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Everything posted by SaOk

  1. SaOk

    What is your best/worst experience in Arma 3?

    Best Getting much nice new scripts commands for the game. Engine first time allowing open world sandbox without bigger issues. Worst MANW - dedicated to work for it for a year with 5 last months under liver virus and horrible anxiety dissorder. Then my giant COOP get dropped by some one weekend projects. Later my SP project get judged by some clueless group that dont give a word of explanation why they their result was so opposite to target audience voting. Getting to hear lies from BIS workers that I thought were almost friends to me. I am offered feedback twice, but everytime there is another BIS worker about to play my entry instead of gathering thoughts from the BIS jury members that have already hope fully experience of the entry. Still I should believe that 30 missions (including campaigns and dynamic sandboxes) where properly reviewed by folk that dont have any experience of the job. As game reviewing freelancer I know myself how impossible task that would be - 100s hours of work. Still after that, jury dont like to share any word of the giant task? Shouldnt they get some spotlight for that massive work? Why MP category was at the end all about small consepts and why story was the most important part in SP (I even remember one BIS jury member openly seeking story from SP entries in twitter)? Why not bother to say what you seek, instead make people work on something for year that isnt given any value at the end. I thought you seeked new big gamemode, but its was about small PvP and more narrow CallOfDuty corridor storyride. I could have made 30 PvP modes for you. This wasnt some fun one weekend t-shirt competition. People could have invest money in their entries and get skipped like my entry. Absolute unbelieveable how you can deal things this way. Just lazy and clueless. Did you even play all the MP finalist? And you probably realized my MP entry wasnt same as SP, only sharing name. Had probably more features in than all winners combined and community liked it the most. How its even possible to create something out-of-the-box, get most target audience votes and still drop 3 or more places down? Your game is battlezone, I made a battlezone gamemode that can be played anyway you like (supporting automatically basically all mods that have been made or to be made). And you are not interested? You hyped open sandbox world still for game2, had some dynamic missions for arma2 campaign. But none in arma3, and once you have 3 year worked easily customizable open world sandbox with smooth FPS in front of you eyes then you are not quite in mood to check it? I could have easily helped you to create fully dynamic campaign for near free (that you clearly are incapable do yourself) and without real risks. Why not take it? You know I can include any material in quickly in only hours. The biggest AAA-title games are sandboxes today, still you want to copy some dying static CallOfDuty genre. Been 8 years very active in the community, working also as ofpec staff, prepared missions for arma2 community mission pack (that was never released and no any sorry was given), been supporting you everytime you have asked and even wrote the highest and only 9/10 arma3 review for magazine that is listed in metacritic (i still think the game deserved that rate). But you think its okay not to say one word of feedback and sell my hard work for few second extra publicity for MANW partners. How you sleep at nights? Thanks ruining my favorite hobby.
  2. You need to download the dropbox version from the first post, unpack 7z, rename the pbo to WLA.chernarus.pbo and place it in steam\steamapps\common\arma 3\missions. Steam folder is usually in program files. Then just launch the game e.g. with AiA mod or the island alone and you can launch the mission for chernarus from scenarios menu. The overview will look as altis, but it launches for the map set in that pbo name. The other supported maps are listed in the first post too.
  3. WLA Status Update: In case someone is still waiting for more mission updates. I have to say that most likely I am not returning to create content for the game anymore. I still hang out in the forums, since its hard to stop the over 10 year habit. Cant forgive the fact they sold my work for quick extra publicity for their partners without giving any value for my long activity in the community. It was hard to stop playing own favorite game serie, but it been already for 3 months (only added the RSH template update). Luckily have found new game(engine) to be excited and put my creativity in. If someone happen to want creating modifications of WLA its still okay. But I am afraid, I will forbit to release Tanoa map support in public.
  4. Thanks :), yes the fractured version of object can have any number of pieces. But need to make sure the performance dont drop too much. Its possible to have own custom destruction effects too so I hope to make those wooden walls break as wood boards (not sure if board is the right word). Doing much balansing, just got dynamic shadows enabled back for trees without loosing much FPS. Its possible to set drawing distance for each object type, also set custom distance for each component in actors (e.g. furniture in doctor room). The most hit is still from AI, shadows and physics, so I need to focus on those. But very excited, seems like its possible to expand the map much and still keep it smooth quite easily. So far everything going as planned, just need to time to develop. Hope to have playable version available still during late fall or early winter. Edit: I tryed to thank the MANW jury for the massive work they did in one of the MANW news thread. And the censorship removed the whole post. Nice nice. :mellow: Edit2: Captured some screenshots of the UE4 Project. Still just playing around http://imgur.com/a/2hMhQ . Just working to get deers and ravens to work from the official "A Boy and His Kite"-video https://vimeo.com/122446782?utm_source=launcher&utm_medium=ue&utm_campaign=uelearn
  5. I am afraid the COOP might not have working artillery. In SP version there is own custom function for it. The slammer is given after certain task (that sometimes complete without player effort), it would need to follow mod template definitely. I am extreme poor to write guides. There is some data in briefing, field manual (esc mennu) and shift+1, but mostly player need to get familiar with the function by himself. The consept is bit more experimental simulation than just made around player. Grenades for launchers are missing, those are harder to pick from config. Should make some function for that. The GUI in SP was left quite WIP, I might try to do some updates and some point. Have been working whole summer on the UE4 Project. This is the latest vid (much placeholders in it): New video of AI and expanded house destruction. Another WIP video coming later this week (can find those in my youTube/Twitter, not posting ue4 stuff much here since of course its offtopic). Have been adding proper firearms last two days and expanding AI now much. Also more house piece types can be now destroyed and repairing them is now included. :) EDIT: Added the new video above. Sound wasnt captured and accidentally toggled off bullet hitting surface effects.
  6. Simple idea isnt always quick to add. Mostly could change the player side using notepad++ replace system, but there is so much loops (probably much over 1000 functions with much loops each) and tasks (~75) are made for specific side (also the poor story), that it will be quite big task. It would be more simple if I had orginally designed all scripts to work in both ways, but just been creating this consept using blufor. That have also made converting the MP version very annoying. The rearming function dont yet support crates. Strange if they leave vehicles to pick new weapon and stuck in loop, it worked earlier. Also heard some animations have started to get stuck again. Might take a look at it at some point. New GUI have also been quite WIP with issues still to tweak.
  7. SaOk

    Music Recommendations

    New home sweet alabama style song from Kurt. Album coming 25.9
  8. Hi, :) you are missing one r - should be WholeLottaAltis.Chernarus.pbo
  9. SaOk

    Russia General

    There is definitely bad movement in EU and USA too, but at least "we" have free press and no troll factories. People shouldnt stuck under one club and get delusional. Open your eyes and be free like a bird, people are the same everywhere.
  10. SaOk

    Russia General

    Its not very reliable to read news from sites that are owned by goverment or ministry of defence. That is just common sense. The idea of press is to get objective articles made by independent people. Else its just advertising or propaganda.
  11. Sure, modifications are okay so far there is no money taken (what happened with one guy modding DUWS). The mission pbo can be unpacked easily. @Baleur, pbo is probably better way to play or similar to unpacked. This is how the UE4 project looks so far. Very work in progress, much stuff still waiting to be done and tweaked. Going to blend different gameplay/ideas together again.
  12. Understood bit wrong, you can find arsenal functions here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arsenal So weapon removing happens with: [myBox,["arifle_MXC_F"],true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo; There is also functions to add gear to the virtual box. So e.g. change {_y = _x; box1 addweaponcargo [_x,1];} foreach _w; to {[box1,_x] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo;} foreach _w;
  13. You can get ammo and weapons with these commands magazineCargo, weaponCargo. First clean the crate where you want to put stuff if wanted. Clearmagazinecargo box1; ClearWeaponcargo box1; _w = weaponCargo box2; _n = magazineCargo box2; {_y = _x; box1 addweaponcargo [_x,1];} foreach _w; {_y = _x; box1 addmagazinecargo [_x,1];} foreach _n; Clearmagazinecargo box2; ClearWeaponcargo box2; You can find similar command for other items and backpacks here. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3 If wanting to store stuff virtually, you would need arrays e.g. set in object or missionnamespace. E.g. make array myWeapons = []; in init.sqf, then during mission you can add weapons to it like: { _y = _x; _n = 0; {if (_x select 0 == _y) exitWith {myWeapons set [_foreachIndex, [_x select 0, (_x select 1) + 1]];_n = 1;};} foreach myWeapons; if (_n == 0) then {myWeapons pushback [_x,1];}; } foreach _w; myWeapons will then look like [["weaponclass1",amount],["weaponclass2",amount],...] You can later e.g. move the content to crate with {crate1 addweaponcargo _x;} foreach myWeapons; myWeapons = []; Or first weapon would be picked with; _n = (myWeapons select 0); _wClass = _n select 0; if (_n select 1 > 1) the {myWeapons set [0, [_n select 0, (_n select 1) - 1]];} else {myWeapons deleteAt 0;}; Foreach, count, append and - are needed too when playing with arrays. It gets quite complex quick, but learned tricks are always usefull. ;) Let me know if something not working. Wrote the code without testing, but using similar methods myself. Only now spotted the weaponcargo command, have used getweaponcargo command myself which gives data more annoying way.
  14. Thanks :) yes the custom key are bit troubled. Mods may disable those too or not sure if there have been some changes in game that ended those be more unstable. May check that at some point. Seems like its better I backup the project to USB sticks again ;) Enjoying UE4 fully so I am afraid WLA stays very halted. Will be big obstacle to return so far BIS sees no conflict how they selected the winners. My delusional mind dont and will not see the logic. But BIS have the ball - if they want me create somekind of WLA DLC for Tanoa, would return in second. Loosing the prices was so big fall that dont want to continue working for free another years again. I believe the WLA SP project have grown so far that its passed over hobby project to ~standalone own (early access) small indie game (or more like expansion or DLC). Dont want to be only just a modder forever. Want to create some own game(s) and that is dead end with arma currently. I believe WLA is an unique own consept that BIS couldnt create by themselves since game industry forces all content to be schematic. I could offer something chaotic content instead. But not that mad. Just needed to do something new that required scene change.
  15. Thanks :) respawn system can be toggled off in start options. The custom first aid and revive can be turned off in shift+1. Not sure why the engines dont start. Could be some new game conflict. Having blank options sounds like you dont have latest game version. Verify your files in steam. Right click arma3 -> properties -> few pages right -> verify. Also make sure you have the latest WLA addon (from steam, dropbox or moddb) and rarely some mods may conflict.
  16. SaOk

    Music Recommendations

    New single from Beach House, this time more shoegaze. Seems like some My Bloody Valentine influence.
  17. Upealle näyttää metsät. Pitääkin lisätä tuki WLA:lle. :) Looking great, cant wait to try.
  18. Small WLA Amalgamation update: RHS Escalation template updated with the new mod insurgents replacing green army.
  19. Doing that already ;), that is how all sandbox games/modes work - the marked teams on map are just drawn icons and stored data. There is strenght stats array for each vehicle class counting who win, even ammo type have some effect. Then when you get near the marked team, that get spawned following the dynamically changing data. There cant be much AI spawned. FPS drops very quick especially when near bigger villages. Can mostly only wait game updates to improve that. I have probably worked around over 80% of the total editing time on the spawning-deleting loops. In the mission editor it look near empty since all is made from scripts.
  20. Thanks :) You can command artillery zones in map view also make them hold position. But will try to improve that too. Currently they should appear in nearest captured pier and move to your location. But if there is enemy between they may stop moving. Too many AI units bring FPS quickly down, but somekind of infantry zones could be coming at some point.
  21. The UAVs could be bit not working. Not sure if there was option to buy manned UAV from mil center or call support. That would be definitely one feature to add. ACE3 might conflict with my damage eventhandlers that are used to respawn. That might be impossible to fix unless you can toggle off the damage system in ACE. Hope to update mission quite soon. Havent been playing anything for over month (expect few hours Witcher 3). Forcing to focus all my energy into unreal engine 4. :) Always hardest part to make project reach something playable state. After that it turns into more fun to work with. Going to get this into steam greenlight voting during fall. After that may have more time for arma too even would be nice to expand the game same way for years (if it gets released). Still not sure what I am doing but throwing ideas/experimental material in and will see how it comes. Edit: Looking like this currently (more updates in Twitter/Youtube)
  22. Thanks :), hope to update the rhs template soon. The interface size could fitting if using small UI size. Should rework that too. You can already toggle auto rearm and heal off in shift+1 menu. Need to check that revive, also the arsenal in camps.
  23. Thanks, the bis revive (from end game) could be added by editing description.ext. I try to prepare some updates at some point. Will need to update RHS template too in SP to replace green army with insurgents. Working in UE4 takes all time currently, but visiting arma editor sooner or later.
  24. SaOk

    Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

    Looks promising and cant say no to game marketed with CCR music, :) Vietcong game from 2003 still have some best gaming memories. I hope this or that In Country: Vietnam reaching that feeling of jungle. Seems like both still focus only on MP as bit downside. Interesting to see how Tanoa will look and work too.
  25. High Command should work normally. You can see in UI (as HC groups number) when there is groups available. Its posssible some mod is blocking it. Before there was some weapon resting blocking it as default. All friendly side groups (except air team) that have more that 1 man should appear automatically in HC.