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Everything posted by turms

  1. turms

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.1

    @Blackdog : You are not running a 1.1 server?
  2. turms

    The Iraq Thread 2

    which terrorist groups and where are the proofs?
  3. turms

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Yeah right...   that's a joke right?  You have read all the posts from this guy eh?  Plz. don't talk about the Canadian forces here   unless it is for entertainment purposes only. Well we are set mostly on Peace keeping, and can't even keep that up to a great extent anymore.  I wonder what CEO Martin will do. I think he was reffering to TheMarshal=TOB= .....
  4. turms

    New name for network

    www.turmsfiles.com www.turms.com www.turmsforums.com www.bitemefiles.com www.biteme.com www.bitemeforums.com ill edit while i think betterones :P
  5. turms

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Nice pictures you have there indeed. But you might want to check this thread here and continue there.. Â keep em pics coming! EDIT: back on topic Now this is the biggest operation since the war "ended" is it?
  6. turms

    The Middle East part 2

    I see that you are not alone (unfortunatly) Israel has no hope for peace, unless Israel gives up something, isnt that quite obvious by now? EDIT: forgot the source
  7. turms

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Well I'm a Marine as well with 1MAW,MAG24 out of Hawaii and even though I don't agree with what is said about Marines here I still protect their rights to free speech. I'm not doubting the fact that you are a Marine, but I am ashamed at the way you are representing the Marine Corps with the way you are acting. I've been in the Marine Corps since the begining of 1998 and I've heard and read a lot of things, about the Marine Corps and individual Marines, that I disagree with, but when a United States Marine act's in the manner you are acting it just prooves those statements against us. You need to learn some tact and judgment before you act as if you were 12 years old. Remember you are still a US Marine, act like it. Semper Fi, Sgt Christopher Micheal Bunnell HMH-463, MAG 24, 1MAW, MCBH Sure you are a marine from Hawwii what time did we have this exercise? And who was your commanding Officer? year 2000, Vice Adm. Dennis McGinn EDIT:May 30 - July 6, 2000
  8. turms

    Norway vs sweden (silent heroes)

    NATO and soviets where not in the book....
  9. turms

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Well I'm a Marine as well with 1MAW,MAG24 out of Hawaii and even though I don't agree with what is said about Marines here I still protect their rights to free speech. I'm not doubting the fact that you are a Marine, but I am ashamed at the way you are representing the Marine Corps with the way you are acting. I've been in the Marine corps since the begining of 1998 and I've heard and read a lot of things, about the Marine Corps and individual Marines, that I disagree with, but when a Unisted States Marine act's in the manner you are acting it just prooves thoughs statements against us. You need to learn some tact and judgment before you act as if you were 12 years old. Remember you are still a US Marine, act like it. Semper Fi, Sgt Christopher Micheal Bunnell HMH-462, MAG 24, 1MAW, MCBH Amen! EDIT: besides the photo was taken in the year 2000 from RIMPAC 2000 exersizes,i find it hard to believe that you were in the army back then...
  10. turms

    The Middle East part 2

    How can this be,I thought they released the Geneva peaceplan at monday, and if I am not wrong,today is tuesday.
  11. turms

    Computer problems

    I had these symptoms, and after a while my processor burned So check the temperatures to avoid buying a new processor. in some bioses there is this option to automaticly shut down computer if the temperature goes over certain value that you can adjust.
  12. turms

    Joint eu military

    I am saying that NATO is so integrated to USA,and dependend on it, it would be better if european defence would not be depending on a outside europe factor, for example middle-east situation. Now this could be achieved by building and integrating the defence and politics in Europe.
  13. turms

    The Iraq Thread 2

    The uniform (fedayeen) ting is quite interesting actually. I think they were sending a message of who they are and what are theyr goals. Also it seems like US has gotten its humint in a better shape, they had to know the ambush was taking place...
  14. turms

    Joint eu military

    I know that for example German army logistics are much more cabable than Albanias armys. Dont ask me how, I just know ;) The best reason to prevent conflicts, is a strong and willing army. Funny, <a href="http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml? type=politicsNews&storyID=3912132" target="_blank">Rumsfeld</a> is saying the same, and both of you fail to give any details about "problems". Both are saying that NATO is enough. One must bear in mind that NATO is driving the cause of USA, and without USA NATO would be nothing. I see it is better to have a european military union that backing up Europe, not USA.
  15. turms

    The Iraq Thread 2

    if the penalty for misbehaving would be death, and the kid would turn himself in, it would be stupidity, not brave or unbrave, but pure stupidity. If the kid would be chased by 100 000 teachers, i would say the kid has courage if he will not surrender despite the massive difference with manpower.
  16. turms

    The Iraq Thread 2

    two Japanese who may have been diplomats from Japan killed in Iraq Reuters
  17. turms

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Reason for Saddam hiding,and nor surrendering is that he is smart. It would just be stupid to him to surrender. It takes no genious to figure that out. So what FSpilot is saying, it takes more guts to chase 1 man with 100 000 soldiers, than 1 man hiding from 100 000 soldiers. Now howcome they are fake videos?
  18. turms

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Any clue about Estonian military presence in Iraq? From somewhere i got the picture that there would be some, and some of them allready have been wounded. BBC didnt mention anything about them. Was i just dreaming or?
  19. turms

    Joint eu military

    I see that NATO has fullfilled its task as a counterpole to warsavpact. I dont see any reason for NATO to exist anymore.
  20. turms

    Joint eu military

    I cant understand how will unifying Europe be anti us? where is the logig in that? Well NATO has alrady been setup as a joint militrary union and now they are making another one. So if a military coalition is formed in somewhere, outside Europe, for example Asia, do you still think that the military coalition is against US?
  21. turms

    Joint eu military

    I cant understand how will unifying Europe be anti us? where is the logig in that?
  22. turms

    Joint eu military

    It is a very good idea, but that would propably mean that europe would agree on all european defence policy. Im for the army integration, but against common foreign/defence policies inside EU.
  23. turms


    Exactly 40 years ago JFK was assasinated in Dallas. 70% of americans believe that Lee Harvey Oswald wasnt the only shooter. You can read more about Americas own "Coup d'tat" from Reuters The top secret files concerning the case hidden by CIA will be published in the year 2038 if i remember correctly.
  24. turms

    Coup d'état in georiga

    There are also russian troops in georgia, the foreign minister of Russia just told that the russian troops in georgia would not react in anyway to the situation..
  25. turms

    Coup d'état in georiga

    Russian troops would hurt georgian independency/sovereignity more than european troops would.And i doupt that US would have resources/willinless to interveign in a possible upcoming conflict,especially so near to russian borders.