. You have optics view to look outside, the rest is just a decoration." But even in OFP it was possible to make such hole to every model. Why not in super modern ArmA 2? :( @kju, but why should they delete this feature? As far as I know the V3 Engine is based on the previous engines.
  17. telejunky

    Some questions about ArmA 2

    There are train models in game, but they can't drive :( It is an engine limitation. But in the editor you can place everything(!) and just drive around enjoying the beautiful nature of chernarus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lypu9uddQ8M
  18. telejunky

    Do You find ArmA Infinite Land Spooky?

    I like the feeling of playing in endless chernarus. I seperates ArmA 2 from games like COD where you can easily reach the end of a level, but it made me several times angry not reaching the end after 10 minutes of flying... :D
  19. I hope ArmA 2 will be enriched by the new engine, too. Secondary i hope that there will be some kind of automatic integration of arma 2 content. Maybe we could set a path to the arma 2 addons folder, so 9,35 GB of arma 2 content should not be twice on your hdd.
  20. No sry i did not read the whole thread... Really? If this is the truth this would be okay :) But why does not W0lle knows about it? Edit: if you mean this: "To what degree do original ArmA 2 and OA interact? For example, can OA units be used in ArmA2 and can Arma 2 mods be loaded in OA with copying them all to a new directory? W0lle: As said by Ohara: ArmA2 content can be used in Arrowhead with no problems." This means for me that AO is able to load any addon for arma2 without modification. But i can't read from it that it automatically loads the official vehicles, chernarus and so on...
  21. Ahhh standalone... i don't like it. So this will divide the community. Why not two versions? First Version as an addon like Queens Gambit with all the vehicles, missions, island etc and a patch upgrading the arma2 engine to its new capabilities. Second Version as standalone for the players which won't buy arma 2 for some reasons. This version would be able to connect to arma2 server running ao content and missions... I don't like restart a game just to play on takistan, which actually could run in the same game...
  22. When i remeber back to ArmA:Armed Assault, my old Pentium 4 3Ghz beat the AMD 3200+ or so. Maybe it even was a 4400+ single core. I think you got a S939, right? Then it is time to buy a cheap am2+ board plus ddr2 ram and a AMD Phenom II X2 545 or something like that. Remember Suma: take the fastest dual core cpu for your money, because for the same chips there are only slower quad cores... Second hand hardware on ebay is good, too (e.g. am2+ board and ddr2 ram). But get a new system, because a more powerful s939 cpus cost like hell...
  23. telejunky

    Arma 2 on a Macbook Pro = Fail ?

    There it comes to my mind "photoshop isn't a game" ;) But back to you. So if the demo doesn't work, you may experience the pc. If you really want to play this great game then spent in sum 400€ on ebay for second hand amd processor, ati 4850, 4gb ddr2 and so on :) Ah good old xp licence is needed, too.
  24. telejunky

    DLC for ArmA2?

    A ssaid abive: the ofp and arma series got new content via patches. :) And there will be operation arrowhead with news island, new campaign and units :)
  25. I like it and maybe it shows that arma II is able to be less buggy then at its release. And so frightend buyers could be reclaimed. And standalone emans to me that is is not necessary like Queens Gambit. I will buy it :) *May it help rising up the whole quality of ArmA 2* Edit: Takistan==Pakistan? :)