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Everything posted by Tom_48_97

  1. Tom_48_97

    Keyframe animation system in DEV.

    The documentation I've added is a bit outdated but should cover all the basics with 3den. I have some more to add, once it's done, I will go through it and update it to match the current state. Please, be patient, this isn't forgotten :) Meanwhile, here is a sample, with 3den: http://tom4897.info/test_keyframeanimation_3den-vr/
  2. The first one has been fixed and we will tackle the others soon. Thanks for the report.
  3. The error is legit, as described in the documentation, "no change" should be used instead of "unchanged". When this type of error occurs, I'd recommend to take a look at the documentation which should list the correct enum values. If that's not the case, just let me know. I've also added the error type in the Community Wiki.
  4. There already is a macro for the user name ($TM_FULLNAME), as for the date, I'll see what I can do. It depends on the file type, currently, the RPTs are the most problematic, it mainly is because of the regular expressions used to parse the file which could use some optimization. I'm not using GIT myself (not even installed), I will try to fix the issue but probably not with the next update which is almost ready.
  5. The Community Wiki has received some love from our web development and IT departments and is back online. We're aware of some issues and will work on resolving them ASAP. We invite you to report any encountered issues. In order to solve these issues as soon as possible, the following information would be necessary: Page where the error or problem occurred Steps how to reproduce the issue When possible, a screenshot of the problematic page Any other relevant detail which could help (E.g. time and date of the issue to ease the search in the logs) Thank you for your patience! Issues/log File upload isn't functional Some HTML code is displayed as plain text The API is deactivated (solved) Recent changes are grouped (solved) Expanding sub-categories often fails (solved) Internal error when displaying a page containing code using the syntax highlighting (solved) Loading certain pages can lead to a Fatal exception (solved) The autocomplete in search box doesn't work (solved)
  6. Tom_48_97

    clients see different colours for same car

    Well, something must have changed because this feature isn't really new. I will test on my side and see what's happening there. In short, the system is triggered from the init event handler of the given vehicle, then it picks a variant according to the config (class TextureSources via the array TextureList) and eventually applies it.
  7. Tom_48_97


    Full changelog and TECHREP
  8. 07-09-2017 Size: ~0.1 MB / ~64 MB TOOLS FSM Editor Changed: SQF definitions updated to Arma 3 1.77+ Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version number to reflect the current stage (1.014) SAMPLES Art Added: Texture template of the Van_02 (Van) Added: Texture template of the UAV_06 (Utility Drone)
  9. @.kju, It's on my list however, I don't know when I will have the time
  10. Tom_48_97

    Arma III Publisher error

    It's indeed because your account is limited which prevents you from using a few features. More information about limited accounts: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=3330-IAGK-7663
  11. 29-08-2017 Size: ~12.5 MB TOOLS BankRev Added: Ability to sort the columns on the main form Added: Shortcut Escape to close the detail dialog ImageToPAA Added: Ability to sort the columns on the main form Changed: The form showing the details has been reworked (layout, displayed information) Changed: The exclusion options are considered when adding new files to the list Fixed: On some occasions, the processed files could be locked DSUtils Added: Ability to sort the columns on the main form Binarize Maintenance update (Executable and config) Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (1.013.2)
  12. 21-08-2017 Size: ~2.5 MB TOOLS Publisher Added: Support for Laws of War DLC BankRev Tweaked: The folder browser dialogs now starts at the previously selected path (add source and select destination) ImageToPAA Tweaked: The folder browser dialogs now starts at the previously selected path (add source and select destination) Steam dumpAccountInfo Added: Support for Laws of War DLC Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (1.013.1)
  13. The external viewer should point to the 32b exe (arma3.exe) and not 64b (arma3_x64.exe).
  14. Good catch, it's gone. Thanks for the report
  15. 15-08-2017 Size: ~0.1 MB SAMPLES Addons Fixed: The Wreck LOD of the sample of plane had an extra mesh
  16. And here it is :)
  17. 14-08-2017 Size: ~948.6 MB SAMPLES Addons Added: The Pylons and the HUD have been configured for the sample of plane Tweaked: Cleanup of the configuration of the sample of plane Tweaked: Test_Plane_01 has received an upgraded model, a canopy and an ejection seat Art Added: Texture template of the Fighter_01 (F/A-181 Black Wasp II) Added: Texture template of the Fighter_02 (To-201 Shikra) Added: Texture template of the Fighter_04 (A-149 Gryphon) Added: Texture template of the UAV_05 (UCAV Sentinel)
  18. There already is something prepared which will be made available with the next update ;)
  19. Good catch, I will update the private statement even though using private _myVar is preferred. As for the if thing, I'll see what I can do ;)
  20. If the Snippet Editor doesn't show up, it probably is because Poseidon Tools is not registered in the Windows Registry. To do so, just run "Refresh registry" from the preferences menu or run it manually from here: "PoseidonTools\Data\Bin\Core\Installer.exe". Let me know if that fixes your issue. To be noted that it is very basic and a prototype, yes but I would even add a very early one :) Good catch, it's because I've never used that with scripts, I will add it to the SQF with the next update. By the way, the keywords are Todo, Note and Check.
  21. @das attorney, there is a basic prototype of UI in Preferences >> Snippets, otherwise, they can be manually added in PoseidonTools\Data\Packages\User\Snippets. In case you need some samples, the default snippets are stored here: PoseidonTools\Data\Packages\Snippets. Also, if you have any snippets that could be useful for everyone, feel free to send them to me, I will be more than happy to add them into the default build :) <snippet> <description>description</description> <content><![CDATA[ [${1:position},${2:interval@number},${3:brightness@Number},${4:newspapers@bool}] call BIS_fnc_sandstorm; ]]></content> <tabTrigger>hello</tabTrigger> <scope>source.sqf</scope> </snippet>
  22. 23-06-2017 Size: ~0.1 MB SAMPLES Addons Added: Configuration of the sensors and the custom info panels (Test_Plane_01) Fixed: Missing ; preventing the packing with some community tools (Test_Sounds) Removed: External references in the model.cfg (Test_Weapon_01) Scenario Design Fixed: The mission.sqm was referencing incorrect class names for the player units (Combat Patrol) Tweaked: The mission parameters were not localized (Combat Patrol)
  23. Thanks for the report, I will fix the references in the sample. Edit: Now fixed in the Dev-Branch
  24. 22-06-2017 Size: 0 MB TOOLS Steam configuration Changed: updated version number to reflect the current stage (1.012)
  25. Tom_48_97


    Full changelog and TECHREP