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About theguyonthecouch

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  1. theguyonthecouch

    If you could pick, what would you change to make OFP better?

    Join in progress for MP and fix the landing auto pilot for the cessna, it moves up and down like a mofo
  2. theguyonthecouch


    i wouldn't think that hard.....just inscrese the armor by a lot
  3. theguyonthecouch

    All out war

    well i've never played it, i've only played online once(hate having to wait for an available server), but when i play and all out war game, does it include chinooks and what not? that would be fun transporting troops like in tribes 2
  4. theguyonthecouch

    New Expansion Mod **Beta 1 Released for February ???**

    well since you get a d*amn pop up when you go there, plus the site is pure dog s**t, i would have to say its fake. i don't think the engine could handle huge navel battles. no offence to the team. but i doubt that it would work. not for a while anyway
  5. theguyonthecouch

    Online Games

    why not?
  6. theguyonthecouch

    Online Games

    thats cool i see your point......i just hope that they do make it that way....its a sweet game....i especilly like blowing up cars with satchel charges=)
  7. theguyonthecouch

    Online Games

    they need to make that....have it so when you click on Multiplayer in the game, you can get a list of servers to join....instead of having to use GameSpy or whatever else. it should also be able to join a game without having to wait forever for the round to end. just my 2 cents