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Everything posted by tnerb

  1. tnerb

    Leaving ofp

    my son just came out of his room and mooned his mother like he saw from that pic. i will now have to use my real ultimate powers to destroy zulu.
  2. tnerb

    Leaving ofp

    oh man me and my 11 year old son were just looking at the forums when i saw this, my son ran to hiw room and hasnt come out since. that is really not cool.
  3. tnerb

    Star wars episode7

  4. tnerb

    Better looking

    tough choices but you gotta choice
  5. tnerb

    Most beautiful exotic car

    as for me when i look on the road i barely see a pinto, the pinto is modestly exotic
  6. tnerb

    Cable boys and indians

    hey wobble, this isnt meant as a disprespect, but you said alot of the cleints dont respect you guys, so why is it your example has to be one involving indians, if thats the best one you have you havent seen shit yet. i respect cable men, they are very productive members of society so dont get me wrong. assholes are assholes regardless of their race. no one should be able to ask for a service and then tell them how to do their job, so what a costumer didnt liek your shoes, they still payed you right, almost everyone in america with a job gets a complaint, so its nothing new and you will get more, dont you have the right to serve anyone you want and vice-versa, if you felt uncomfortable, thne you should have left and told your boss you feared for your wellbeing.
  7. tnerb

    Star wars episode7

    it would be enjoyable to see epert and roeper or whatver their names are do a show where they reviews movies they have not seen. it appears many people like reviewing movies they dont see.
  8. tnerb

    Most beautiful exotic car

    whats wrong with an all american made car
  9. tnerb

    Colonel suspended for bad-mouthing bush

    well perhaps some of you can be president better. considering we have the right to vote and make our voice known, i dont have the numbers in front of me but very small numbers of americans vote. im not saying things are perfect but how is it people are so quick to judge and not to do, its called hypocrasy, im sure thats not how its spelled, but you get my point. we are all at fault for september 11th because we are americans, and america was the placed terrorized, if you are not american i hope you can deduct im not speaking towards you. thx
  10. tnerb

    The story.

    .............then the world was demolished by neo-nazis who bought an a-bomb on the black market. good story eh
  11. tnerb

    Star wars episode7

    sorry zach that post wasnt directed towards you.
  12. tnerb

    Star wars episode7

    you can always voice your opinion but also according to my thread name, people do still care aboot star wars. just because you think the series has fallen off doesnt mean that the million of people who go and see it dont. i didnt mean to make you feel as if you cant reply. im sorry if i hurt your feelings, i want to make my threads welcome to all. THX
  13. tnerb

    The forums make ugly!

    thx for the pics, they make me feel better about my life, i couldnt vote because i am a lazy stay in my room and play all day kinda guy. i figure why run when you can use the E button and make someone else run. besides it costs alot of money to parachute and sky dive, but it costs nothing to do it in ofp
  14. tnerb

    Better looking

    well put, they are both hot but the rain scene in spider man is damn hot
  15. tnerb

    Star wars episode7

    thats fine, i like good movies too, but you said your friends and co-workers are not going to see it, i guess if i knew your friends and co-workers i might respect their opinion or even yours but i dont.
  16. tnerb

    Why is ofp rated "m"?

    maybe they respect the game so much they only want mature people to play it, as zulu demostrated the rating doesnt mean shit
  17. tnerb

    Better looking

    yeah, sorry i am not posting to your needs.
  18. tnerb

    Star wars episode7

    do you work for a huge company or something, or do you work with highly respected movie critics or something. Im sure movies like j-lo's enough are great for you, i think the problem is people have to high of standards for the star wars series, watch the old trilogy again and see all the corny shit thats in it.
  19. tnerb

    Films you _never_ grow tired of

    bum fights and the cky series
  20. tnerb

    The worldcup 2002, who wins
