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Everything posted by smacker909

  1. Trying to change my Email address for my account. The button takes me to the account page but no place to change the Email.. that I can see. Can someone clue me in?
  2. smacker909

    [SP] Rebel Yell!

    Hi OP, Your rating will decrease when you kill civilians, so I think that's why they shot you :) I did increase the player's rank to the highest, so your starting rating is high, but I think I did that after the first release.. so you might want to download the latest and try again, if you haven't already. --> I think your squad members had questions with your "accident" excuse :) I could add a rating 'reset' after each mission, but probably wouldn't want to do that during missions.. since killing too many civs can cause mission failure anyway.
  3. Hey guys, I'm having an occasional issue with my respawn script being called multiple times.. trying to keep count for max respawns..etc. The actual respawn works fine, but sometimes I get 2 counts for 1 respawn. I understand that the handledamage can be called multiple times at once, but I'm unsure how to get my counter working :( Any help would be much appreciated ! I'm using ; player addeventhandler ["handledamage",{ player setdamage ((damage player) / 1.001)}]; maxRespawns = 3; respawns = 0; and running; if(isNil "respawning") then {respawning = false}; if (respawning) exitWith {}; waitUntil {damage player >= .85}; null = [] execVM "scripts\respawn.sqf"; finally; respawn.sqf: respawning = true; 1 fadeSound 0; 2 fadeMusic 1; _track = [] call randomMusic; playMusic _track; titleText ["You are critically wounded. Respawning...","PLAIN DOWN"]; sleep 1; player setVelocity [0,0,0]; player playMove "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon_rolltoback"; sleep 2; titleCut ["", "BLACK OUT", 3]; sleep 3; titleCut ["", "BLACK FADED", 999]; _dir = [player, getMarkerPos "virtualExtractionMkr"] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _pos = [position player, 300, _dir] call BIS_fnc_relPos; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // for -> BIS_fnc_findSafePos _mindist = 0; // minimum distance from the center position _maxdist = 50; // maximum distance from the center position _minFromObj = 2; // minimum distance from the nearest object _waterMode = 0; // 0 = No, 1 = Can, 2 = Must _terrGrd = .7; // max terrain grad: Number - average altitude diffrerence in meters _shore = 0; // 0 - doesn't have to be shore , 1 - must be shore /* optional: blacklist (optional): Array - nested array of positions to avoid default positions (optional): Array - nested array of default positions */ _finalPos = [_pos, _mindist, _maxdist, _minFromObj, _waterMode, _terrGrd, _shore] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; VASBox setPos _finalPos; _finalPos set[1,(_finalPos select 1) + 5]; player setPos _finalPos; player setDamage 0; player setCaptive false; sleep 5; player playMove "amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon"; player playMove ""; 1 fadeSound 1; playsound "chopperLeaving"; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 3]; titleText ["","PLAIN DOWN"]; execVM "scripts\intel_hud.sqf"; sleep 3; 7 fadeMusic 0; 7 fadeSound 1; respawns = respawns + 1; playSound "radioStatic"; hint format ["%1 of %2 respawns used.",respawns, maxRespawns]; sleep 2; if (respawns < maxRespawns) then { execVM "scripts\respawnSetup.sqf" }else{ player removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; hint "Out of respawns!"; }; respawning = false;
  4. smacker909

    respawn problem

    Thanks, I have some work to do :)
  5. smacker909

    respawn problem

    Sorry I should have specified this is SP and not true respawn, but rather don't let me truly die, black out my screen and move me :) Funny thing is it's working fine about 90% as much as I have tested. I will check out the suggestions and post back. Thanks for taking the time!
  6. smacker909

    [SP] Rebel Yell!

    Thanks Pineapple! Added and tested. Coming in next update :)
  7. smacker909

    [SP] Rebel Yell!

    v1.03 -Added more units for custom squad selection. -Added Guerrillas and Anti-Armor teams at squad selection.
  8. smacker909

    [SP] Rebel Yell!

    Thanks for playing OP :) Version 1.02 - added Time & Weather setting to the VAS Ammo box so you can set for each mission. (noticed weather - setOvercast - takes a while to kick in) - added death animation for respawns.
  9. smacker909

    [SP] Rebel Yell!

    Updated : Corrected problem with handledamage eh left on after max spawns. If you have v1.0 you will be invincible after max respawns..if you have respawns enabled. Sorry!
  10. Hey guys. I did some searches but so far haven't found anything useful. I've been working on a sp mission for a while and thought I was about ready to publish when I realized when running from Single Player Scenario , as opposed to PREVIEW from the editor.. the MAP opens at the start of the mission, having to hit continue. This is causing me some trouble, since I'm blacking the screen and opening a dialog for settings at the start. When hitting continue, the screen is black, but the dialog isn't showing :( ~ I don't remember having this problem in A2, but didn't do much with dialogs back then. Is there a way to prevent the MAP showing at start of SP scenario? I have tried mapOpen false and forceMap false did not work.
  11. smacker909

    map open at scenario start

    Thanks KK, that removed the map. I wish I had thought to search for briefing. :(
  12. smacker909

    map open at scenario start

    Thanks JShock, it's working now. For some reason, I had to completely exit ARMA3 to instantiate the changes I made in init.sqf. Just opening the mission again in the editor and re-exporting wasn't working. Anywho. Thanks again!
  13. smacker909

    map open at scenario start

    Thanks for replying JShock. I tried the following and still getting the problem. Does the INIT file get read before the MAP opens? ranRebel = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "functions\ranRebel.sqf"; generatePatrols = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "functions\generatePatrols.sqf"; randomMusic = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "functions\ranMusic.sqf"; settingsDone = false; titleCut ["", "BLACK FADED", 999]; 0 fadeSound 0; _track = [] call randomMusic; playMusic _track; _scriptCall = execVM "config.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone _scriptCall}; titleText ["Rebel Yell - Mission Generator","PLAIN DOWN",.8]; waitUntil { time > 5 }; null = [] execVM "scripts\settings_dialog.sqf"; waitUntil {settingsDone}; titleText ["Rebel forces are taking control of Altis. \n Help restore order!","PLAIN",.8]; sleep 6; execVM "scripts\intel_hud.sqf"; execVM "scripts\missions\missions_dialog.sqf";
  14. Hey guys and gals. I'm trying to create a simple assassination mission. I want to be able to show the target picture to the player prior to the mission start, but I notice when using createUnit, I get random faces and headgear. Using; _hvtGrp createUnit ["O_G_officer_F", _finalPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; Is there a way to specify ?
  15. To many ai getting run over when foot patrols in area with vehicle patrols. Is there any way to not let ai take damage from friendly vehicles?
  16. I'm trying to generate civilians on Altis based on a mission location.. based on type of houses or location type. I'm trying to use 'find' command to search a string, but not sure I understand how to use it. I was thinking this should prevent my script from running , only when "PowerPlant" isn't found in the location class name; _locations = nearestLocations [position player, ["NameVillage","NameCityCapital","NameCity","CityCenter","NameLocal","Hill"], _maxRange]; _loc = _locations call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _locNameType = classname _loc; _string = format ["%1",_locNameType]; //hint format ["String: %1",_string]; sleep 4; // below I tried both '==0' and '< 0' if (_string find "PowerPlant" < 0) then { null = [getPos _hvt] execVM "scripts\civGen.sqf"; }; Also tried using search for "house" or "House" in object name; _houseList = nearestObjects [_pos, ["house"], 200]; { _houseName = format ["%1",typeOf _x]; if ((_houseName find "house" >= 0) && (_houseName find "House" >= 0)) then { _houseList = _houseList - [_x]; }; } forEach _houseList; But... i'm getting civ spawns in areas where I don't think the class names have house in the string. Of course.. I'm probably going about this all wrong :) From wiki ; FIND: Syntax: array find x Parameters: array: Array - array to search in x: Anything - array element to find Return Value: Number - 0 based position of the first array element that matches x, -1 if not found Alternative Syntax Syntax: string find x (since ["Arma 3","Arma3",127,126674,"Development"]) Parameters: string: String - string to search in x: String - string to find Return Value: Number - 0 based position of the first sequence of characters that matches x, -1 if not found \\\\ ---EDIT--- okay,, this seems to be working for finding 'house' in object name--- _houseList = nearestObjects [_pos, ["house"], 200]; { _houseName = format ["%1",typeOf _x]; if ((_houseName find "house" < 0) && (_houseName find "House" < 0)) then { _houseList = _houseList - [_x]; }; } forEach _houseList;
  17. Is there any wiki (or other) documentation on the modules from BIS? I haven't found any , but thought I'd ask in case I missed something.
  18. Not sure if this is the right forum for this so please feel free to move or remove as you see fit. I love making simple SP missions where I have lots of AI , 40 to 50 infantry per side ( including some light armor ) converging on a city/town and sticking my self in the middle of it :) Of course the issue is FPS drops once the action heats up. I keep the waypoints to a minimum , basically a single S&D for each group to the center of the city. It try timing the arrivals to space out the fighting somewhat. Obviously system specs play a role, mine aren't the best GTX660 and an i7 (something.. can't remember.. but not the latest) I'm getting around 30 fps (at medium settings) before the fighting gets heaving.. then it turns in to slide show at some points if I'm near a vehicle where logs of shelling is occurring. Any tips for creating this kind of battle without the FPS drops? or is that possible?
  19. smacker909

    city fighting and performance

    Kremator; I think Alive is great and will def. be messin with it, but I think my issue is general ARMA issue with battles containing high concentration of AI especially in large cities. At least according to some reading over in the tech sup forums.
  20. smacker909

    city fighting and performance

    redarmy - I think you are probably correct unfortunately. I've been reading more threads about poor fps in cities with lots of AI :(
  21. smacker909

    city fighting and performance

    I did take another look at alive and got it working - after watching the all of the tutorial videos.. very cool and will def. be diving deeper into it.. but for my fps issue, I'm starting to think I need to upgrade my CPU/GPU. Still have major fps drops with concentrated city fighting :(
  22. smacker909

    city fighting and performance

    thanks guys! I took a quick look at alive scared me a little haha
  23. smacker909

    city fighting and performance

    Thanks BangaBob, do see your point. I have used spawn scripts in the past for more in depth missions over larger areas. This is just simple drop some units on the map in the editor and go. The idea being , which side can take the city! So it's not just about what is directly beside or in front of me.. but also two blocks over. I like all of the ambient fighting too :) I will see if I can do some tweaking using spawn scrips as you mention though. Thanks again!