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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    FlashFx Units Replacement Full Pack 3.0 is Out , Get it Here Delete the full pack 1.0 before to download and install this one, when you'll install the full pack 3.0 , please delete the "hfr_apac in your FlashFxUR/addons, thanks Special thanks to Reven have fun
  2. Thunderbird

    The Middle East part 2

    you use "ironies" in your last post and you're mistaken much, you think of being able to irritate me so that I drifts but I'll remain calm, you believe in many things which are completely false, arabs have wished only to live in peace, if we were so malicious that you say it, Israel would for a long time be destroyed, we've wanted just peace,but you've stolen our territories, you've won, but nothing honourable, your state is strong because the USA supported you and still supporting you, it gives you the money, equips you militarily and protects you internationally, without it, Israel is nothing ,you think that israel is the center of the world , if USA helped you and still helping you it's right because the chiefs of this governments have the same religion as you And stop talking as G.W.BUSH , I'm half iraqi, my people lived better before the American intervention the purpose of which was "to establish the democracy", ,The US intervention's killed a lot of civilians, a lot , a lot , do you've a heart? Why do you believe that "we" hate you ? I've a lot of israelis friends ... why do you believe that all arabic countries wanna to destroy your country ? do you wanna to know why ? Because You've destroyed our honor by stealing our territories in the past , you've killed a lot of people ... you've made suffering a lot of families... and don't forget that you've started the first We've tried to install the peace in the past with you , but you haven't stoped invading OUR ARABIC TERRITORIES you know , if you have a pride, admit the verity, few Israelis admit it
  3. Thunderbird

    The Middle East part 2

    Lol , I'm speaking with a member of the CIA who knows everything about the US security and the US ambitions in the world , it's necessary to look at the human side of this war, and to stop looking at that the financial side, a war it's ugly , stop using sarcasm Stop believing yourself higher than me and I'm lower than you because I'm arabic , respect me as I respect you , try to be able to talk without disrespect
  4. Thunderbird

    The Middle East part 2

    you give to the events a direction which belongs only to you,you live over there but you seem nothing to understand with what is held in the Middle-East, , where rather you make seeming because that arranges your country... I know that'll make you happy and certain israelis if the US army control the ME , palestinians aren't "all" terrorists , and don't forget that before 1948 Israel really didn't exist, and that the Jews was dispersed everywere in the world, I don't know, but I have the impression that you don't appreciate much Arabic Avon lady don't forget one more important thing , without the US support , Israel isn't nothing... If the neighbour arabic countries've attacked you , that was only that you stop stealing arabic zones... You're proud of your country , I'm happy for you , but don't use sarcasm against me...and don't believe that I am lower than you and you're higher than me because I'm Arabic Sorry to say the truth as that , I'm not Nazi or anti israel but I dislike some ones of your reactions wich need to be get down....
  5. Thunderbird

    The Middle East part 2

    mhhh maybe you support the war against Syria because its army've attacked your country in the past ?
  6. Thunderbird

    The Middle East part 2

    Which rumours? Don't you agree that the American army attacked Iraq by using the pretext of the weapons of massive destruction ? they killed as well people for saying to the end that they didn't find anything, it's to believe that people are idiots? The US army attacked Iraq for oil, it was necessary a pretext for them, they lied on the weapons of massive destruction,and now they invent new pretexts to attack Syria for the same goal /// OIL and The Control of the ME... Why not to attack NK which really get REAL WEAPONS OF MASSIVE DESTRUCTION Edit : The US army and the US politicians make reign terror in the Middle-East, why the American army attacked Iraq? why it didn't attack the North Korea which assert its capacities to strike the USA? why the American army attacked a country destroyed by years of war? by killing of thousands of people, Civilian died... why?? for oil?? , why the American congress makes it possible to this idiot of BUSH to send soldiers in Iraq? and now why the American politicians threaten directly Iran and syria ?? there are countries much more dangerous than these 2 there and which threaten the USA seriously, but one doesn't dare to say anything to these countries
  7. Thunderbird

    Which guns do you own

    Except American, the others, how made you to have so many weapons legally?
  8. Thunderbird

    The Middle East part 2

    Still of these rumours which the American politicians claim and which everyone believe, such as for example, the weapons of massive destruction in irak ...
  9. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Thank you man, concerning the explosions of the body, I noticed that many people liked then I added this effect, FFUR=Y2K3# Era of each mod keep up the nice work too man
  10. Thunderbird

    The Middle East part 2

    I don't appreciate the way in which the American politicians exaggerate while speaking about Syria, Syria helped much Lebanon in the past, it shouldn't be forgotten,there're only 14 000 Syrian soldiers in Lebanon, but before American judges Syria, they must judge themselves and their policy imperialist in the Middle East
  11. Thunderbird

    New replacement XMS and XM-177E2

    the XMS ? sure ..
  12. Thunderbird

    New replacement XMS and XM-177E2

    I've replaced the XMS by yours ... added u to the credits too hope u've similar projects for other replacements
  13. Thunderbird

    New replacement XMS and XM-177E2

    The quality of .paa or .pac are better than Jpg , I think
  14. Thunderbird

    New replacement XMS and XM-177E2

    the XMS is perfect , that doesn't need any update
  15. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    LOL , yeah why not Seriously I don't think that it's possible to carry out something of this kind because the graphic engine of flashpoint doesn't allow it, but Philcommando is more suited than me to answer to this question , currently the FFUR MOD arrives at the limits of the engine known, and good news, to all : DELETE the FLASHFXUR FROM YOUR FLASHPOINT REPERTORY the full pack 3.0 is on the way, better .. check the first page here I Haven't made a patch because I've done a new multiplayer config and 3 other different Single configs , just read the first page of this thread and New Retextured addons pack will be available to replace BIS addons as the G36,OH58 ... , it contains the new XMS too Changes *Civilian cars replaced by Vilas 1985 era models -Blue car replaced by the Favorit -Red car replaced by the Fiat 125 -Yellow car replaced by the Polonez '78 -Green car replaced by the Wartburg -Sport car replaced by SIG Challenger 4*Configs availabe -3 Single configs , 1 low cpu config , 2 powerful cpu configs (explosion body, without explosion body) -Multiplayer config added , CTD fixed by removing all flashFx effects Effects improved -New effects added to the Powerful configs (New explosion of boat , new tank explosion , smoke added to the rocket launchers , ORCS effect fixed , smoke added to the riffles ) Fixed all other minor bugs
  16. Thunderbird

    3Dclouds released

    I mean the "invisible" BIS clouds
  17. Thunderbird

    3Dclouds released

    Great , is it possible to use the clouds permanetly in game ? I mean to replace BIS clouds ?
  18. Thunderbird

    M24 Chaffee RELEASED !

    Hehe Nice model
  19. Thunderbird

    New replacement XMS and XM-177E2

    Great job That'll replace the XMS in the FFUR pack
  20. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Thanks spy17 Yep , I've already done it , but I've quickly removed it because the lag was huge, enormeous , the fps fall at 1 , I've kept only the "no laggy effects" Sound fixed The Full Pack 3.0 is on the way
  21. Thunderbird

    Csla 2

    Who's Maa ?
  22. Thunderbird

    M4A1 Pack

    Thanks a lot for the replacement of the XM
  23. Thunderbird

    M4A1 Pack

    Thanks a lot for the replacement of the XM
  24. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    New Boat explosion effect New tank explosion effect New "AT" smoke Everything should be ready very soon
  25. Thunderbird

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Incoming pack 3.0 *All packs and patchs regrouped in one pack *Added new effects " Progress 75 % " *3 configs available " Single "with body explosion" , Single "without body explosion" , "Beta Multiplayer config" *Fixed ICP effect *Lag reduced *Fixed AH-64 *Civilian cars replaced by Vilas one "old models of the year 1985" *Fixed "life vest" for pilots