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Everything posted by Tom_48_97

  1. Hello all, I am making again an other Island, and it's the first time that happened When I load the island under OFP, at the end of the loading, it crachs So the cpp is almost the same as usual for me, and I have test the wrp replacing desert Island, no problem So what's wrong This is my Cpp file <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches { class isl9_swr { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; worlds[] = {isl9_swr}; requiredVersion = 1.96; }; }; class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld { }; class Intro : DefaultWorld { }; class isl9_swr : Intro { access = 3; plateFormat="ER$ ## - ##"; plateLetters="ABCDEFHIKLMOPRSTVXYZ"; description = "Island9 (SWR)"; icon = "\swr_little1_PythonArtStudio\russia.paa"; worldName = "\swr_little1_PythonArtStudio\swr_island9.wrp"; cutscenes[] = {"..\addons\swr_little1_PythonArtStudio\intro"}; centerPosition[]={5931,6747,0}; startTime="00:00"; startDate="30/6/85"; startWeather=0.400000; startFog=0.100000; forecastWeather=0.200000; forecastFog=0.000000; seagullPos[]={10738,8509}; ilsDirection[]={0,0.080000,-1}; ilsPosition[]={580,10315}; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class isl9_swr { }; };
  2. Tom_48_97

    Error with a cpp for an island

    Fully Works Thanks UNN Conclusion : When you make a wrp for an island, name your wrp file to the same name as your class & Patch. That's all. Is this in the FAQ ? If not, it will be. An entiere night to found a simple solution <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches { class isl9_swr { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; worlds[] = {isl9_swr}; requiredVersion = 1.75; }; }; class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld { }; class Intro : DefaultWorld { }; class isl9_swr : Intro { access = 3; plateFormat="ER$ ## - ##"; plateLetters="ABCDEFHIKLMOPRSTVXYZ"; description = "Island9 (SWR)"; icon = "\swr_little1_PythonArtStudio\russia.paa"; worldName = "\swr_little1_PythonArtStudio\isl9_swr"; cutscenes[] = {"..\addons\swr_little1_PythonArtStudio\intro"}; centerPosition[]={5931,6747,0}; startTime="00:00"; startDate="30/6/85"; startWeather=0.400000; startFog=0.100000; forecastWeather=0.200000; forecastFog=0.000000; seagullPos[]={10738,8509}; ilsDirection[]={0,0.080000,-1}; ilsPosition[]={580,10315}; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class isl9_swr { }; };
  3. Tom_48_97

    Error with a cpp for an island

    Okay, I Try Thanks
  4. Tom_48_97

    Error with a cpp for an island

    I have tested some minutes ago, and the same problem appear but with the file binarised, the problem take place during the loading Or I Re-make Desert Island !
  5. Tom_48_97


    If I remember, kolo means Bicycle in english. So if this can help you, it's great, if not, someone have the solution, I am sure
  6. Tom_48_97

    adding new fonts

    Good question I hope that someone will answer because I am very interrested
  7. Tom_48_97

    Banguor Island

    Yes, there are others screens about island making, but I can post them in this topic, it's not for banguor I, will uploads some other pics tomorow when I will have finnished a little village We need help about texturing and Vehicule making
  8. Tom_48_97

    Banguor Island

    Here, you will find some images of Banguor Island that was named Russia Island http://www.arma-soviet.com//images/news/03.jpg http://www.arma-soviet.com//images/news/04.jpg http://www.arma-soviet.com//images/news/05.jpg http://www.arma-soviet.com//images/news/06.jpg http://www.arma-soviet.com//images/news/07.jpg http://www.arma-soviet.com//images/news/08.jpg http://www.arma-soviet.com//images/news/09.jpg http://www.arma-soviet.com//images/news/10.jpg http://www.arma-soviet.com//images/news/11.jpg http://www.arma-soviet.com//images/news/12.jpg
  9. Tom_48_97

    G36 Pack

    You can find more pics here Have a good visit
  10. Tom_48_97

    Soviet War Rebellion Mod

    Last news : Sorry, for the topic
  11. Tom_48_97

    Soviet War Rebellion Mod

    I have open an ICQ account today I am waiting for authorization on ICQ. My ICQ is 258-029-599
  12. Tom_48_97

    Soviet War Rebellion Mod

    www.arma-soviet.com is now open !!! Site and Forum Visit us ^^ Ps : Sorry for flood
  13. Tom_48_97

    Soviet War Rebellion Mod

    It's very interresting, but how can i communicate with you ? You have MSN ? I let you my msn : bambi@team-hst.com
  14. Tom_48_97

    Soviet War Rebellion Mod

    I come back this evening, I will contact all persons that have ask Have a godd day and thank to all /D
  15. Tom_48_97

    Soviet War Rebellion Mod

    No one to join us ?
  16. Tom_48_97

    Soviet War Rebellion Mod

    All images has been taken from addons whitch are old (the weapon pack date of 2003) The work on Banguor island has start in 2002. Soldier Graphic Artist (not texturer) JW Moddeler/Coder helping_hand Moddeler Montana Mission/Script Maker And me Island maker You have also to know that we come back after more than one year of inactivity and that the reason why all images and packs are old. We have restarted 10 days ago. The new stuff will be product
  17. Tom_48_97

    Cannot Update

    The only way is by re installing the game. Are you sure that you have downloaded the right patch ? You have goty edtion or not ? But no one of this forum will make you the rar file For your CD, CodeMasters will not provide you an other. Found a friend with the cd 2 and install the game with your serial
  18. Tom_48_97

    Soviet War Rebellion Mod

    That's it simba, but we are not all french I agree with you, but swr exist since some years. So join an other team, we have our structure and a server for the test will be provide in september. So many things has been launched but cooperate with other staff will be a great experience, make, an alliance, if I can say that.
  19. Tom_48_97

    Soviet War Rebellion Mod

    The mod is about moderne war in Russia and for some island, especialy in urbans Zone. There ara two campaign about the story, one you are Russian, the other you're Resistance.... etc.... Maybe classic you will say ? I will answer that yes, but with some other, the same concept can be different And, Yes, WE NEED
  20. Tom_48_97

    G36 Pack

    We are curently searching for a texturer :/ Help us ! Why we need help ? An adress ? bambi@arma-soviet.com or simply helping_hand@arma-soviet.com For the rest, keep your great job helping_hand You know wath I think @Flashbang151 Nice idea, but we need the texturer
  21. Tom_48_97

    Soviet War Rebellion Mod

    You want to know what is the story ? That's it ?
  22. Tom_48_97

    Post your specs!

    Processor: Athlon Xp 2400+ Graphics card: GeForce 4 Ti 4600 Asus (128 Mo DDR) Sound Card: Creative audio digy 2 RAM: 1536 mo DDR (3 x 512 mo) HDD: 2x 80 Go + 1 x 100 Go western digital 7200 tpm Mouse: Logitech optical OS: WinXP pro Monitor: 21" Connection: adsl resolution desk : 2048x1536 Benchmark : around 12 000 or 13 000 CD1 : CD52x Asus CD 2 : DVDRW, SD-R5002 Toshiba DVD : 2x1x12x and CD 16x10x40x
  23. Tom_48_97

    Post your specs!

    Processor: Athlon Xp 2400+ Graphics card: GeForce 4 Ti 4600 Asus (128 Mo DDR) Sound Card: Creative audio digy 2 RAM: 1536 mo DDR (3 x 512 mo) HDD: 2x 80 Go + 1 x 100 Go western digital 7200 tpm Mouse: Logitech optical OS: WinXP pro Monitor: 21" Connection: adsl resolution desk : 2048x1536 Benchmark : around 12 000
  24. Tom_48_97

    Support for polish ofp players needed

    It's very dispointed of BIS and CODEMASTER, no, polish version, I stop my current devellopement of FLASHPOINT tom_48_97 SOVIET WAR REBELION SOVIET WAR REBELION MOD