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Everything posted by stun

  1. AI is still going prone behind waist high cover unfortunately.
  2. Is it possible to use setUnitPosWeak without using it in an FSM script? I was hoping to use setunitposweak "middle" to counter act the default AI behaviour to go prone behind cover. I want to set the units to kneel, but I don't want to force it if they are under heavy fire as a setUnitPos command would do. So far my attempts to use setUnitPosWeak in a unit's init don't seem to be working.
  3. Thanks Maruk. I have resolved this thanks to your info. I did a file search for product.bin and it turns out my dta folder had magically made its way into another folder. I just moved it back and it is working perfectly. I am 100% certain this had nothing to do with the patch, so appologies for the thread title. Could a Mod please close this thread.
  4. Great fun so far. On Sieze the Airport the Bradley's and AT troops are rufusing to attack the BTR 60 that appears on the scene. Not sure if it is bug with A2 or the mission. No matter what I do I can't get anyone to attack it. Running latest 1.55 patch, BAF and A2. I get pretty strange lag on the first 2 missions - similar to what I get when running BI campaigns. You must have some heavy scripting going on in the back ground to lag my machine out. I'm running an i7 @4Ghz 6G ram and an ati 5870. Are you using the ALICE module in these missions as I have noticed it will lag my machine out? By the way I'm loving the the script that gets the Bradleys to provide support. How are you doing this?
  5. stun

    Ai thread

    @maturin Agreed. I have just been testing using Zeus AI and there is a definate improvement in defensive capability. Makes you wonder why BI don't sort this out with hard coding as vanilla is frankly embarassing at the moment.
  6. stun

    Ai thread

    The defensive AI in A2 is the worst I have seen in an FPS. When attacking the AI is pretty good, but there seems to be nothing coded for defensive situations. I did a test with setting some units up behind sand bags and set them a hold way point. What did the AI do; they promptly laydown behind the sandbags and refused to get up. I played as an enemy unit and wandered up to the sand bags and shot one of the units and then ducked down on the other side of the sand bags. How did the units respond - they didn't! they just kept behind the sandbags and didn't move! Come on BI in 2010 it is unacceptable that defensive AI hasn't evolved since Flashpoint. At the very least units should kneel behind cover unless they are supressed. They should also move to appropriate cover to get a better shot. At the moment AI will not move on its own to get get a better shot.
  7. Thanks for the update Rejenorst. I was a bit worried that it it was my computer's overclock that was causing the crash. I will play with A2 until the next update. Welcome back by the way. I'm very excited you are releasing missions again. I had planned to have a go at porting the cause for the Kju's fabulous CAA1 mod put didn't have the spare time. I recently had another look at it, but some of the issues may be more than my meagre mission making skills can cope with - as trying to deconstruct someone elses missions can take quite a bit of time - partilcularly yours as the are quite complex with lots of triggers.
  8. Bug Report: Not sure if this has been reported before. The Hunted mission is crashing when playing it using combined operations. I have tried both the A2 and A2OA versions of the missions with the same result. I used no addons and have experienced the crash with vanilla A2OA 1.54 and the latest Beta 74858. The crash occurs at the same place each time - it is the point when the character is starting to get up form the mass grave and the soldier points his gun at you. The game locks up and then stops responding. I have tested using A2 and the mission works fine, so it seems to be a problem with A2:OA.
  9. Thanks for the info William. I did check armaholic, but I checked under the Arma 2 addons. It didn't occur to me that it would be in the OA section. I will have to remember to check both from now on.
  10. Could someone please do me a huge favour and re-upload CiberAlex's update as the link no longer works.
  11. stun

    ION, Inc.

    I have wasted quite a lot of my time trying to guess the other logins. I have the video one but not the others. I'm sure I will kick my self when I find out. I'm having flash backs to how long it took me to figure out the log in for the old BI fun page. Can some kind person please PM me either the logins or a more explicit clue than has been given. Cheers.
  12. Are you using an Ati graphics card by any chance? If so you may be getting the red lines because you have your 3d graphics settings in the catalyst control centre forcing anti-aliasing or anisotropic filtering rather than using application settings.
  13. Personally I hope BI can reach a compromise without having to resort to a static viewpoint as the head movement really adds to the immersion of flying in A2. @Hailstorm, are you really saying that you can keep your head immobile when pulling off high G maneuvers? For me personally as long as the pilots head re-centres shortly after the initial high G move I will be happy. Disclaimer: I know nothing about the science of head up displays. I just know I love the new head movement when flying in what is after all a game and not a hardcore flight simulator.
  14. stun

    BAF Graphic problems

    I'm using an ATI 5850. The worst culprits for Low LOD models seem to be russian soliders. I don't have these issues when playing OA using OA content. It also seems to be completely random.
  15. stun

    BAF Graphic problems

    I often get low LOD soldier models when using Arma 2 content with the OA engine. It doesn't matter how close you get the LOD won't change. I have had this issue as long as I have had OA and it is still occuring randomly with the latest Beta.
  16. As far as I know the Arma 2 engine doesn't make use of hardware acceleration of sound rendering so getting a sound card would only improve sound quality and not performance.
  17. hmmm, i'm not able to see the videos at all, I'm just getting an add for william hill or something.
  18. stun

    ArmA 2: OA Beta Build 72967

    @KeyCat I have experienced low effects volumes in Trial by fire in every OA beta. I believe the volumes are low using OA vanilla as well. I remember opening up the mission and fixing it some time ago. I can't remember what value it is, but there is a volume value in the mission that is causing it when played with the OA engine. The issue also seems to affect the Counter Attack mission. A bigger priorty for me is for BI to get A2 content running well in OA as Chernarus seems to run much better with the A2 engine than the A2 OA one.
  19. At the end of the day if you aren't happy with the server arrangements. Don't use PR. I for one will be happy to play on the PR servers. After experiencing the confusion that is the Arma online community - aside from the few organised public servers that Gnat is referring to. I made the switch to BF2 PR for my online fix early this year. I have to admit it hasn't disappointed me.
  20. stun


    Finishing the game without bugs is just improved QA. Not an indicator of improved AI. We need to stop measuring the AI with other games as there is nothing to compare it with. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be improved. People like Solus have shown how much it can be improved simply with scripts. BI need to make similar changes to the hard coding. My main gripe with the AI is when you are a squad leader. They need way too much micro management.
  21. Yeah that works well enough for infantry, but it doesn't make a difference to vehicle speed. What we need is the ability to order a movement speed that is seperate to combat stance. Safe will force vehicles to use roads - but at full speed. what if you want to use roads but get them to drive slowly?
  22. stun


    @Jakerod I'm really surprised that BI didn't make the campaign playable form the different perspectives in SP. Someone new to BI games won't have a clue how extract the mission pbo and then piss about in the editor to play the different perspectives.
  23. stun


    I assume you mean a post in an unrelated thread? In my opinion for a full price stand alone expansion OA was a disappointment. In fact the only thing that has kept me loyal to BI and their games for the past 8 years is the fact that it is a unique product and as such has no competition. The AI has a long way to go. For example it would be nice if the AI reacted properly to suppresive fire - taking cover and keeping their heads down instead firing back without a care in the world.
  24. stun


    @Killerwatt Did the OP say he has Arma 2? This is a "standalone" game. If you only bought A2 OA which cost as much as A2 did you would have every right to be disappointed. Hell I own A2 and OA and I was disappointed with the length of the campaign.