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Everything posted by stun

  1. stun

    Movement speed tweaking

    @metalcraze I'm not saying that the original Alpha was high in realism. The point I've tried to make is that it is slowly getting pushed that way judging by the number of issues raised on the tracker saying "fix this as it isn't real". I'm happy with many of the requested changes asking for realism and have upvoted quite a few of them. All I am hoping for is a balanced game that pleases the many rather than the few. I guess my particular beef is with the dev teams clumsy handling of some of the changes and in particular their nerfing of the sprint speed to satisfy a tracker requst change for a "realistic" sprint speed (Don't even get me started on the darkened screen edges change). If I'm going to get punished for sprinting at least make it worth doing. As it stands the sprint is so slow, it's not worth switching from run. Rant over. Ninja'd by chortles!
  2. stun

    Movement speed tweaking

    @Masharra Sorry I thought I had addressed it when I said they need to satisfy their existing fanbase. The difference is that "old" players know that the game can be modded to suit their needs and since they have already put up with the quirks for a long time are unlikely to quit due to frustration. My point is there needs to be compromise. I've seen a lot of threads where it looks to me like the MP realism crowd are determining the direction of the Alpha. As an "old" player (who bought the flashpoint Gold edition in late 2001/early 2002) who prefers SP I wanted to offer a different perspective by highlighting the fact that not everyone wants vanilla Arma 3 to be an elite total realism simulator. I agree with you about the current lack of inertia and it would be nice to see this addressed but in all honesty I couldn't bear to see the Arma 2 movement animations make a return. Personally I thought smookie and the other devs did a great job with the animations and movement speeds at the time of release.
  3. Thanks for all the time and effort you have put into this project kju, it is much appreciated!
  4. stun

    Movement speed tweaking

    What was realistic about the movement in Arma 2? If I found myself walking like the Arma 2 animations in real life I would definitely book a visit to see my doctor. This is a game and for it be profitable it has to remain accesible to new players as well as satisfying the existing fan base. I'm pretty sure that new players who haven't grown up with the series and all its quirks would soon become frustrated with the terrible clunky Arma 2 animations. I've never tried aiming a rifle while moving at combat pace, have you? Although I'm pretty sure modern combat sights make it a lot easier. Making something difficult doesn't necessarily make it more realistic. If you want to dicuss realism, gun sights don't move around as much in real life as they do in Arma 3 when prone or kneeling. It's all about balancing realisim with game play elements. At the end of the day if BI make Arma 3 too elitist they won't sell as many units. Alot of what the realism people want can be modded into the game. For me the thing i've always loved about the Arma/Flashpoint series has been its abiltity to completely immerse me in the Armaverse; this was down to game balance, not realism.
  5. stun

    Movement speed tweaking

    I agree the crouch speeds do seem too fast. There should difinitely be more obvious speed diference between the different stances and running speeds. Crouch should be slower than equivalent standing stances, and sprint noticeably faster than run etc.
  6. stun

    Movement speed tweaking

    Are the Dev team still reviewing the movment speeds? As someone who mainly plays SP/Editor and isn't obsessed with realism I have found the new sprint speed to be quite frustrating. Appart from the animation change I can't see much difference between the run and sprint speeds. If the intention of the sprint is to provide a short burst of speed to enable a player to get to cover, then the current speed feels frustratingly slow i.e. like a fast jog. I know that MP players who are into realism made a loud case for slowing the sprint speed, but it almost feels like the dev team have toned it down too much -in my humble opinion there should be an obvious diffence between run and sprint which is no longer the case. Judging by the votes on the feedback tracker where the original request to slow the sprint speed down was raised I don't appear to be alone as 47% of the votes were against any change. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3164 Hopefully the Devs can achieve a balance that will satisfy gamers and players that are into realism. Surely those that strive for maximum realism can satisfy their desire by creating and using Mods (such as ACE did for Arma 2). After all a large but probably non vocal proportion of Arma 3 players probably play Arma 3 as a game and not as a hard core simulator. I'm not asking for the sprint speed to returned to the original alpha release values, but it would be nice if consideration could be given to speeding it up slightly in relation to the current run speed.
  7. Hi Fred, thanks for your efforts. Have you given any thought to removing the default Rlib stability augmentation settings from the flight model as it removes most of the ToH input lag and makes the helicopters more responsive to control inputs. I have added the below code to your flight model and it has made a big difference. I no longer over correct due to input lag. <FCSComponent type="FCSRotationDamper"> <YawController P="0" D="0"/> <PitchController P="0" D="0"/> <RollController P="0" D="0"/> </FCSComponent> For details: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?126795-flight-model-editing/page2&p=2054734#post2054734
  8. I can live with units losing their gear if they are forced to swim, it's just a pity that in ARMA 2 AI don't seem to be aware of small bodies of water and will often walk through them rather than go around or indeed even lie down in a pond to take cover. This means the AI lose their gear due to taking unnecessary swims which can be a little bit frustrating.
  9. I would definitely like to have infantry battles available in game modes other than the campaign.
  10. I've just signed up as well. I'm curious to see what a twenty first century reimagining of one of my favourite games will be like. And to support my favourite company of course!
  11. stun

    Take On: Hinds!

    Perhaps, but from the pilot seat it looks exactly the same to me - and frankly that's the seat I'm going to be in. Am i missing something? From the gunners seat the missiles seem to home in in pretty much the same way they did with the TOWs in A2. The main issue I have is with the unrealistic green boxes around targets and the lack of a collimator gun sight; also the lack of yaw indicator on cockpit instruments, the use of A2 style waypoints rather than a proper navigation system and the inclusion of the Arma 2 radar instead of a working radar warning receiver are a bit of downer. I just hope mando is going to put the new config values to good use. Also I was wondering what the point of aquiring a lock for a SACLOS missile is if it isn't ground stabilised, or is this intended to be used with other types of missiles in the future?
  12. stun

    Take On: Hinds!

    From the pilots point of view targeting is exactly the same as in Arma 2. Tab to select targets; the same lock on tone and stupid green squares around the the selected target. The only difference is that there is a red cross that seems to show where the gunner is aiming. To be honest I'm very disappointed that no real change has been made from Arma. I can't believe that you still have to select manual fire to fire rockets! For me it is exactly like flying the hind in Arma 2 with the exception of an improved flight model. I wasn't expecting DCS black shark level fidelity, but I was expecting improvements over Arma 2. Also for some inexplicable reason the Hind pilots in the missions I've played so far wear American uniforms and have American accents.
  13. stun

    Take On: Hinds!

    I sure hope BIS are planning on including a working yaw indicator for the ADI. For users who have the analogue gauges on the interface switched off there is no way to confirm whether you are slipping.
  14. stun

    Take On: Hinds!

    Have you tried installing the 1.05 patch and then re running the installer?
  15. stun

    Take On: Hinds!

    Did anyone else have to register the game and provide their email and key when they installed Hinds? The registration appears to be with Stardock.
  16. stun

    US Marines

    Amazing job Binkowski and team. Thank you very much. The only bug i've spotted is that the corpsman's helmet disappears at about 35 metres.
  17. I was getting these pauses and it was zeus.
  18. stun

    [SP] Black Forest Patrol

    Fun mission, thanks Snafu! It reminded me alot of playing the forest patrol mission in CWC. Are you working on any more missions to continue the story in Chernarus?
  19. Altering GPU_DetectedFramesAhead won't change anything as it is written by the engine when the game loads; it just reads the existing driver setting. Try changing GPU_MaxFramesAhead instead. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/arma2.cfg
  20. If I was you I would contact sprocket: support@idea-games.com i've found their customer service to be very good.
  21. I've tried out the amphibious mission and the latest pbo release with the latest beta and vanilla build. The scripts and pbo don't seem to be working properly any more. The infantry don't seem to be advancing ahead of the APV, they are just staying where they exited the vehicle. The vehicle sometimes drives off away from the troops - either sideways or forward rather than supporting them from behind. Can anyone confirm that the script is working properly with the latest builds of A2? Keep up the great work Sirex1! BI should have included something similar hardcoded.
  22. Thanks for fixing the AI not using walls for cover bug so quickly. I'm really loving this beta. I don't know if it's my imagination, but the game seems to be running smoother with this beta. I'm no longer getting lag when zooming either. Top job BI!
  23. stun

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 77750

    The last beta two patches have been a major step backwards in terms of AI using cover as far as I can tell. Currently on my Takistan test mission AI led units are lying down fully exposed when under fire instead of finding cover even though it is only a matter of metres away. They don't seem to like using low walls for cover as much as they did in 77159 and when they do use a wall they just lie behind it so they can't return fire. In 77159 the AI would make good use of walls and would often kneel, fire off some shots, lie down and then repeat the process - they would also reposition themselves for a better shot. The AI now seems to prefer using trees, bushes and buildings for cover. For me the AI feels the same as it did prior to 77159... Also, AI leaders seem to have gone back to ramboing it again - charging off ahead while their team stay far behind. As far as I'm concerned the AI in 77159 was the biggest AI improvement since the release of A2; sure it needed some refining, but now it seems to have regressed back to the old style use of cover. Sorry for the rant but I'm bitterly disappointed.
  24. hmmm. In my test mission AI lead units aren't making as much use of cover as before. Player led AI seem to be making even less use of cover due to trying to stay in formation - they are also back to doing that anoying maintain formation dance where they excessively reposition themselves attempting to maintain the perfect formation. Movement in the previous beta was far more fluid and natural in my opinion. For me I can't see much difference to this beta and the one prior to 77159. Beta 77159 brought the AI to life for me, I'm missing it already.