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Everything posted by suhsjake

  1. suhsjake

    US Basic Troops reskin

    There are still Active Duty units that use the M16A2 and M16A4, not everyone has M4s. If you were depicting a line unit such as Infantry or Cavalry, M4 MWS are standard. Secondary Units can still be issued the M16A2 (rare though) or the M16A4 (common). I can't say to much about the Marines, that isn't my area of expertise. @Bink, thought they would have taught you that in BCT? I know my DS did. Glad you learned something though. Also glad you are back as well.
  2. suhsjake

    US Basic Troops reskin

    There is an awesome function on the AN/PVS-14 NVGs that when you rotate the dail towards IR Light, any IR object, such as the IR Flag and 1in Squares, reflect very brightly. I think it is up to 7mi or something like that. IFF pretty much.
  3. suhsjake

    "Chernarussian" Language broken

    Erm... maybe in the multinational briefs, but everything after that is in their native language.
  4. suhsjake

    fox's small projects

    Bink might not be home yet from training at Ft. Benning or just busy catching up with life.
  5. suhsjake

    fox's small projects

    ALICE gear was still floating around. Mainly Reserve and Guard units.
  6. suhsjake

    Persian Hammer

    Guess what, The Army, Navy, and Marines are still using Hueys to this day.
  7. Jesus Christopher, that is a shite ton of BTRs. Now I know why the GAZ has not shown up yet.
  8. suhsjake

    Isla Duala

    Some of us are lazy here (myself included) and do not like to hunt around for stuff.
  9. I am requesting a small twin engine military cargo plane similar to an IAI-201, EMB-120, CASA C-212, DHC-6 Twin Otter, An-28, etc. I would love to see the CASA C-212 though. Thank you
  10. suhsjake

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    I demand moar perfection on UCP!
  11. In game or not, its pure sex.
  12. suhsjake

    Favorite weapon.

    You can never go wrong with an AK. My favorites are the AK-74M and AK-105. You might want to list an other option.
  13. suhsjake

    Persian Hammer

    Goin back to the 80's. Love the Huey.
  14. suhsjake

    OKB 915 addons for ArmA2

    Yes, this thread is no longer supported. Please go see the Red Hammer Studios thread. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9767 Also do not necro threads.
  15. Thank you for the update GMS. Good luck w/ all the detailing.
  16. I love the work RHS. BTW, what is the status on the GAZ-66 series?
  17. He still doesn't but that is what the DEA uses.
  18. suhsjake

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    Hey Varga, downloading Isla Duala is just a temporary fix for the Isla Panthera map. He didn't mean for Panthera to require Duala, but it was a unfortunate accident during the packing process. He is fixing it now so he can release a new version that doesn't require Duala. Please be patience as working with Visitor is a big pain in the arse.
  19. suhsjake

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    I'm getting the same error reports. Attached info. http://www.mediafire.com/?mkyxzzgn5ym Running vanilla A2 patch 1.5/ not beta patches Only mod running is Isla Panthera downloaded from Armaholic Only problem other than the errors is a funny line on the map at the FOB (see included screen) Jake ------------------------------------------------------------ Update ------------------------------------------------------------ When running with Isla Duala, no errors. See attached Info. http://www.mediafire.com/?zjx11xmmwgn Also redownloaded the island from your website, no change.
  20. suhsjake

    Project RACS

    My guess, its either a Tornado, Gripen, or Rafale. The Gripen is the most likely choice.
  21. That looks like a paper I would get back from a professor.
  22. Mike, I hope you replace all the aweful FPS reducing BIS stock trees in Chrenarus.
  23. suhsjake

    RH Aks Pack ver 1.2

    Don't mean to bring this thread up out of hibernation, but AKS-74M are still used by VDV and Naval Infantry. http://www.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=7973 Great work RH.
  24. suhsjake

    Taking a break

    Good luck mate. I know moving is tuff.