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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. Thunderbird


    Hi, There is a little dilemma about an important historical question regarding the Polish Troops. As some of you maybe already know, Polish troops, despite being main members of the Warsaw Pact, they were according to numerous reliable sources in a large part against the Soviet Influence. Hence it was supposed that Polish Troops would have stood against Soviet Troops in the case of a direct conflict opposing the western/eastern blocs. Therefore should we go for 'Hypothesis' or for 'Official Positions'? Please help us to make a decision in these regards. A new poll was established for this purpose, thank you for your votes in the previous polls, though. (Clickable Image) ---------------------------------------- Regards, TB
  2. Thunderbird

    OFrP Release #1

    Noteworthy work indeed. A lot of attention brought to little details such as 'Brigades Arm Patches', or the ability to get its name as patronym with a little script. It would have been great to include the TRPP13 or the the TRPP39 alongside with the available PR4G, as despite being slightly old, they are still the most used radios within our ranks. Regards, TB
  3. This was the first option tried here but it didn't work as the new 'class strykerbase: tank' defined via an external new replacement '.pbo file' can't get rid of some elements of BIS Default \wheels\'class strykerbase: car'. Therefore, It is absolutely needed to locate some exact config lines to disable within 'class strykerbase: car', in order to ensure that the new 'class strykerbase: tank' would not inherit from \wheels\'class strykerbase: car' hard-coded lines. Regards, TB
  4. Hi, The purpose of this post is to understand and figure out what exact lines do differentiate a Car from a Tank in BIS configs. Since, I'm getting some serious troubles to replace BIS Strykers by our Bradley Models. --------------------------------------- BIS Strykers are inherited from 'cars' [Makes sense as Strykers get wheels]. Whereas our Bradleys are inherited from tanks [Again, makes sense as Bradleys get tracks]. --------------------------------------- So, during the replacement process, adding <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Simulation = tank; To the class strykerbase (The class which is supposed to host the replacement). Isn't enough to complete the replacement as the bradley is recognized as a simple MG Car (like UAZ with DsHK... or a mounted Hummer). And results with No working Tracks (Not animated)/ Muzzleflash in wrong place/ A huge exhaust smoke. As you can see below: Therefore, do you know what lines do make a Car becomes a Tank or a Tank becomes a Car/ Of course, in terms of configuration. These lines are supposed to simulate the wheels of the Stryker: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> memoryPointExhaust = "exhaust_start"; memoryPointExhaustDir = "exhaust_end"; memoryPointTrackFLL = "tyreTrack_1_1l"; memoryPointTrackFLR = "tyreTrack_1_1r"; memoryPointTrackBLL = "tyreTrack_1_2l"; memoryPointTrackBLR = "tyreTrack_1_2r"; memoryPointTrackFRL = "tyreTrack_2_1l"; memoryPointTrackFRR = "tyreTrack_2_1r"; memoryPointTrackBRL = "tyreTrack_2_2l"; memoryPointTrackBRR = "tyreTrack_2_2r"; Disabling them and substuting them by Bradley tracks definitions, doesn't help at all. In this way: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> memoryPointTrack1L = "Stopa LL"; memoryPointTrack1R = "Stopa LR"; memoryPointTrack2L = "Stopa RL"; memoryPointTrack2R = "Stopa RR"; memoryPointExhaust = "exhaust_start"; memoryPointExhaustDir = "exhaust_end"; memoryPointTrackFLL = ""; memoryPointTrackFLR = ""; memoryPointTrackBLL = ""; memoryPointTrackBLR = ""; memoryPointTrackFRL = ""; memoryPointTrackFRR = ""; memoryPointTrackBRL = ""; memoryPointTrackBRR = ""; Therefore, any help or enlighten advice to figure out this issue would be much appreciated. Edit: Things were so easier to handle with OFP since there was 1 main config with everything centralized in one place, heh. Regards, TB
  5. Thunderbird


    Not taking into consideration OFP's models under the pretext they are low Polys would be a big mistake since very low-polys models will look much better once converted and adapted to the new engine's standards (Normal Maps, Specular Maps... ) etc. This is has pros but almost no cons. Regards, TB
  6. Hi, As some of you already know, the Project'85 develops '85 Polish Troops as they were one of the biggest armies and would undoubtedly been the first troops to be in war in case of a direct conflict between the 2 blocks. Here are some models under development Image - 1 Image - 2 By our 3D/2D Gurus (Yac, Vilas, Topas..) Therefore, some Polish voices are needed to record the following sentences, as I'm working on implementing a Polish DSAI system, in order to avoid having Polish troops talking russian. Any help in these regards would be greatly appreciated: Here is what is needed so far: - Are your weapons reloaded? - Reloaded and ready to fire Lieutnant! - Enemy in front of us, suppress them machinegunners! - Grenadiers, smack their heads! - Fire, fire at will! - Don't fall back or I will break your legs! - Keep yours positions! - Remain calm, don't stress! - Damn, haven't you learned to report in? - Go Prone! - Go Prone, watch them, they are coming! - Enemy Spotted! - Enemy in front of us! - Human presence out there, just behind the vegetations! - What should we do lieutnant? - Die american! - Haha, we kicked these americans asses! - Any help would be much appreciated, Best Regards, TB
  7. Thunderbird

    Request Polish Community Support

    If there are some Polish voices then it means that US/RU are already available. ;] The US/RU voices were the easiest to find, but I put them aside as the ECS system which has been fully implemented to the Project'85 MOD already features these 2 voices. The issue was to figure out a way to include the Polish voices without disturbing the whole system, and thanks to solus extended eventhandlers and to a few tweaks here and there, this has been possible. Regards, TB
  8. Thunderbird


    Again, and hopefully for the last time, even with a MOD, you will still be able to pick-up any .pbo you would like and use it as a standalone addon. And the MOD will be completely ACE compatible before its release, a collaboration is established with the ACE team since a few days and some agreements were found to make both MODs fully compatible. Regards, TB
  9. Thunderbird


    From a technical point of view, what would make Project'85 a unique Total Conversion MOD, is the ability to easily customize everything inside for your own liking, since, if you would not like the model replacements and would like to stick to BIS default Models, then all you would have to do it to delete/Back up a few files, and this procedure would be explained in details within the readme. Plus, there would be numerous "Replacement Options", based on reliable and realistic '85 and circa sources/content/informations/data, therefore, if the default replacement choices would not fit to your taste then you would get the ability to choose another alternatives. And if none of them would not be satisfying enough then there would be a tutorial within the readme explaining how to perform your own Model Replacements. I must admit that Armed Assault Platform helps a lot in these regards, as it would have never been the case with OFP previously. By the way, I think the best example to illustrate the current situation is the FDF one and not FFUR, since the FFUR MOD's purpose was to replace the default units by changing countless elements and aspects for better alternatives, whereas the FDF MOD focused on its theme models development + Campaign/Missions related to the theme in question, and the second case seems closer to Project'85 intentions and objectives. Anyways, the Poll is open and we better let the community speak in its whole. ;] Thank you for your paticipation. Regards, TB Edited because of typos.
  10. Thunderbird

    Modern Combat - SLX Mod version 1.1

    Congratulations, good to see this version finally released. Regards, TB
  11. Thunderbird


    As Shadow Nx stated above, every single main .pbo works as standalone if separated from the core MOD in Project'85, and we will ensure to respect this concept during the whole development process. There would be a detailed log file stating any updates/improvements/changes within the MOD, as we pay a lot of attention to the multiplayer aspect. The only dependences you will experience are related to the infantry/weapons packs & Vehicles/Crews which sound quite logical, as how would you properly run the infantry troops .pbo without its relevant weapons pack, heh. Regards, TB
  12. Thunderbird


    Established a new poll in these regards, your votes, will be more than ever, greatly appreciated. (Clickable Image) ---------------------------------------- Yes, we established a close cooperation with the ACE MOD in order to enhance the "realism" aspect of the Project'85 MOD, this features numerous changes alongside with what was already expected in our side in terms of 'Realism Improvements'. - Ballistic Improvements/ Sights adjustements/ Rocket Ballistic enhancements/ ECS System implemented... A complete and very detailed list will be released soon. Plus, getting our own MOD instead of making a simple Addons pack will allow the possibility to establish a decent campaign, somehow a la FDF. But we will ensure that the MOD will be compatible with 3rd party addons/MOD (With the implementation of XEH...etc). In oder words, a MOD improving some Aspects of ArmA and replacing the default Models by '85 Era Troops/Vehicles seems to be the best alternative in my judgement. But better let democracy speak, -> P'85 Poll Regards, TB
  13. Thunderbird

    Request Polish Community Support

    Again, thanks to everyone involved in helping us to complete the polish voices pack and accomplish this feature. Unfortunately, some voices haven't been included to the MOD due to micro-recording conditions and getting rid of these external noises actually does reduce the quality of the voices files and therefore, make the sounds 'unhearable' in-game. However, I have another request to the polish community as some "Polish Military Radio" conversations are needed to simulate a "Vehicle chatter" for Polish Armored Vehicles. Any help in these regards would be much appreciated, as I know it is not easy to find some. Youtube links or any videos showing "Radio communications" between Polish Troops/Armored Sections would be very helpful as well, as there is a possibility to extract the wanted sounds. Thank you in advance, Best Regards, TB
  14. Thunderbird

    counter measures for aircraft

    Achieving a script of this nature depends on the objectives you set in advance: (Realism factor = The highest the realism is, the more time you will need to develp the script in question [Velocity of Flares/Chaffs - Efficiency, Speed, Form, Size...] according to specific military references). But a very basic and simple script of this nature, (by taking into consideration the bug fixes/enhancements during the development) shouldn't take that much of time (A matter of a few days). The one included in the last version in FFUR has been carried out by the BAS MOD, since the ancient FFUR scripts were causing huge performance drops. Regards, TB
  15. Thunderbird

    Request Polish Community Support

    Ouch ... or do we speak about a local tradition? Heh, you can hear much worse in the french army. ;] Once again, thanks to all those who helped us thus far, we have 2 separate voices, and 2 are expected to come soon. Regards, TB
  16. Thunderbird

    Request Polish Community Support

    'Kurva...' reminds me something I heared in the army.. ;] Thank you a bunch Grey, this is exactly what was needed, and it is very well played! This helps a lot, and thanks to all those who contacted us by pm to help, I'm eagerly looking forward to the records. Regards, TB
  17. Thunderbird

    Request Polish Community Support

    Thank you very much for your support! and again, don't worry about your voices even if you are 12 years old, I will carry out the necessary modifications to make the voices sound 'young adultish'. ;] Regards TB
  18. Thunderbird

    Request Polish Community Support

    Don't worry about your voice, I can slightly modifie it to make it fit for the purpose, and thank you for your support! US Army vs Warsaw Pact Troops/ Soviet Troops. And the first release will feature US/Soviet/Polish troops but we envisage to gradually include more armies in the near future. (NVA/Bundeswehr..). More informations on the Website. regards, TB
  19. Thunderbird

    Request Polish Community Support

    Heh, indeed, your post says it all. A pinch of 'emotion' would be much appreciated as well. ;] regards, TB
  20. Thunderbird

    Request Polish Community Support

    Heh, don't expect something sophisticated in such situations, especially being as 2nd/1st class. That's what you will generally hear, without exception and even nowadays. Just check out some videos and attempt to seperate tactical/technical orders of basic privates and the number of swears during an engagement. regards, TB
  21. Thunderbird

    Spanish army mod pack 2

    Heh, well, in this case, then they could simply add a different 'vehicleclass' for the 'Hamasi' (The one with the baclava and green bandana) looking terrorist, and then use it to form a sort of little 'sunni' squad. Instead of taking the model out of the .pbo. ;] The terrorists should not be put in the same side than the regular moroccan army since nowadays, both of spanish and moroccan armies fight against a common enemy. I understand that the MOD's conceptors mainly focus on the spanish army, nonetheless it would be appreciated to add a few moroccan squads in the 'cfggroups' as well, despite being just some representative OPFOR forces. Regards, TB
  22. Thunderbird

    Spanish army mod pack 2

    The relation between Spain and Morocco is far from being that hostile, as they have numerous common economic and governmental agreements and partnerships, despite some political divergences and territorial disputes (Leila's/Persil rock crisis in '02...). Concerning the models issue, since the afghan and arab cultures are essentially different, I would suggest to get rid of the model with the green bandana/baclava as you will rarely notice talibans wearing them. Regards, TB
  23. Thunderbird

    Spanish army mod pack 2

    Technically, the models look so far good but as stated in the previous page, they are slightly wrong when it comes to the authenticity, and need to be reworked in order to make them fit with the MOD's perspective. regards, TB
  24. Thunderbird

    Spanish army mod pack 2

    These terrorist models don't fit at all with the context of the MOD since they look from the Middle-East, whereas they are supposed to be from 'North-Africa'. Check out some videos on the net showing 'north-african terrorists' in action (Mainly in Algeria), you will notice that they don't wear baclavas and don't have these 'Hamasish' bandanas, the same goes for 'Shamaghs'. In oder words, north african terrorists, except some old soviet military kits, they aren't different from any civilian. Regards, TB
  25. Thunderbird

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Thanks for the supportive and nice comments. Seamingly, there are still a couple of bugs that need to be taken out, I guarantee you that almost all of the issues that have been reported so far will be fxed later. However, as you have probably noticed, some of the features have been taken out to permit people with low-systems to flawlessly run the MOD, getting these features back means a loss of 'frame rates'. It is up to you, you know the result of both situations. Regards, TB